ITT: We post Jews we like.
ITT: We post Jews we like
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>Ethan is jewish
I thought his gf was, either way, fuck off man, all jews must be killed
We like that fag?
He literally bitches about other youtubers for doing shit he does. He's a fucking faggot, kike.
I like Ben Shapiro
>Ethan is jewish
>Ethan Klein
Fat ugly kike!
Please go away.
Lil dicky
Pic related
Sup Forums
in order to outjew the jew we became the jew
good post
Goldwater was based as fuck
>no bobby fischer
Fucking nu-pol. He's literally the best jew. He's better than all of you useless fat goyim.
Larry David is pretty based
(((Michael Savage)))
(((Andrew Breitbart)))
I like his wife.
Jewess temptress.
>fuck off man, all jews must be killed
>Ethan Klein is jewish????
looks like they're safe around you
Came here to post him. Bobby Fischer and Brother Nathanael are the only acceptable answers
My favorite jews. The crispy as fuck vareity.
haha she is a horrible actor
You guys told me this never actually happened. Wtf I hate Sup Forums now
Mel Brooks
hoping for 9
jidf plz go
Richard Feynman and Steven Pinker.
eh thats pretty good too
i used to masturbate to naked nazi victims about to get executed
ethans a crypto-pollock
he can't agree with us officially, but he agrees in nature
> based
H3H3 fucking sucks.
eh she's all right i guess
The irony that the most racist presidential candidate in modern US history, who makes Trump look like Justin Trudeau, was Jewish.
Shame Sup Forums wasn't around back then, imagine the cognitive dissonance.
Yeah I don't get it. Why is Ethan """funny"""? He made like one or two relatively entertaining videos once and then just started talking about Youtube drama. It's fucking stupid, it's not """funny""", it's all just boring. Really, fucking, boring.
I mean idubbbz mostly shits on people, but his collective shits are pretty well put together. Great shots, good skits, some funny memes, et cetera. It's not always just him talking into a camera as he talks shit. He corners a niche market.
What does Ethan cut into besides baby penises?
Goldwater wasn't racist. He was just autistic about the Civil Rights Act because of "muh business rights", but there were more pertinent matters.
Nobody actually believes it never happened. That is just another Jew lie to discredit Holocaust skeptics. They just believe the statistics were grossly exaggerated.
Good voice and good instrumental skills.
He made Hugh Mungus great again.
It didn't happen like they say it did. 6 million is a lie.
I'm sorry? I just looked it up and I keked, but I don't see Ethan anywhere in the vid. Did he make another dumb video where he talks about this shit?
Covering drama became a better moneymaker for him. It helps keep his name relevant. It isn't that difficult to see.
Oh I'm not wondering why he did it. Of course it's a better money maker. Imagine how much time, effort, and money it takes to create good content. I'm sure if he went back to making real videos, he'd be just as funny. However, it's just him getting involve in youtube drama, politics, and culture wars.
I just don't get how it's funny or engaging. It's him talking into a camera about whatever benign shit is happening. I just don't get why this shit matters. It's like talking about the Kardashians? Who cares what happens on Youtube? I miss when Youtube was about the videos and not the video uploaders.
Hila is not fuckable, she's kinda ugly
She's actually just a swarthy I-tal-yen, but they cast her as one because she's feisty, buxom and effects a decent Brooklyn accent.
She should get a fitting bra
I mean she's fuckable. Hardly anything's not fuckable. She's just an ugly mixed Israeli that has that typical deep voice.
When I went on taglit last year, I noticed that plenty of Israeli girls have this weird deep accent that almost makes them sound like a man. When I fucked Tal, the IDF soldier on my trip, all the "ooooh" noises sounded pretty unpleasant.
She ended up not wanting to talk to me after that night because I gave her a hickie (and I'm a sloppy and bad kisser when I drink lol), so I just kind of let it go. Kind of glad though, because I picked up MUCH BETTER game the next time I went to Israel.
quick rundown?
Please for the love of kek, 9.
He created a fundraiser to help him with his money problems.
He's got a lot of viewers and plugged his GoFundMe because his mom is sick or something and he got a lot of money (Hugh Mungus, not Ethan).
I dunno if you can calculate how much Ethan helped but it was kind of cool of him to plug his fund raiser.
Not defending Ethan and trying to make him seem cool or a saint or anything. Just answering your question. His stuff sometimes makes me laugh too. Not some comedy saint but if I'm bored I'll watch his videos if he has any new ones...
Oh well that was pretty cool of him. Definitely a cool dude, the kind of guy I'd want to shit the piss with on a night out on the town. However, I just find his content incredibly dull.
>I noticed that plenty of Israeli girls have this weird deep accent
I noticed that too when I was in Israel, very strange. It's a characteristic that you can also find in some Italian and Spanish women. I always assumed it was due to smoking, but it's not found in French women who smoke a lot, but it is found in Israelis who don't smoke as much. Perhaps it has to do with the language?
Rolling, I need an 8, 9, or 0
>he's non religious
>he's for equality and he doesn't hate white goys
Bass skills, awesome.
Nuts in a blender voice, nein.
It's less the language from a technical level and more the type of women that are in Israel. Imported Russian girls (which I am currently tapping at this moment), sound great. Same with relatively most Ashkenazis. But when it's a mixed Sephardi girl, they can sound pretty deep. I don't think it's a genetic thing as much as it's simply something they pick up by being raised in a mixed family.
Whatever, I don't regret fucking that girl. It was pretty fun overall, and I won a bet that I wasn't even intending on winning (i.e. fuck a girl on your taglit trip). I wasn't even going to make my friend pay up, but I was doing a homework assignment for him for cash (charging him nothing) and I decided to just throw in a stipulation that he pay me the $20 for actually winning the bet. He totally didn't fucking believe me because I used to be an autistic fuck with no game. But I had him talk to my roommates during that trip and they confirmed it for him. Taglit was fun.
>a libertarian anti-racist who co opted the conservative mainstream and laid the groundwork for the neocon Jews to take over and allow millions of non-whites into the country
(((Matt Drudge)))
Mel Brooks.
Leonard Nimoy.
oh, yeah.
>at least he's not a normie
mel brooks and h3 are also pretty good