/nonwhite/ general

your daily reminder that if you are nonwhite and you have allegiance to this country you are a supreme cuck

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It's our "damn I'm gonna miss looking at black whores getting facerammed when you're gone" face

And a further reminder that if you speak English as a minority you are a conquered cuck who knows his own people are too shit to create a worthwhile country to move back to.

Literally leave then. All niggers wanna do is follow around white people like lost puppies and complain


>people can only speak one language
american education everyone!
destroying america means destroying white supremacy

No it means reinstating normality.

White people do not believe in such a thing as white supremacy. We really do not give a fuck about you. We just wanna be left alone.

>conquer the entire world and destroy the economies and social institutions of other countries
>when nonwhites do the same thing: "we just want to be left alone!"

lol too late. we're going to destroy you.

That's crap. I smile at every stranger in passing like that. It says 'hi, I acknowledge your presence but I don't want to talk to you' and we just keep walking.

Yeah because whites feel compelled to acknowledge people even when there is no mirth there.

If they care about you they'll smile or stop and chat, if you're some dumb coon or piece of trash that's the face you'll get.

I admire eastern europeans for their stoic nature, they don't bother with the bullshit facial expression in pic related. Whites would be better off if they dropped that crap entirely.

>smiling at strangers

Biafran here, you African-Americans should really learn to be at least somewhat grateful for Whites in America, especially those living in the Fly-over states as they're the ones essentially paying for your public services. Keep acting like degenerate apes and you'll find yourselves on the losing side of a race-war.

whites are beyond cucked. they'd lost the race war.

also im not black.

that's because monkeys typically take bared teeth as a sign of aggression and will start a fight with you

every single nonwhite deserves to be strung up

Kek it's the other way around. We're gonna make you leave us alone.

Btw here's your prophet

Apologies, shouldn't have assumed, I should've said "non-whites", I agree that Whites are cuckolded but mainly for two reasons.

1. They bought into the "equal rights" meme, and began culturally committing suicide. Jewry plays a role in this.

2. White guilt for the sins of their fathers.

And I doubt they'd lose a race-war, since they have that natural ingenuity to organize themselves, network etc.

when was the last time whites won a war?

nice attempt to stir shit up. as long as you are american and you don't leech from the government and mind your own damn business, white people will like you

TFW I'm technically a POC but still have all the privilege

Depends on who it was against.

I'd say the 2016 "Cultural" war was won by the West, rather than whites. However whites played a majority role.

t. light-skinned mulatto

I see you really like white countries.

That would fuck with my mind to willingly live in a place I hate surrounded by people I hate while I choose not to move anywhere else.

>ape pack lays in wait to backup the alpha silverback when he goes down
Every god damn time.

>if you do what your told and please the master you won't be whipped

great goy.

destroying america = destroying white supremacy.

we can go back once america is destroyed.

>if you follow the law you won't go to jail

implying you wouldn't want mexicans and blacks to follow this

But user. Im whiter than you.

If I showed you you would start shitting the ethnic food of your choice.

would you like to engage in the throwing of the fists

t. nigger that keeps saying you are not white to everyone he comes across

Nonwhite here, but I'm also a race realist...what's up?

>hate niggers and mudslimes
No, i'm exactly where I want to be.

>tfw florida spic with trump bumper sticker on my car and work with 99% female nigras

Literally everyone hates me. Believe it or not though almost every spic I've met who isn't on govt assistance is conservative.

That's what the polls showed.

>"oh shit, what we thought were just white nazis are actually people of all colors and creed who come together for common ideology and goals!"
>"better see if we can get them to fight one another"

No, you are going to cry like a bitch as your minions are deported and the border is secured. Hopefully you arent a nigger because even Hispanics and Asians hate niggers.

This. Redpilled minorities are allies. Fuck off, Stormcucks.

Why do Neo-Nazis get so butthurt when I tell them their threads are role-playing threads?

>neo nazis
>not constantly butthurt

Can i post ITT if i'm white but i get called a nigger on Sup Forums every day because of my flag?

s-shut up

I'm a race realist who just ran a train on a blondie with blue eyes, god bless America.

the only thing stopping full-on asian supremacy is whites
not surprised. most hispanics are cucks to the white man. they'd do anything to be white.
>let's fight for the whites even though they're the reason why i had to flee my ancestral homeland

wew lad

Female poster


>what are muslims
>what were the crusades

Do you even history?

>the reason why i had to flee my ancestral homeland
The only divisive person itt is you, you do realize this don't you? You're a high-order hypocrite, a shit-flinging monkey trying to stir up trouble.

literally a thousand years ago...

i-i'm s-sc-scared

you're so brainwashed. i used to be like you the only thing difference is i'm not a NEET so i've actually been in the real world. whites will never accept you as one of them. the only way to be "equal" is to defeat them and bring them down. once white supremacy is destroyed we can all live happy lives.

stop with this "we're actually happy if we don't talk about our problems" bullshit.

What Hispanic or Jewish person had to flee their homeland because of whites?
is Israel not the Jewish homeland?

Do muslims not persecute non muslims and try to kill them all off or get them out of their country, even if they were there for "a thousand years" ?

I'm not scared whatsoever, I'm waiting for the day I'm being recalled to the army for the shitskin Jagd

If you say so. Reality hurts.

Lolwut. Hispanics are one of the proudest groups in America. Obnoxiously so. The only thing that attracts us to liberal ideology is handouts, but if you've actually made something of your life it offers nothing.

We come out of the womb with conservative values, family and religion first etc. Party affiliation is not race specific mate.

>whites will never accept you as one of them
Just stop child, just stop.

Meant to quote

Kek so you had a job, sucked at it, got fired, an ugly beta kid replaced you and now you're mad? Yeah OK sure

>implying i'm a stupid race supremacist

Good work, Franz, corralling the subhumans into one thread so we can gas them more efficiently.

The Fuhrer will hear of this!

He's right though, he's one of those kids who always told the teachers that they were wrong in school, the same guys that get fired every day for being late. They think that they need to get special treatment because they have a different skin pigment.

I don't want that type.

lol you're all about to get your negro wake-up call.

How do you do fellow nonwhites? When do we attack the cumskins?

when did i ask for special treatment?

can you fucking read?

this is exactly what i'm talking about. you don't know me or what i've done but you automatically assume that i'm some worthless nigger looking for gibs because i want to end white supremacy? whites will only respect you as long as you know your place well fuck that i'm too intelligent and non-cucked to do that.

>assuming race
wew get a load of this little racist

Are they fencing with magic wands?

solidarity americans


No, sane people only respect you when you know your place.
It's a matter of rang order. General - Major - Ensign - Civilist

You're also not very smart either, your way of writing does insinuate a certain degree of degeneracy.

Stop being a kid as vile as it is, no such thing as a fair fight.

ITT: unwarranted self importance

Now you can go do something else

We are gonna breed you crackers out of existence

100% Native
100% American
100% Pro 2A
100% Anti-Communist
100% Redskin Tonto looking Injun and proud

Take that weak ass back to Berkeley you fucking homovan faggot.

im not white.

Go to a country like zimbabwe or somalia where they have black supremacy LMAO

Something tells me you won't though.

You're the product of white supremacy, you should be thankful to us that we fed you and clothed you and gave you all the luxury of the world, your cousins are dying of starvation and ebola in a shithole desert.

> i'm too intelligent and non-cucked to do that.
> i'm the exact opposite of what I just claimed I was

you're trying to reduce me to something i'm not because i threaten you. i'm ok with that.

>thinking non cucked conservative white people think they're attractive
Kek sure

Of course you threaten us, everyone knows how violent and irrational niggers are. It's like being near a pitbull.

So, no valid argument?

>you're trying to reduce me to something i'm not because i threaten you
Nobody needs to bring you lower than you are already, this thread has exactly one race-baiting bigoted fascist in it, and it's you.
You are the enemy you hate so passionately, it's always been you.

have you presented one throughout this entire "conversation"?

>whites will only respect you as long as you know your place well fuck that i'm too intelligent and non-cucked to do that.

decent americans will respect you if you follow the law and don't act like a retard. you associate "knowing your place" with being a cuck which is what is wrong with your perspective.

White people you never cease to amuse me. I've enjoyed all your great cultures and it is sad to see them all destroyed. But then again it's kind of hard to feel sorry for you when you are the biggest cucks in the world.

>decent americans
you mean liberals?

Many so. For example, you proclaim to have been in "the real world" and failed to adapt, which is obviously your reason for being massively angry. Please dispute this, also do explain what the term real world represents.

if by "adapt" you mean constantly keep a white man's cock in my mouth. yes i did fail. miserably.

>decent americans

pick one

So, again, no valid argument?

You can't reason with these idiots bro. They want the system of white supremacy to continue at any cost. Your equality with them puts them in a losing situation

Prostitute confirmed, no wonder you're such an angry broken young lady, desperately lashing out at anything she can throw blame at.
But you put that dick in your mouth. You chose that.

Holy shit lets get this meme rolling, the potential could be greater than memeing in the president.


You are posting a picture of an Arab that was actively breeding slaves for labor and trade to prove a point of being black?

Shill detected

How does your Kraut ass know anything beyond what you read on the internet? The fact they we are taboo makes conservative women love us. I fucked a KKK members daughter in college.

>being self-sufficient and minding your own business = being a slave to whitey


Sure you did. And Egypt was a black society.

I'm Irish and Catholic, so that pretty much rules me out of the White race.

at least he won even if the monkeys did gang up on him

Youre the reason you lost your country to these cumskins you sell out $5 Indian.

thanks, juden

You fucked an FBI agent's daughter?

you realise spanish is a european language too you dumb mestizo slave?