It's on!
It's on!
just back down trump you can't win
What a fucking jackass
Trump always wins!
Can't wait for this old cunt to die of a heart attack within the next two weeks
What a fucking leaf
Snip snap!
>he doesn't know
He just lost.
They literally have no ground to block the temporary suspension.
Fuck you
Trump suicide soon friends. He's on the edge and I can't to see him take that leap off trump tower.
He is fucked.
Trump is gonna invade the US with his TrumpTroopers!!!!
Still waiting for that OC fampai
No he didnt kike
no, but they can jerk him around for about 3-4 months.
just defund the 9th circuit through congress and impeach justices that don't follow the law
National Inquirer the most reliable news said Hillary got caught trying to flee the country and Bill and Obama both turned on her and gave testimony.
This is gonna be good, because inevitably another ahmed will chimp out and Trump can say those judges are directly responsible for the people killed.
Post your face when a terrorist attack happens from one of these countries while Trump waits on the SCOTUS and then we get an even stronger ban than we originally wanted.
damn that's crazy, he doesn't go ALL CAPS mode unless he mad
Here's hoping it's in Seattle.
>tfw the local law enforcement recieves orders from above to prevent the Feds from properly investigating the matter
>we see another """journalistic""" feeding frenzy, swooping in like vultures, destroying all evidence of the crime, just like we saw with San Bernardino