Why can't liberal hipsters have political discourse without referencing some form of pop culture?

Why can't liberal hipsters have political discourse without referencing some form of pop culture?

It's their version of memes. They find it humorous.

Just a reminder that this...thing is going to be running for government office soon.

my condolences to those in that state she's running.

Someone post that one picture

He wouldn't win. All the Massachusetts representatives are democrats. He would be running against Stephen Lynch who, if he is running again will probably win reelection.

Liberals dont know history and can only use pop culture shit as a fill in for "evidence"

It's because pop culture is the only thing they have on their side now.

they never bothered reading the bible, home of the deepest memes

Leftists don't live in reality.

T.former leftie.

desu I can't wait

Mental age of 12.

Television/Movies is where their information comes from. Lack of critical thinking abilities.

FTRZp8f9 here makes a good point. It stems from literal ignorance of actual reality and real history. It's easier for them to make shallow comparisons with what they're familiar with. Which are stories that are good, but usually make shallow comparisons themselves.

But the comparison always has to be postured in such a way that the liberal presents themselves as the good guy in the narrative. The story of earth and humanity is exclusively about them and everyone they don't like for whatever reason are the "bad guys".

I love how they're busting out "1984" now. Completely unaware of how Orwell was bitching about socialism in that book and in "Animal Farm". They're that fucking dense. They have no clue what makes an actual dystopian society, which is always some form of socialism in the modern age.

Writing this makes me realize it's not really taught at that critical thinking level either. Not that most normies pay any attention in English anyways.

George Cuckcus stole that whole idea from hidden fortress.

Maybe you shouldn't have elected literally Voldemort if this annoys you

Because we run the pop culture you fucking rural filth. Nobody wants to be a poor fuck in a trailer park. Star Wars was made by a white Jew from the Bay Area, we fucking run this world! Get your seats in governmet and lose them in two years, we run the arts! We run science! Because we're logical and creative. You're neither. It reflects in your filthy Walmart centric Conservative podunk hubs!

The only thing you can run is frog (((memes))).

Manchildren can't separate fiction from reality.


Because their views are fantasy and the only place that fantasy is referable is fantasy movies.

I don't understand the confusion.

4/10 someone's sure to believe you

It's treason then...