How do we make Trump stop lying?
How do we make Trump stop lying?
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If people held Obama to everything he said they would catch him lying just as much. This isn't something new it's just the media playing favorites and caring more now.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Obummer might twist a fact here or there but rarely did he ever blatantly lie.
Trump lies 35% of the time, and stretches the truth 65% of the time.
>Obummer might twist a fact here or there but rarely did he ever blatantly lie.
>you can keep your health care plan
>your premiums won't go up
He can't be stopped unless control of the US is seized using force by people who like truth.
Nicely put, user.
Is there anyone who enjoys all these lies? They leave my jimmies thoroughly rustled.
He may have believed that. It's not demonstrably false.
Trump is quite often demonstrably false and is making himself look retarded almost daily.
>He may have believed that. It's not demonstrably false.
It is false because people lost their health care plans and premiums went up. It wasn't a surprise either people said it was going to happen.
>I get my news from Politifact
Hindsight is irrelevant. He was proven wrong later.
When Trump says things that are proven false immediately, and can easily be checked before he even says them, then that makes him a retard.
>this thread again
>1 post by this ID
The shills are real...
So Obama lied about those two things. Trump lies twice a day, if not more.
I don't think that he is deliberately lying. It's just a form of supreme shitposting
its a meme you dip
when will the shills give up?
You're giving him too much credit. He seriously is stupid
I've made 4 posts you stupid nigger. Can't UK fags count?
Shoo shoo shills, SHOO!
There is no hindsight he said a flat out lie that anyone would see coming if you understood how economics worked and taking on millions of new liabilities.
There is more:
>but rarely did he ever blatantly lie
Can't wait till Shareblue runs out of money
>5 posts by this ID
^ Russian Shills
No, it was impossible for people to know for sure until it happened. And you have to take into account the greed of the medical industry for part of why premiums went up. They were going to go up anyway, that was already a given.
The fact of the matter is Trump says things daily that are demonstrably false with solid facts that will back them up. Period.
>When you ruse your enemies into admitting that you're doing great and ahead of schedule
>"I will close Guantanamo Bay."
>"I didn't hear about Hillary Clinton's email server until I read the news."
>"If you like your plan, you can keep it."
Are you fucking kidding me? Or are you blind and deaf?
How do we make shills stop selling their soul for money? That's the question on everyone's lips. I'm amazed you can get up in the morning and go about your day knowing you're a complete whore of a man.
its called a meme you fucking dip
>No, it was impossible for people to know for sure until it happened.
No it wasn't. In what world can you take on millions of new liabilities with previous conditions and think your healthcare won't get fucked up?
When are you guys going to blame Trump for not closing Gitmo and legalizing pot? Idk if you've gotten on that train yet but maybe you should. Obama isn't our president anymore, in case you didn't notice.
Maybe we can start blaming all of Obama's drone strikes on Trump too? That'd be pretty solid. Make it happen, capn.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
It was a direct consequence of the Affordable Care Act legislation. He repeated this 40 times per day. If you think he was telling the truth instead of shilling for his Wall Street masters, then you are the most gullible idiot on Sup Forums. Even more so than the Jonesbots Icketards. Fuck off.
Infowars...hmmm. I guess Trump hiring DeVos is not corruption, she just happened to be the most qualified right? And when he hired a 35 ear old real estate investor as a senior advisor to the president it was because of his qualifications and not that he is married to Ivanka.
When InfoWars start exposing Trump's bullshit and lies and nepotism and cronyism as much as they did with Obama I will look at that link.
Obama tried to close Gitmo but was pressured into not doing it.
The other two I will give you.
Holy shit I just realised how fucking smart that report from Trump & team was.
>try and instate travel ban
>gets shot down
>release a report saying media doesn't cover terrorist attacks enough
>media naturally knee jerks back at you and spams shit like that, showing just how many terrorist attacks they've covered
>also showing just how many terrorist attacks have happened
>normies watching television see terrorist attacks spammed in volume on television
>normies now support TRAVEL BAN
notice how not a single person ITT even tries to defend the lies that trump tells? it instantly goes to "OBAMA/CLINTON DID TOO"
trump is a proven liar and the OP is a perfect example
Most open and transparent government ever.
You're nigger was a constitutional law professor who had an American citizen targeted and killed overseas without trial. And then went back two weeks later to (((accidentally))) kill his son as well. Go fuck yourself, shill.
How about you look at the link and tell me what you don't like from it?
>wahhh obama said something that later turned out false
>trump says things that are false every day but that's okay
Just kill yourself, I'm serious
You say Obama tried to close Gitmo
We say Obama pretended to care about closing Gitmo and backed away at the first chance he had and never revisited the idea of closing it again
>complains about democrat obstruction
>was able to apoint gorsuch because of republicans blocking garland's nomination
>notice how not a single person ITT even tries to defend the lies that trump tells? it instantly goes to "OBAMA/CLINTON DID TOO"
Because if people and the media are not going to be consistent for every president then no fuck off Trump gets a pass too.
Seriously, though, how do you reconcile that lie with your conscience? Do you like it when politicians lie? Doesn't it just make them seem dumb and untrustworthy?
>you're nigger
That Canadian education system is working great.
By the way, I'm fucking your mom, so I can't fuck myself right now. Your dad promised to lick me clean afterwards so stay out of the room please.
>Unfulfilled campaign promise stopped by opposition
>A casual remark about a scandal that ended up being fucking nothing
>A promise feature that ultimate doesn't matter all that much.
>Three lies over the course of eight years.
>Lying to go into Iraq (Bush)
>Lying to take our rights (Bush)
>Lying about building walls (Trump)
>Lying about presidented voter fraud (Trump)
>Lies on a regular basis (Trump)
Everyone lies welcome to real life retard
Trump lies to get the things that we want
And if the media isn't going to be consistent then we're always going to give Trump a pass anyway
It's the longest time in the history of our country that Trump's cabinet has been delayed though hasn't it?
Checkmate kike.
We the kikes nao. You can't outjew Sup Forums. We the chosen. Kek ordains it! Yahweh is a false god.
So he's no better than Obama.
I've seen enough from InfoWars. They outright lie on a lot of shit, especially Alex Jones. Give me something more credible
its a fucking meme, dumb ass dip.
>media lies by omission
Clinton didn't have his cabinet in place that late because he didn't even announce his Attorney General nomination until mid-february.
...I want to try and come back from that, but I fucked that up. Fair enough job user, but you could have ended it there.
>hurr durr I'm fucking your mom!
Oh, you're a fucking fourth grader. Never mind, reported for underage. And faggotry.
>Trump lied about voter fraud
Even the commies admit there was fraud :
>lies on a regular basis
Obama and Clinton lied that the Benghazi attack was about a youtube video.
Obama lied that he killed Bin Laden (never proven)
Obama lied that he was born in America (birth certificate never verified)
Obama lied that he isn't gay (Michelle is a man called Michael)
See I can make up a bunch of shit too dude
Anthony Zurcher is right in letting us know when previous Prsident's full Cabinet's were in place. However, Trump's Cabinet is only (as of today) has 6 members approved. While Obama 12, W. had 14, Clinton had 13, and H.W. had 10 members at the exact same times of their presidency.
Here's a link for prove cocksuckers.
Washington Times does not count, Socialist. Now either see me in Porte de Clichy or fuck off.
Absolute madman
Obama killed 140 civilians in Manbij
>lying about building walls and presidential voter fraud
WEW LAD! I don't even need to talk about the wall thing because it was announced that plans for the wall is already underway. But voter fraud...
>demonstrably a jew
I don't think we can determine that in the 2 weeks he has been president.
That list is an aggregate of quotes. They didn't invent it. If you don't accept shit Obama literally said then you are conceding.
I don't really care. Obama is hybrid between a jewess and a sub Saharan black nigger African hominin. Objectively and literally sub human by scientific definition
So this means Trump should now go kill 140 civilians? If Obama did it Trump should to.
it's called a fucking meme you dip
theyre so fuckin stupid
>post pic of report of them talking about minority youths taking out their oppression on the evil police and how it shows we need gun control
no, im saying Trump is an angel compared to Barack 'Angel of Death' Obama
Call him Drumpf a bit more.
Give it time. He will match Obama eventually. And when he does, you can say
>b-b-b-b-b-but Obama did it too!
And make it all okay.
>believing politics is real
all politicians lie to drum up the public
>Obummer might twist a fact here or there but rarely did he ever blatantly lie.
April Fools joke, am I right?
Obama lied about the fucking wage gap. No matter how many times that shit gets debunked. Hilariously, the women working for him made less than the men.
Obama got Politifact's "Lie of the Year" in 2014 for the "If you like your doctor..." lie.
it's a dip you fucking meme
how to make the media start telling the truth
Polifact is a very biased source. Don't reference it, even in specific instances where they happen to say something you agree with.
He would have to care to know that facts first. He never will. He'd rather tell his alternative fairytales.
Trump isn't wrong. The rate his cabinet is being approved is the slowest of any president
Trump recognizes that the Democrat game is lying and obfuscation. The first story you hear is the only one you'll remember. Nobody reads retractions. He's just better at it than they are.
Remember George Zimmerman and Trayvon? If you watched the trial, you would know ZimZam was in the right. But no one watched outside of Sup Forums. No one cared. To this day, no one knows or cares that CNN edited the recording of his 911 call to make him sound racist, or that Trayvon actually got away for six minutes, clear out of the neighborhood, before telling his fat gf that he was going to ngo back and find that "creepy-ass cracka". These are the same people who say that Zimmerman was guilty because he "went out and confronted Travyon."
Same thing I say when Trump overextends executive authority. You built this house, now live in it.
>or that Trayvon actually got away for six minutes, clear out of the neighborhood, before telling his fat gf that he was going to ngo back and find that "creepy-ass cracka".
sauce? I never cared much about the case but always see libs saying he dindu nuffin
Anthony Zurcher is right in letting us know when previous Prsident's full Cabinet's were in place. However, Trump's Cabinet is only (as of today) has 6 members approved. While Obama 12, W. had 14, Clinton had 13, and H.W. had 10 members at the exact same times of their presidency.
Here's a link for prove cocksuckers.
What the fuck is with his hair?
BTW I know I posted this more than once just didn't get any visibility and its basically /thread
He lies his ass off, but he lies to people I don't like so it's O.K.
But he keeps picking retards with dubious credentials
But that's not an argument to if he lies or not.
The Trayvon/Zimmerman case falls down to this: Trayvon was a teen that was afraid of this creepy dude following by truck and then foot. If you were a teen in his shoes wouldn't you rventually confront? Zimmerman should have stayed back but approached. They fought and Trayvon was beating his ass fair and sqaure. A scary Zimmerman then shoots in self defense because he cant fight. To this day continues to run into dumb shit.
The whole trial is on youtube. I don't recall if they mention it in the closing arguments, but you can get a summary here:
My mistake in that it was four minutes, not six. Zimmerman's attorney at one point stands silently for four minutes so people know how long it feels.
Watch the Rachel Geanteal testimony too if you can stand it.
Also in written form here:
Good point.....but it's a fundamental problem with getting his cabinet approved in a speedy fashion
I would probably run, hide and call police desu, not chimp out.
>O-o-obama lied too!!!!!!!
Ok, but let's presume i didn't like that either. Can we address the current liar or not?
>He's just better at it than they are
user, I hate to tell you this, but lying isn't like charades. The point is NOT to get caught.
>current liar
you're missing the point. The point is the left acts like this doesn't happen regularly. They act like he's the first politician to ever do _____ every single fucking time something happens. Drawing the parallel is helpful, because no one should have to reason with hypocrites.