Liberals will get the full blame!

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> when

First next terrorist attack in US and Trump will have a field day on Twitter ripping them all new anus.


Liberals don't fight in wars, They wait it out while American citizens fight at the front line

>no attacks since 9/11 that weren't by ameircans

keep dreaming trumptard



jajaja you spent years ridiculing false flags, now you cant say shit jajajajajaja

>Liberals will get the full blame!

that's the plan all along.

>stage a false flag
>declare martial law
>remove 9th circuit

>America gets attacked again
>it's done by a Saudi

What would Sup Forums and Trumps reaction be?

Have to wonder if that was the plan all along

>only ban 7 muslim nations attack happens,

We must be tougher, bans all Muslims nations, dems get blame

>To make omelets, you need to break some eggs
Put refugees in body bags

>Open the gates for the caliphate
Blacks fuck your daughters while you masterbait

You're a fucking moron.

For instance, just the last attack:

2016 Ohio State University attack, 11 people were hospitalized for injuries after a car ramming attack and mass stabbing occurred at Ohio State University. The perpetrator, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was a Muslim Somali refugee and legal permanent resident of the United States.

no one ever attacked US (except Canadians), it was always US who attacks, also after 9/11 all terror attacks were done by US citizens, also 9/11 is widely considered as an inside job

so while you wait to blame it on liberals, liberals are arming themselves, good luck lad

is this a new pasta?, good luck lad

simple, blame Iran


trump already responded to this and said the list was preliminary, based on the obama administration findings, and that they would likely need to expand it.

Don't forget the Pulse shooting where the terrorist pledged his allegiance to ISIS and praised Allah on to a 911 operator before committing this act of terrorism.

>also after 9/11 all terror attacks were done by US citizens


American: "The government should do more to protect the United States."

Trump: *Signs executive order to halt and review travel to 7 middle eastern countries for 90 days*

Kike Court: "BAD GOYIM!!!"

Terrorist: Allah Akbar!!! *BOOM*

Trump: I told you so.

American: WTF?! Kike court did this!!! Trump tried to stop this!!! Rev up those ovens!!!!


This would've happened even with the Muslim ban.

Blumpf's hate speech caused this.

Nice try, kid.

I eagerly await the next durka durka strike.

Leftists elite politicians literally don't give a shit about Mexican/Muslim crime pouring into the country.

They live in gated white communities, and many have Secret Service agents protecting them. They just import shitskins to give them votes, then live off their guaranteed government paycheck until they die; the future of white civilization be damned.

That messaging lost the Dems 1000 seats during the Obama administration, the 2016 presidential election, and the House and Senate. Keep it up Libcucks.

Good luck lad


born in New York, dipshit

prove it, all were US citizens, every single last one of them

>Liberals will get the full blame!
B-but Bush, b-but Trump is president!
Even if they have no argument, they will convince themselves they have one.

yes they will.
t.bernout for trump

I hope it's west coast

Are the walls of those communities high enough you cant throw explosives, maybe with slingshots over them?


before i didnt really hate refugees. and i didnt hate black people that much, i also was pretty tolerant to muslims

but now i hate them


its gonna get worse, more people in america is going to start hating refugees. and muslims.


whos fault is this? the liberals/

Wrong website.
We don't want you here libtard, fugg off

You mean get their ass kicked bu goat fuckers? Liberals have proved themselves to be high test and high energy these past three weeks maybe if we had more of them on the front lines we wouldn't lose wars?

democrat party in america is dead thanks to 2016 man, no worries.
they lost congress majority, they lost the white house, they lost everything.

they'll keep on losing too, not that they have much else to lose in the first place except maybe a grip.

anyway, the party is dead. they have never done a single good thing in the history of america, ever, really ever. all they do is spend a fuck load of money and start wars or do retarded shit and not even fagot retard mcnormie hickstain deadbrain could deny that.

there is only one other thing in the entire universe that sucks as much, an that's a black hole - and still a black hole sucks less. anyone who aligns as liberal democratic would have a better chance escaping hell if they committed suicide right this instant instead of waiting for judgement day.

there is no greater failure state of existence than being a liberal democrat.

This was justified though.

I hope it's Oscars/globes/mtvawards or something of equal lack of value.

too bad most U.S. terrorist attacks are done by U.S. Citizens

liberals live miserable boring lives. They need something to verify their existence even if it goes against common sense.

Oh yea, knocking over trash cans, burning down berkley, punching women, getting beat up by cops, going to jail, shooting eachother

Why are American so happy to go to war for stuff that doesn't concern their life (e.g. Vietnam, Irak), just cuz it's what politics or kikes' lobby want them to do?

Operation Northwoods 2.0

They could use the same actors that did Sandy Hook and Boston

Trump is going to pull a Bush esque false flag calling it now.

if we get attacked, blame the intelligence industry, shitty law enforcement, lax gun laws, and Trump for baiting the terrorists

Liberals only like easy targets amongst their own kin. Traitors are the lowest form of scum and will burn the fiercest in Kek's mighty flames.

They are going to learn the hard way, and it will be glorious

NAH SON. The next terrorist attack will be 100% on liberals and those judges, and it will be BEAUTIFUL to watch. I really hope some crazy mudslime does something soon

Liberals should not only get the full blame, but also the full treatment.

I don't want to see a terrorist attack =(
you suck

stack bodies for the fucks of it

FPBP is like magic its always true

Daily reminder that any attack would literally be an inside job by the Trump administration.

Tulsi 2020.

Trump has been crossing his fingers for a major attack for months


Racist white Drumpfkins incited him to violence

Even Rush is saying whats it going to take before people realize Americans are hated.


Ya blame everyone but you own virtue signaling faggot ass

trump will burn the reichstag

trump is not evil enough to pull off another 9/11 hes cucked himself

It's still on Trump, he would still get blame along with national security agencies.

Killed fags. Americans laughed

Trump should now just allow all the Syrians in, but place them all in California.

It just shows that the travel ban as planned by Obama wasn't complete and it could have been extended to Saudi Arabia if it wasn't stopped in the first place. Still works in Trumps favor and makes the democrats look bad.

That's the plan

I went to Afghanistan, Something that directly affected the US.

>people still won't call Orlando shooting the biggest terrorist attack since 9/11
There's a reason Trump won Florida.

If digits we get a muzzie terrorist attack this week

>ywn have a cartoonishly giant penis for a left leg

He should. Obama was strategically placing rapefugees mainly in red states. Trump should move them to the blue states being as they want them so bad.

And you're crying for another one.

any anons from the seven nations willing to do the movement a solid?

False flag when?

Nope. It'll be called a false-flag Reichstag fire designed to further Trump's power and agenda. CNN, the Guardian and a bunch of other lefty groups are already pushing this narrative.

So let's get this straight. Trump is so fucking weak that he can't protect the country without executive orders? Why doesn't he ask Congress?

So trump has a political motivation to radicalize muslims in order to encourage a terror attack in the US?

Haha. I drink to keep me calm. Id rip at least ten heads off before im shot in the back by traitors. Liberals are fucking traitors.


Congress should immediately start building refugee camps directly in the middle of the most affluent neighborhoods in LA and San Fran.

This. Trump should take in tons of refugees and place them only in select cities. Then just wait.

why and how?


For the first time in my life, I PRAY this country is ass blasted by muslims and then skull fucked by drug crazed beaners.

Fuck you pussy, after this ruling, any terrorist attack by a mudslime would be amazing to witness. It would empower trump and make the left look really bad. It needs to happen for the best

The state is set for a small scale false flag... Once upon a time, I never would have thought my countrymen were capable of such a thing.

I cant wait for 9/12 its gonna hit america like

but that means they are going to be suicide bombing mainly in blue states

I knew it, KEK confirms.

5D chess master.

i doubt it they already have the jihadis in the country in place, desu we civilwar 2.0 now and the opposition obama/clinton beast will come back they already set up caches with the 2billion rounds of hollow point ammo, so they false flag it and trump has to act then the commies start up the civilwar and its an all out fight to the death


Cite sources for Refugee/Muslim attacks in the past 3 months.

Ya can't, can ya?

Boston bombers were refugees faggot. Your stupid cucked semantics are faggy, fag boi.

>tfw Huffington Post quote this post as proof that the hacker Sup Forums was paid by Trump to mastermind the terrorist attack

Not only that but children of immigrants should count as well. It is very possible their parents are the ones radicalizing them.


They've tried, but unfortunately our intelligence services stop them, which goes against their own interests.

thats means good land and infrastructure getting destroyed at the hands of towelheads

Denver and Fort Lauderdale ?