The 9th circuit court has just refused to reinstate Trumps Immigration halt. I think we might have a possible Civil War or a Judicial Coup on our hands. Prepare, The God Emperor is going into his final form.!!!
Uhh Guys
>Civil war over this petty shit
Call me when FEMA starts gunning people down in the streets, kid.
This is what happens before a Civil War bud.
I wouldnt mind a civil war, im getting to the point where im starting to hate leftist communist cucks more than kebab, and thats saying something. So bring it on you cucks.
The fucking retard replying calling him a loser
He's a fucking multi billionaire president, fuck you
The Commander and chief gave his order.
They need to die.
yes, but it's only the shills who will be executed for their crimes. only shills will die.
we'll sterilize their offspring.
we'll teach them to know the shame of their genetics.
when they become teenagers we'll turn them to crime & drugs.
when they hit adulthood we'll point them towards prostitution before convincing them suicide is the only way out.
all because their loser single-parent "just needed a job" and ignored the moral implications of what they were doing.
(((the fucking retard))), you mean?
>every fucking time
>Hey my Jews
>ITT: triggered trumpcucks because the orange cunt got STUMPED
The ninth circus court? No kidding?
>The God Emperor is going into his final form
And nothing will happen except him throwing a tantrum and everything unconstitutional being thrown out.
the decision was to delay the executive order until the washington state court case against it goes to court. but its not cancelled
Is his final form a lumpy wet noodle? Trump's best response to this was "see you in court"?
Generally in the courts if you want to win you have to present an argument of some kind. "See you in court" won't win him the case when he's in court....
>"hey my jews!"
>Civil war
Hard times create tough men. Generation Z will truly be the greatest of them all. Kek wills it.
This isn't a surprise, it's the 9th circus court and was pretty much expected.
How can someone be as stupid as this poster is?