German youth without immigration background are the least educated youth group in Germany. Refugees and germanized turks are smarter and more educated than Hans.
blatant lie lol
>1/3 of pupils have a migration background
I want this shit to end. Why are they doing this to us?
The data is from government body that does statistic!!!
I knew germans were stupid, but not this much...
t. refugee stuck in serbia
Trusting the german governments "official" information not to be lies.
Aim low sub IQ buddy.
Go learn german you retard and read the article.
The ignorance of west led to this, and yet they continue to be ignorant...
>data is from government body
That means it's worthless.
Probably not even a refugee he's probably a wannabe "truck driver"
While Auslaender are using german educational system and becoming smart, you are sitting in some treehouse, angry and humiliated because some 14 year old turk knows more than you, and shitposting.
>Essentially just a turk with a funny flag
I beg anglo retards and 200 years old 'nations' and countries not to respond . This thread is only for Great Europeans.
lel how come all our Refugees in the camp in my town are unemployed
Are you retarded? The link you provide shows exactly the opposite.
No, but you are.
30.5% of turks and 34.3% of refugees have Abitur (highest possible high school education diploma), while only 26% of germans without immigration background have the same.
obvious shill thread
standard cultural marxism - "you whites are really the lazy ones you know"
"Whoever has a migration background has statistically less education success: one in ten has no general school leaving, whereas in people without a migrant background, it is only every 50th. The higher the class in the German school system, the less pupils with a migration background."
It says this in the fucking article wtf can't you read?
Because of bad educational policy in the last couple of years, this is why we need Schulz
He will fight social injustice and he will MEGA
Because you're shitposting about it instead of revolting.
/thread I guess
What a waste of time
when do you start marching? thats when it will end