> tfw you leave the house to escape Sup Forums and buy some simple groceries, only for the groceries to become the illuminati
so much for becoming a sane member of society
> tfw you leave the house to escape Sup Forums and buy some simple groceries, only for the groceries to become the illuminati
so much for becoming a sane member of society
Other urls found in this thread:
>hot pepper peach
What what what
don't worry, user. it happens to me all the time. i detect jewesses everytime i go out.
peaches preserved in hot pepper jelly, I guess
Okay. But why?
wtf, kraut. in germany chocolate with pepper was trendy!
you literally cant boycott them as they have diversified their investments through many decades of planning.
god tier snack. Try it out some time.
Because it tastes good?
That guy makes good shit though. No joke.
we can use the power of Love to overthrow these dimensional demons GO FORCES OF LUV. 2 MUCH LUV 4 THE DEMONZ.
The Aliens fear our love energy. :-3
The love is 2 strong 4 them to handle with their crazy machines and shit.
>jewed by jam
no more pbj for you
well I'm about to counter Jew their alien products. boycott Apple.
kek just you wait man you will lose your mind and become a mess too
What did they mean by this?
What kind of cheese user
oh shit that's 99 per cent Illuminaughty.
they meant they're bad goys who harvest stuff.
is that robin williams.
the alien jew is not eternal. the rightful heirs to the planet will win.
I wonder which Alien Race could be behind thisssssss.
Yes they will, lets hope they wake up soon
accuracy of this geni.com site? there are no citations for Katerina
Wait, the middle name for both of Trumps parents was 'Christ'. What the fucc
Look at that cheese expert here. Might as well be Camembert.
holy shit. Trump isn't German, he's ((German)). it was a game along
sounds pretty good for a sandwich with farmer's cheese desu
I feel creeped out desu. I leave the fucking house to become a productive, health-conscious consumer and this bullshit keeps showing up.
Yes the Cultist Question is answered. They run the government. Then the next obvious question is the Alien Question. From there the Forces Of 'Nature' Question.
we all hope this timeline still has a chance.
Let's turn this Rothschild Jam thread into a Nazi Antarctic thread
>I wonder which Alien Race could be behind thisssssss
Literally Putin.
camembert is harder and dryer inside. it will look like brie just if put in the oven. the one from the photo was visible not in the oven and is creamy inside, so it is brie.
> tfw putin browses Sup Forums
putin's a spook reptilian.
Bow to me
Intelligence is passed through the mother
Trump is a superior Jewhite(wfJm would be dumber and personality would be more jewish than white)
White Male + Jewish Female = Above-average Intelligent White males. I'd say it takes the best traits from jews and the best traits from whites.
>not recognising brie
you probably don't understand because it isn't orange and in prewrapped slices
con artist.
would eat and spit out all over wherever I'm at/10
>Established 1984
You literally can't make this shit up. Like if you wrote this story in a book people would call it a shitty unrealistic book written by a total hack.
you can't make the Alien Occupation of the docle food class up.
PUT THE JEW SUGAR AWAY true aryans become the egg from consuming the egg.
true Aryans do not eat eggs you sellout.
I am not going to be conned.
So 1/8th jew
Thanks, stay safe favelanon.
>a bong
>a merican
Aren't you the country that eats "turkey twizzlers"?
I can remmeber the smell dude, good times as a kid, a slimy turkey twizzler at dinner time followed by deep fried happy faces and dinner lady lets me leave without disgusting carrots make me jizz my pants
he's not the only one you know.
there were a TON of nazis who went in similar situations.
lends credibility to the theory that the nazis have been orchestrating shit after ww2 behind the scenes, a feigned defeat.
Nice flag
Aren't you the country that eats anything that isn't fucking nailed down, you fat yank cunt?
>preserves that are not pickled cabbage
>this triggers the kraut