Has the Trump finally been stumped? What happens now? What do we do?
Has the Trump finally been stumped? What happens now? What do we do?
>What do we do?
We stop concern trolling.
Take it to the supreme court. Get gorsuch in the supreme court quickly. Hope that kekbertarian kennedy doesn't act like a faggot.
Stumped like a nigger outside a closed KFC.
9th circuit has 80% of their rulings overturned - this will almost certainly be another one of them.
Now it goes to the supreme court for debate, by actual judges instead of activist bench-legislators.
the fight has just started
man up and keep charlie mike
Niggers break into chicken joints all the time....so...not stumped for long you're saying?
It might take a while to get Gorsuch there. Don't they have 4 liberal judges and 4 right-wing judges right now? What happens if it's a tie?
A tie is possible but even the liberal judges rule against the hyper liberal 9th circuit.
It's the difference between looking at the constitution through liberal eyes (SC), and not looking at the constitution at all (9th circuit).
>unironically putting the Ninth Circuit higher than the Supreme Court
The judges are doing what they shouldn't be doing, and their decision will be overturned by the supreme court.
Even if it doesn't happen, we're a single terrorist attack away from Trump's ban going into effect - after it's too late to do much good of course. Which, depending on severity and public backlash may be followed up by impeachment proceedings against the 9th circuit judges by congress.
I fully expect liberals to cry and bitch if that happens, but you guys literally dig your own graves and tie your own nooses around your necks as a matter of habit.
Stumped? If you consider Trump's executive order will be upheld once this shit goes to the supreme court then no, not stumped... although, maybe temporarily stumped?
This whole fucking situation is a circus side-show of liberal tantrum bullshit. They actually think they've won something and I can't wait to see their butthurt and sustain myself from their tears once the situation is resolved and the travel pause is upheld. Unfortunately, it's gonna be awhile (probably a few months) but whatever. There's plenty of liberals tears in regards to other issues to keep my body fueled for the time being.
>downplaying the significance of a court because you didn't like the outcome
The constitution is about interpretation, and you can easily say that the muslim ban is illegal. These judges have done nothing wrong. Whether the supreme court will rule differently, we'll have to wait and see. But I'm willing to bet big money that the ban will not be reversed, and by the time it's decided, it will quietly be forgotten.
this. But even if it doesn't go in Trumps favor (it will. Trump exec order is well within the bounds of constitutional and statute law) it's not the end of the world. Trump will find other ways to secure the borders. The important thing is that we don't let libshits run around and act like Trump is finally stumped. They'll double down on calls for impeachment if the Supreme Court ruled against him (even though the supreme court shooting something down isn't an impeachable offense)
>9th circuit has 80% of their rulings overturned
>making up numbers
Just stop. It's embarrassing.
Honestly even if the supreme court upholds the stay, liberals haven't really won anything.
They've expended enormous political capital to stall and potentially stop a mostly innocuous and time-limited executive order. If I wanted a proverbial pawn to bait my enemy with, this EO is exactly the sort of thing I'd use. These people don't even stop to consider what they're even doing. It's just "anything trump does is bad" and they can't see how most people don't agree with that position.
>you can easily say that the muslim ban is illegal.
It's not a muslim ban. At least know what you're talking about so you don't look completely uninformed.
>Muslim ban
Stopped reading nigger
bro wait till supreme court upholds his ban
60 to 79% reversal rate according to the National review. Also, the Trump team was ill -prepared and let alternative facts be assumed by the judges (e.g., the false assumption that there were no terrorist-related convictions in the US of people from these 7 countries.) Fight it in the SC and craft a better order with documented support for the proposition.
It won't be since the conservative judge that was praised 2 days ago ruled against it.
Just going by party lines won't cut it.
>It's just "anything trump does is bad"
I always get a kick out of that mentality. For example in regards to the border wall and immigration reform/enforcement. Obama, Bill AND Hillary Clinton, plus a whole host of other prominent democrats have put forth plans basically identical to Trumps. Hillary has many times publicly stated she wants a wall (although she calls it a "barrier"). Bill and Obama have talked about immigration enforcement and border security a lot in almost the exact way Trump has (at least in terms of policy). But liberals are silly and probably don't know about all that, have blocked it from their minds, or the very few who do know don't care because Trump = bad. It's fucking amazing.
We ponder about how paid shills like you can live with themselves, being amoral whores.
>not knowing there was never a "muslim ban", thus demonstrating extreme ignorance and stupidity
They're called "checks and balances" bitch nigger
I actually agree. It's exposed that the race traitors on the left will do whatever their masters order, no matter how senseless, like desperately advocating for more Iranian an Syrian refugees.
I mean... what? Is this a battle really worth fighting?
And bench-legislating judges have their own.
Republicans did the same dumb shit with ACA though. It was Romney's fucking plan. Hur dur muh Obamacare repeal
Ban will be upheld by supreme court. So many autistic shills on Sup Forums lately! Sad!
We dig up dirt on those who oppose him.
Man shut the fuck up shill.
We've won non stop...and finally you guys get a scrap and you're here to post these "Has trump been stumped?" threads.
1 post by this paid faggot.
Has the OP.... finally stopped.... sucking the cock?
What happens now?
What do we sage?
Lol UPVOTED faglords