the world would be a much safer place if she wasnt robbed of the American presidency
I don't get it
What did the intern in charge of the account mean by this?
The Dems lost 1000 seats during the Obama administration, the 2016 presidency, and the House and Senate.
Also, the kike court just gave Trump a blank check to cash on liberals ass as soon as the next Muslim blows themselves up, shoot up a party/club, or drives a truck of peace into a crowd.
Trump in the near future and for the next four years said, "I TOLD YOU SO!!!"
you will never be President Hillary
Number of times Klumpf's shitty exec order has been defeated in court.
I would breed young hilldog so hard
Why is she making these tweets thats pretty sour loserish of her.
What the fuck does that mean?
It would be a shame if Donalds approval rating dropped so low he decided to fulfill a certain campaign promise about locking a certain someone up.
The number of times she's failed as a candidate
it's cause they think this will demoralize trump and then he'll lose it. instead he's going to bring this shit to the absolute brink and divide the nation into two if he has to so he can destroy opposition.
they really think this is something they can win by talking and getting "victory" and then trump will bow out like pajama boy king nigger.
You gotta admit at this point she would have made a much much better president than Drumpf. What a disaster.
And yet the Supreme Court is going to tell all 3 of those decisions to fuck themselves. All they're doing is being cucks and stalling the inevitable.
>but muh popular judge's opinion
But that's what she is user
I will admit that Secretary Clinton can seem a bit shady at first if you are uninformed (much like George Soros I might add). However, after investigating further into this great woman's efforts, I have come to the conclusion that Mrs. Clinton is a true patriot that has the vested interests of all us true progressives in her heart.
I thought she died...
You mean winner.
Go away shill. Accept defeat.
Gross, she has one of those faces that has always looked like an old lady.
Shes only run twice though. Dementia must be a bitch.
First post is the best post
Share blue pls go
Donald needs to tweet this
This pleases obergruppenführer
She's daring him to lock her up.
>T R U M P F A G S actually believe this
Could you imagine the sheer anger at that. Shit would be incredible.
f*ck drumpf and f*ck white ppl
someone post the hiloli comic plz
Would go raw dog on the hill dawg
>hillarys twitter teams face when
bitter, cunty, "delete your account"-tier bants
Of course a narcissistic perpetual resting bitch-face would lack the shame and self-awareness to see that this is in poor taste.
wut did she mean by this, Sup Forums?
Three? What other EOs were axed?
the cucks will reply with the popular vote
I already did
Hope she doesn't disappear me
This one has lost 3 times.
They are still playing checkers _special ed edition_ and Trump is letting them give away thier pieces lol. Dumbocrat commies will never recover.
when the first post
is the best post
Didn't trump get his Supreme Court nominee just today?
This Fucking Bitch
cy@ hillary
Oh hi CTR
Trump absolutely BTFO.
What is going on with twitter? All of the replies to Hillary's tweets are by verified accounts of nobodies. And the same goes for Trumps tweets. They all seem like bots but I'm not sure.
Who gives a shit? They lost and there's nothing they can do about it.
I don't get both of these.
And if Hillary wasn't a priority for Sessions, she is now
special prosocutor when?
hillary won the popular vote. if we didnt have the gimp electoral college, she wouldve won by a longshot.
>inb4 illegal mexicans
they were gonna get legalized anyway. so keep riding my dick to don pablos.
Something something can't let Drumpf yave missile codes etc etc
She isn't ugly but she looks unbearable to be around
Lol swedecuck
>when you get BTFO in every form of government from the House to Supreme Court and only win the participation award
>mfw independent investigation estimates at least 800k votes for hillary were fradulent
I tried looking at the replies, but my computer started crawling because of all the stupid gif responses.
These drones are truly insufferable.
It's the same losers every time. They are mentally ill, trying to get famous by bashing Trump since they are irrelevant. Especially the bald "actor" and that bitch who says honey and dear all the time
>when you campaign in safe states that were going to vote for you anyway and wonder why the extra 3 million votes from California didn't somehow translate into electoral votes from the more marginalised states that you completely ignored and insulted the electorate of the entire election
I think we know how 3-0 turned out for the Indians and Warriors
make it happen someone needs to dm him
3 mill.
>hurr Trump wouldn't have run his campaign differently if the goal was to win the popular vote instead of the EC
Can these fucking Brock and Soros shills please just fuck off already?
It's not about winning. We understand we dont have the court. It's about moments like these where we piss in Trump's face. Nobody gives a shit that months from now, his migration ban will be OK'd, long after its expiration.
If these libs would just stfu and quit hating Trump bc Killary lost...shit might be okay. It's amazing that they want the President to fail! Like...really!?
Three red branches of Government
>(((washington times)))
then Trump will reply with a picture of him in the Oval Office.
Is she trying to post an ASCII dick?
The court unanimously ruled against
3-0? Why does everyone leave out the Judge that ruled in Trumps favor?
Why hasnt a judge overturned Obamas Cuba ban?
And, when the SC decides 5-4 for Trump I hope Horrid Cunt has a tweet for that!
Fucking KEK
Nice bantz for a jew
Keep crying libtards....it's not going to stop!
Recipe for disaster. I hope you guys really go all out too so that we can solidify the Left-wing American majority.