No woman would sleep with KSI

>no woman would sleep with KSI
>only half of women woould sleep with Pewdiepie
>only three women would sleep with h3h3
>only chad gets universal approval

How does any normal male stand a chance in the Sexual Marketplace?

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Hi Connor, big fan

>the true ubermensch defeats the snownigger and kike

I see nothing wrong

>being a narcissist

Careful Mexico

>>no woman would sleep with KSI white girls love bbc!?

>uses words like chad
Back to r9k, you autistic teenager.

>fat ugly pig
>passes on a fairly normal looking guy with a look of disgust on her face
lel, I'll never understand womenz

They all said no immediately.

They even had the look of pure disgust on their face of the thought.

He asked a bunch of attractive drunk girls. Of course they were going to be shallow and go crazy for his jawline and fit body.

>tfw this dude is 80% german

Pewdiepie would be chad if he was fit.

>literally all these girls are overweight

america i...


Yup. Now make them ugly as well and they could pass for brits

Now make them 60% darker and they're back at being americans

find an intelligent woman?


I wouldnt smash any of those ugly skanks tbqh fäm

are those typical american women?


ethan plz go

quit self promoting your own channel

don't be normal

They were all out of her league tbqh
Even the black guy

Pew Die Pie wouldn't look twice at her

Why not lower their iqs and send them to your country

>We´ll have a foursome
...and then this guy...

Hes scouting for a suitable bull for his wife.

>swede buttblasted that his god pewdiepie is now on suicide watch

this retard makes all bb look bad

Weird how the blond girls never want the blond guys. How fuck do you think we are going to keep having cute blond kids, if you don't fuck a blonde dude. Idiots.




if youre ugly you are a loser forever

Blondes are trash especially female ones

so Superman/Clark Kent stupidity is really possible... wow

Its the Irish genes. I can pull 8/10s with my accent alone.

>muh accent

I can go to Scotland or Australia and women flock to my Amerifat accent to. Relying on it just means you have no real game.

How does one get a wife-material gf when you're that aesthetic?

That generic accent? bullshit. Though my American neighbour with a thick southern/Texan accent gets tons of pussy.

Why do people call these women shallow? So what if they're attracted to looks? We evolved to be attracted to looks not intelligence or personality. Only a pathetic beta would try and seduce a woman based on his personality and intelligence.

Also these women aren't evil or whores for wanting to have sex with a good looking alpha.

Monogamy is for faggot betas.

>wife material
You want to know how I know you're a pathetic beta? Monogamy and marriage is for beta males. Alphas aren't bound by the chains of marriage.

I don't care for fucking around
I want a wife to make children with

vanity and superficiality all around. but good for connor, you made it bro

Too bad for you. In this age you're most likely to get divorced because your wife went to fuck Ahmad the bull behind your back.


as cringe as this fucker is i gotta say that was a well played attack on H3H3

>acting in a natural human way is superficiality and vanity
Stfu beta fag

I want to believe

so alpha get buried in child support?

or are they just so genetically superior they don't reproduce

>H3H3 is married
>Connor is still single
>"But muh body"

nice overcompensation though navy seal

It's so unfair

Because of genetics no matter how long I diet and spend time at the gym, I will always be a subhuman compared to chad

What is this cancer?

Pewdiepie is beyond chad

Hes /LifeLongMonogomousGFSaviorOfEurope/

am i the only one that thinks the whole ending of him displaying his pumped up waxed body like an 80s female car seller is embarrassing as fuck ?

He reminds me of another show off young male who looked amazing but was incredibly unhealthy inside and died. Zyzz. He's on some tren and clen likely and will die by the time he's 40.

tfw when i wont make a women cum her pants from looking at me

>I don't care for fucking around
>I want a wife to make children with

The most beta thing I've ever read. Chads fuck around and then get high quality wife later on life.

While beta's marry early and get a wife that'll cheat on you.


like i am jelous but who cares. ha

Sleeping with other penises. If you have a 12/10 face. 12/10 personality. 12/10 uncut huge perfectly aesthetic and coloured (white or pink) and angled floppy soft cock when hard. And 12/10 body and still not 120% of women want you? The fuck are you doing nigger?

What about Franku?

>expecting women to be upfront about being sluts

i love how women think their so superior and then you pop a shirtless chad in front of them and all logic leaves their brain too


Men work the same way with bimbos. All the skinheads on this board conveniently forget Hitler when people start posting big black asses, it's pathetic.

No shit. It used to be that if a guy was a 5/10 he could compensate for where he lacked by being a great provider or through other means. Women now provide for themselves so all they give a shit about is looks.

Men have never faced this much look-preference in our history. Why do you think "gym-culture" is such a huge thing now?

>implying there's literally anything wrong with a nice light clen/tren cycle

I bet you shit on people who drive sports cars, too.

so being tall and muscular makes one alpha ?

guys like him used to lead normal lives before the "sexual revolution" that turned all of us into vain whores that measure themselves by how much genitals we pound.

guys like him also used to get killed by smaller, uglier men, because sheer size and muscle aesthetics don't win a fight.

scandinavia never became a super power.

It's that reptilian brain taking over. Human nature.

yes but we are known for it. meanwhile you get women acting all uppity when they see you looking.

your at Sup Forums. we hate niggers. black people are ok but we hate niggers. then many here are virgins or frustrated , so you see a nigger with a hot white girl and you get jelous. this is Sup Forums racism is well thought out. also people on the internet are super jelous

We're marveling over hedonist culture you retard. Everyone is slut therefore no one is slut. We have acknowledged but refrain from accepting it.

Haven't watched the video yet, but srsly guys why are you giving this attention whore any ad $$$.

Yes top 0.01% superior aesthetics recognized. But anyone posting ridiculous shit like this probably isn't that bright to say the least. I've yet to meet a high IQ faggot irl, even among the good looking /fit ones, who'd post shit like this online.

Yes he gets mad pussy easier than 99% of us on first impression, but so what.

Social skills can be learned, and you can still get a shitload of casual sex, granted you'll have to put a lot more work in than he would. Oh well tough shit cupcake.

>While beta's marry early and get a wife that'll cheat on you.
Then don't be a fucking beta, focus on self-improvement instead of jerking around on /pol constantly and marry a virgin. You'll have very good chances of not being cheated on.

Keep tellin yourself that, whyteboi. All that matters is what's in the wallet.

Why are you you posting a gay couple on a Christian imageboard?

>Monogamy and marriage is for beta males. Alphas aren't bound by the chains of marriage.
Nigga stop thinking in terms or retarded labels. Marriage and monogamy are social constructs, you can be a beta and sleep outside of a marriage, or be an alpha and adhere to it religiously. What the fuck people go outside more.

>I'm supposed to be jealous of an intolerable narcissist who's only prospect is the basic ability of growing muscle, which is a capability all humans are born with.

dude you know you are

You sound like a scrawny bitch who feels underappreciated because "b-but I do MMA and muay thai why don't people respect me as much as people who look good".

If you want 'functional' muscles, get big muscles. All that matters now is aesthetics.

are they aware of how rich pewdiepie is?

so is Disney paying him to have that marvel/star wars shit behind him?

We don't. Focus on your career and knowledge.

its mostly about the face

if that guy was fugly his muscles wouldnt matter

>tfw no matter how much you work out you'll never have those muscle insertion points or be that tall

How to get chloës body? No illegal pls ty

Honestly, who the fuck cares about this 3dp?


Ahahah chad just marry for intrests then keeps fuckig othet whores , meanwhile her stupid dumb bitch realizes chad doesn t give a fuck about her

>who's only prospect is the basic ability of growing muscle, which is a capability all humans are born with

We're all born with the prospect of being a whiny little faggot, but we don't all succeed with it as well as you have.

Be honest and don't sugar coat /fit/

Do you think if i started working out tomorrow, i could look like connor in a year or less?

t. Chad

nah man im actually pretty muscular and pleasant looking, and as someone who went through the phase of fucking around, i can tell you that's not what makes you "alpha". being a pretty boy makes you vain and feminizes you, if anything. and in the long run it makes you lose respect for yourself and for women as well.

i consider myself way more "alpha" now that i got my life together and funded a family. and i wish i started earlier, because there's honestly nothing better and meaningful in life.

>inb4 your wife will cheat on you etc

if she does that'll be on her. i stand for what i believe in, and am not responsible for anyone's fuckups but my own.

If you noticed the women who "'whould smash" ethan are women who know him from youtube a funny guy.
So sure looks play huge role but not all of it.

No, you would look like from another planet.

>Ethan, Pewdiepie, and KSI all have shitty face only pics
>Show himself as topless with an over built body (compensating for insecurities)
>Oh look they said smash.avi (((+1 Youtube shekels)))

that person has xxy chromosomes

>doesn't train legs

He's a bro at best.

remember dis from misc/fit, nt

American chads are top-tier.

>fit black guy gets less than overweight jude

Niggers eternally btfo.

frenchie, how did you meet your wife? what did you find attractive about her? and finally, low partner count/virgin?

The pear man returns