Never judge a book by its cover pol. Hope you learned a lesson

Never judge a book by its cover pol. Hope you learned a lesson...

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So like 4% of American business owners are business owners? How weak. America btfo.

haha but I bet he has 10 kids that live in ghettos

So 11% of Syrians in America own a 7/11?

A hookah shop with a rape dungeon in the basement. Wow I'm impressed.

don't they get some kind of tax dodge for being immigrants?

Syria had a population of 23 million people, 5-6 million have left the country 10,000 came to America and 11% are buisness owners meaning 1,100 business owners came to America. America has a population of 318.9 Million even if 1% of those are business owners that makes 3.189 million business owners so how do the syrians out number americans?

business owners as in owning businesses

with bombs

I'm a "business owner" too. Took me 5 minutes at the county clerk to create it. Never did anything with it.

coming from someone who's family has owned multiple businesses and even co owned with literal retards, i can say its really not hard at all to say you own a business and only really requires a not too large sum of money that my cucked gov is more than happy to give to anyone who's brown. Also in the middle east it seems to be normal for everyone to own a business either it be a market stall or a bootleg electronics store

Why are we robbing Syria of such valuable assets then? Surely they need the talent to get their country into shape.

actually retarded

>Selling donner kebabs out of a fucking van = "business owner"

Yes, 7 years of not paying the same taxes other businesses pay.

lol what the fuck is he trying to say

Yes the ever overflooding of Falafel,kebab and pizza places that carter to falafel and kebab. God they bring such diversity into the u.s

American grassroots economy is in shambles and only 4% can own a business

But 100% of US Born Business Owners own businesses.

>To make omelets, you need to break some eggs
Put refugees in body bags

>Open the gates for the caliphate
Blacks fuck your daughters while you masterbait

It only takes one radical out of the thousands of 'business owners' to blow up a building.....

Feel your fury
Feel your hate


Your mental state

so nobody wants to fucking hire them lol

You'd think, but considering your (((researchers))) that might actually be how they came up with the number.

If you take away owners of 7-elevens, how many does that leave?

>syrian immigrants are stealing our businesses

it's bad enough beaners are stealing our jobs, now this?!

>use ancient runes to curse the coons

>11% of Syrian immigrants to the US are business owners, more that triple that of the US born business owners
it took me a while, but I think what he's trying to do is compare them to second generation immigrant children.. So children of Syrian immigrants. Children born in the US. But only 3.5% of them are business owners..
I think that's what he's trying to say.

take your jew math back to the oven.

aren't 7-11 owners indian though? Classic retard.

Selling food from a shitty vendor truck isn't noteworthy.

So progressive

people need that diarrhea from that truck food though

>not recognizing my get
dun goofed burger

and why do they so easily get business loans and free money from our government while americans continue to suffer?

it's fucke dup

Fucking coward should have picked a side and held his ground. We don't want him.

Do you want to know why gas stations, for example, are all owned by middle easterners?

Because they first generation gets here and they buy this gas station, right? Well they have 7 years of not paying the same taxes other businesses pay. So do you know what happens? "Hello, my brother Muhammad, I have business opportunity for you. Come work at my gas station in America." The brother comes over and the previous owner "sells" the ownership of the gas station to him. Guess what? 7 more years of these lower taxes! Then guess what happens. 7 years later, "Hello, my brother Achmed, I have business opportunity for you. Come work at my gas station in America.

Repeat forever.

Go ahead. Go to a gas station. Ask them.

Don't get me wrong, gas stations are not the only industry this happens in. The point is, this is why we need reform. This is why someone needs to start talking about this retarded horse shit. This is just one of the many things that is holding this country back.

also, lol. no wonder Twitter can't make money. Honestly, imagine being an investor and seeing this from the CEO of any company you have an investment in, let alone a supposed multi-billion dollar company. God damn Jack is fucking retarded.

What the fuck? Everyone should pay taxes! (Except president Trump course)

i'd be a business owner too if the government paid for my housing, bought me a car and gave me money to start a business.

but im just a lowly native of my country who is buried in student loan debt, forced to work for our corporate overlords for minimum wage and taxed what little i do make so that said immigrant can start their business.

yes, my street is dying for a 14th kebab corner...

Ill bet dollars to doughnuts that the reason it was so damn important for the administration to get them here is because someone in the family helped our spooks in some way.

Yeah, we got the recipe now, they can fuck off.

>judge a book by its cover
But you can, on the back cover there's usually a handy synopsis. You can also see what the fuckers going to cost you up front

>business owner
You mean WERE a business owner. You can't just make business out of nothing.

Thank you. I was going insane thinking I missed something.

I guess one way to pass off bullshit statistics is to include them in completely unintelligible sentences.

having a stall at the bazaar is not comparable to american business

It's easier to start a business when you have all the gibs you can ask for.

They're all gas station operators anyways so "business" owners.

>syrian immigrants in america are ok people

not really surprising, considering the fact that syria was a pretty well off country until the war started.
also, the american immigration system is tough as hell and weeds out all the fucks. only the very best make it through to legal immigrant status.
and even if you look at syrian refugees, america literally gets to pick and choose the best of the best from the refugee camps in jordan and turkey (where all those who are actually displaced by the war stay)

it's actually really simple

>be yurope
>free gibsmedats for all foreigners, no questions asked
>worst kind of human garbage comes flooding in

>be america
>extensive vetting, only approve functional and decent people who are qualified and willing to work
>get functional and high quality immigrants

>You can't just make business out of nothing.
What are shell companies?

[citation needed]

this isn't true

Immigrants get all kinds of government grants and tax writeoffs to open kebab shops and convenience stores.

except for the fucking somalis.

those people are just a cancer

>the american immigration system is tough as hell and weeds out all the fucks. only the very best make it through to legal immigrant status.

Klaus, you're retarded

you're totally not a troll

citation fgt


>Dilapidated falafel shack
Pick one and only one

That is just plain made up.

compare to jewish business owners

Yeah like kebab and hookah shops will help our econ. Its not like they are self sufficient either, you bring the business owner you get his whole extended family which leeches more than it provides. No thanks.

Canadians everyone.

wtf I love refugees now

Uber doesn't count as opening a business.

>sell knick knacks and stolen rugs without permit
>we be business owners and shit now.

Exactly this, and the funny thing is a lot of these "businesses" are propped up by government aid.

Like when you see 5 Mexican restaurants on the same street and only one them ever actually has any customers yet all of them stay open.

"Business ownership" is quickly becoming the new meme. Since people associate it with success when in fact most business ventures end in failure or require subsidies to stay open.

WTF does that even mean,

>tfw its easier to start a buisness in syria

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is near the top of my list of people I'd like to take a baseball bat to. I despise this racist self-hating faggot.

Butthurt wage slave

wow these sandniggers are such majestic businessmen, how come their country is/was a shit hole when they're so industrious? surely the could turned it into the shining light for all the other earthlings to aspire to?

>Falafel shack


Syrians are great people, just look at syria! great country!


we have enough kebab stands thanks

Thats because those are only people that the US let's in. I'm actually surprised it is that low.

>Basically if you're non-white you get free money from the jews and government to form a business, get certifications, training, and special loans and grants

Theres basically a giant international loan and subsidy network to support diaspora in the US while natives get shafted at every turn.

Please, tell me how many of them are shitty rug-store owners that generate no profit.

And of course immigrants own more businesses, they're the small section of their society that's just barely smart enough to get the fuck out of their shithole country. They can afford the papersigning and bureaucratic bullshit and can pay for the plane ticket.