I don't hate blacks for being black any more than I hate dogs for being dogs. What about you?
Does anyone here actually hate blacks?
i think they're pretty cool usually, I've never had a problem with anyone based on race alone
I hate PC culture and the liberal brainwashing that is happening. But I'm not actually racist. I just joke about it here.
Most Sup Forumsfags don't hate black people we simply like to taunt/trigger them because it's so easy.
Nah. There are a plenty I like, from Killer Mike to Patrice O'Neal. Might disagree with them a lot, but they're still turned-on compared to the talking heads you see on TV.
Black people can be decent human beings.
Niggers all deserve to be gassed, though.
I think there's a difference between blacks and niggers. You can say there's a difference between whites and rednecks. Same thing.
But seriously, i hate niggers.
i don't hate anyone but myself
"Hate" is a strong word. I have prejudice for sure, and I think that's fair because it's usually matched. But no, I don't hate black people.
Most Sup Forumsfags don't hate black people we simply like to taunt/trigger them because it's so easy.
i dont care about races
im more scared of other cultures
I had to go to court yesterday for failure to update my address on my registration. More than 75% of the other people there were black. Most of them got off the charges with small fines. What was interesting was how many got thrown out for disturbing the order. They were trying to cut lone in front of the officers and judge, complaining about how it's not fair to the judge, falling asleep etc. really makes you think
I'm mostly wary of them, and hate all that have an attitude. I never hold the door for a black or get out of their way, ever.
People here do not like black culture and it was discussed many times.
People do not hate them only because their skin and genes are different but because of the way they act.
i hate self hating whites who promote multiculturalism far more than i hate blacks. blacks are a symptom not a cause
I do hate niggers its the only race I hate
I don't hate blacks, but I do hate niggers.
redditfags get out
you dont need to pretend to care about niggers on an anonymous imageboard
No. But if I don't say that I do, I'll break character.
Judge individuals by individual standards, and judge collectives by collective standards. It's not that hard.
The left is retarded because they'll ignore the fact that blacks in the U.S. fall one and a half standard deviations behind whites when it comes to IQ on the bell curve, and instead point to the one really smart black and say "Heh, Nazis btfo again!"
The right does the same thing but in reverse. It tends to judge individuals by collective standards, e.g. hardcore racists that judge every negro as a ferral animal.
In your interactions with individuals, treat the other as an individual. In your interactions with groups, judge them by the average of the group.
I hate niggers, not the Negroid race in general. I have met plenty of blacks who work just as hard as myself and other whites.
Fat nigger hamplanets are my pet peeve.
Black people are awesome. I love the part about how they commit so much crime! So cool!
I wouldn't dislike them if they stayed in Africa.
Yah I legit despise blacks.
t. went to ~55% black middle and high schools in St. Louis
I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers.
i love how they had a chimpout and rampaged through my capital city stealing random shit, for basically no reason
I'm not racist. I am not ashamed of acknowledging statistics either. Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime and that means that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Poor blacks shouldn't be breeding like rabbits because that causes more poverty and more crime. These are not racist viewpoints, they are just common sense.
This right here. Judge individuals individually and judge groups collectively.
I will say though that recently I have developed a unconscious aversion to them and can no longer enjoy their company or music or media. This is due to a negative experience, maybe it will fade away with time.
I've seen like 2 black people my entire life and they seemed alright.
Stop saying there's a difference. All blacks are niggers. Quit with this newspeak bullshit.
Yes, they have nothing to do in europe.
I dont hate blacks for being blacks, I hate most blacks for being criminals/gang banging faggots.
Cry about it.
>I don't hate blacks
I'm curious to know what state you live in.
Hate? No.
I do however, want them out Europe & North America. They should all be in Africa where they belong. We shouldn't mix our races and cultures, or we'll have no race or culture left.
only a small percentage of blax commit crime, despite what the autistic hivemind would like to think. inb4 i'm shilling, i've been on this board of nearly a decade in all of its manifestations, so blow me.
>All blacks are niggers.
My old man lives in your area. You've got some niggery niggers up there.
>not that we're any better, we actually have Haitians, as well
I don't really hate them because I've almost never encountered them in my life.
I've only talked with like one irl in my life. He was ok, I guess.
there are good ones and bad ones. I just don't buy into all the white guilt bullshit.
I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers. Actually, hate is a strong word, more like fear and loathing of ghettos and ghetto encroachment. Hell, blacks hate niggers more than I do. Why else did you think they push for rights into white school? If whites are so racist, wouldn't they be scared of going there?
Not really but yeah.
They make up what 14% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crimes. yup just a small percentage committing the majority of crime nothing wrong with that right?
I don't care about niggers. That's the thing - I don't want to be conscious of them. Being a racist is work.
All I want is a 100% white country.
You just have to accept that some people are assholes and some people aren't. I've had a lazy black coworker that would put off his work on me and the other workers, but I've also had a white coworker that would openly complain about doing the work everyone else was doing. I've had a black customer arrive 30 minutes late to pick up their food order, call back 20 minutes later to complain about her food being cold, then arrive 10 minutes later to get her food redone. The important. On the other hand, I also had a white guy try to scam me out of $100 during the holidays because he thought I was the manager.
For the most part, chimping out does get them what they want when dealing with customer service. But they've been doing it for so long that that's your reaction to anything you perceive as negative.
I actually like dogs though
I don't really care about them unless they start chimping out desu
I fucking hate muslims though
I judge everyone individually in person, but you cant deny facts about black communities and mexican communities
I don't hate blacks that stay in Africa far away from white people.
I hate them as much as I hate everyone else, but not more