Should congress defund it?
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Should congress defund it?
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clearly something needs to be done to distribute the cases out more, assuming they all take the same time.
Political liberalism[edit]
According to the most current count, the Ninth Circuit has the highest percentage (68%) of sitting judges appointed by Democratic presidents. Republicans argue the court is biased because of its relatively high proportion of Democratic appointees
Others argue the court's high percentage of reversals is illusory, resulting from the circuit hearing more cases than the other circuits.
Associate Justices Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee that the consensus among the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States was that the Ninth Circuit was too large and unwieldy and should be split.
Congressional officials, legislative commissions, and interest groups have all submitted proposals to divide the Ninth Circuit
What am I looking at, Frenchie?
They should break it into multiple districts
How the fuck can one court be so wrong so many times? I thought judges were professional barristers?
More than that, half the judges should be "retired"
LOL California alone could fund it. 7th largest economy in the world. Don't fuck with us trumpfags.
Oh you mean gerrymandering LOL the only way Republicans can win.
20% of the population exist under the jurisdiction of one court circuit.
It needs to be broken up
if california fell into the ocean it'd all work itself out
California is the most populated state in the US that's why.
If CA were to seceed the entire country would go bankrupt. It has the highest state economy in the US.
Yeah so california can have its own circuit and all the other states can form another circuit.
Done and done.
>defund it
I'd say it should just be disbanded and re-established, it can be done via a simple majority congressional vote
Article III of the Constitution section 1
>The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
No. Just because conservatives hate liberals and vice versa doesn't mean that the districts need to be redrawn to favor one over the other. If conservatives don't like California they can leave and move.
I'd rather live in a bankrupt country than have to hear about one more fucking celebrity couple
Washington attorney general is speaking live right now. President Trump is owned KEK.
Its not about liberals and conservatives
Its about the system being clogged with so many cases that they can't even get any work done.
They have to many people and the turnover rate is abysmal, don't be fucking retarded. That is what happens when the country grows you fucking idiot.
Californian here, we're going to drive you faggots into the sea.
Just build more courts then.
That's not how it works
holy shit explain this to me? was this just a political stunt?
do you go and litigate in the 9th circuit because you know they will deny the appeal?
What's it like living in a liberal state?
>Others argue the court's high percentage of reversals is illusory, resulting from the circuit hearing more cases than the other circuits.
We're not wrong! We just happen to make more decisions which are later proven to be wrong!
how you gonna fund it when all the money leaves to keep your commie hands off it/
Well we'll just get President Judge Robart to order more built. KEK.
It's like being behind enemy lines and all the money you make goes to the state.
You just got a raise? Neato, you get taxed more.
We'll build a court house and Donald Trump will pay for it!
>high percentage of reversals
>resulting from the circuit hearing more cases
Sounds like some liberals don't understand what a percentage is.
Yes but if you lose your job or life falls apart for whatever reason, you have more of a safety net.
Sounds like conservatives are upset.
If you are a coal burning single mother sure.
please tell me you know about marginal tax rates
Jesus christ
Look man, let's be serious here. You can't predict every single tragedy that's going to happen. When something does happen you have a better chance to get back on your feet.
I think you secretly agree with me
Yeah I agree you should leave for Commiefornia. Leave whatever free state you're currently ruining.
Should congress continue to suck trumps cock?
If I had the money I probably would move to CA. It's beautiful there, but expensive.
Lol Julian Castro was talking about the possibility of Congress removing Trump from office.