IIT: We meme a major terrorist attack on the USA into reality

IIT: We meme a major terrorist attack on the USA into reality.

At this point, the odds of President Trump's ban being upheld are quite low. Chances are, the Supreme Court will make a 4-4 decision, which will uphold the lifting of the ban from the traitorous leftists of the 9th Circuit Court.

However, this opens another path. In lifting President Trump's ban, the 9th Circuit Court has absolved Trump of any responsibility of terrorist attacks on US soil for the majority of the public. If a terrorist attack takes place, we can all simply point at the left and blame them for dogmatically opposing a perfectly-reasonable ban on destabilized countries that just happen to have a majority of Muslims living in them. Public opinion will instantly turn against immigration from these countries, and anyone that fought against the ban will lose all of their power.

While the loss of US lives will be regrettable, it is a necessary sacrifice to make in order to protect our culture and enforce our security. In fact, if we meme hard enough, then we can trigger an attack in Commiefornia and nothing of value will be lost.

Please note that no one condones false-flag operations of any kind. Sup Forums is a board of peace. There is no reason for any foolhardy Sup Forumsacks out there to sacrifice themselves and potentially ruin the movement forever, when a member of ISIS will inevitably do it anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:


>being so desperate that you would rather have a terrorist attack on your own citizens rather than accepting defeat
lol americans holy shit

This is so very wrong
But kinda funny
I give you my digits in support

((Gorsuch)) will vote against the ban fyi

>While the loss of US lives will be regrettable, it is a necessary sacrifice to make in order to protect our culture and enforce our security. In fact, if we meme hard enough, then we can trigger an attack in Commiefornia and nothing of value will be lost.
>Americans are willing to sacrifice their own people to pass a meme act
So this is the power of DUH-MUH-CRAY-CEEE

>In order to prevent terrorists from attacking, we need terrorists to attack.

Flawless logic.

An attack in California is morally justifiable. As we all know, commies aren't people.

Are you retarded?

> California
> blood-citizens (white people)

Pick one.

>calls other countries cucks
>literally praying and begging for his people to get killed by a mudshit
come on, really?

>a fucking leaf

ill do one better how about a civil war in america

A ban would be infinitely preferable but the leftists of this country have forced this to happen. It will not be a matter of "if", but "when".

>anyone in america
lmao how do you still believe this?

>take up arms now lads


>Gorsuch will be delayed by Dems for as long as possible
>RBG will die, as KEK wills it
>Travel ban upheld in a 4-3 vote


This is bugger than just the executive order. We need a Reichstag fire so that President Trump can truly become Emperor Trump. Once he's in power and doesn't have to answer to the sniveling judges or hand-wringing congressmen then it will be far easier to Make America Great Again. We've got to make this happen for America and for the white race.

Times Square Bombing 2017. Seems obvious, also Kek wills it and this post.

Press F to give praise and respect for ded NYFags.

won't happen. you're disgusting, op

ching chong

All brown ppl are on notice. We are done with your shit. Try something faggots.I dare you.

It won't be a 4-4 decision.

The 9th circuit's decision has major ramifications on what the judiciary can do.

my digits confirm a big terror happening in us soon

Let's not, CTR.

guess it had to come down eventually

>"if" not "when"
>As if there haven't already been incidents
>As if those incidents weren't largely done by fucking US born or dwelling assholes who were radicalized to hate the country
>We need more incidents to scare people into a ban that wont prevent more incidents from happening, but will alienate people and generate more aggression towards the US

06.06 2017

Can we meme shift this into Canada? Their already has been another sexual assault by a Syrian immigrant here. Have to go big fast with the powers of meme magic.

Shut your whore mouth faggot.

You don't even know what freedom feels like. We are prepared for any kind of crazy bullshit. Bow down you faggot.

Are you saying 40% of your population are not actual citizens?

It will happen, shooter will be a Muslim and many liberals will die.

>You don't even know what freedom feels like
Neither do you

Kekus vult

>anyone in leafland
>not a chink

9 spaghettis never forgetti

kys mexishit

Digits and it will happen tomorrow

Or, or... ISIS, stay with me here, ISIS could do post something about how they are gonna sneak in even more operatives with the fugees and attack the US.

Don't worry, kek will show all the path of light. The right happenings will happen at the right time.

40% illegal, that's probably a low number in California.

this is an incorrect usage of meme magic

Fuck you shill.
Also sage

Ann Arbor, Michigan

inshallah brother. kuffar will pay

take my digits and my nasheed.



I hope the attack is on a woman's march.

Also, I hope Trudeau is kidnapped and raped by Somali refugees.

It's sad that i live in a time where faggots "pray" and hope for a terrible terrorist act to occur so they can say derp liberals are dumb durrrr

You don't think the next the MSM will be all over "look what trump's ban creates" after the next 20 something american born muslim student runs down a bunch of people bc he spends too much time on the internet?

Japan has already attacked California. Fukushima was really a hidden atrack on the land we inhabit and a revenge for


Afterwards Trudeau will apologize to his rapists for not being sensitive enough their customs.

your this line of thinking is infuriating
show me where in the world the good muslims are if you think inviting them in and being nice is a solution

Many pinkos will be consumed by righteous fire.

They'll bomb McDonalds world headquarters. That'll be enough to send every american into a blind rage.


>nigger porn vids

Digits say San Fransisco gets the next visit from the Religion of Peace.

ding ding winner winner chicken dinner

kek is that really you

Witnessed. Can it be a gay pride thing for maximum irony?

Actually I don't think that will be necessary.
In fact Trump may be strategically using the corrupt courts to declare Marshall law.

Your digits said It will be the Folsom Street Massacre.

Oh shit user


Blessed kek


This plan is pure concentrated jewry. And I kinda like it. Have some digits.

The only way to beat the Jew is to become an even worse Jew

The ride never ends.

kek's message is loud and clear

Praise be kek

A few lives now, or the fate of our existential living breathing society.

Trump will get his ban. Its gonna be BIG. Just like the wall.

Witnessed. Praise Kek.

I think someone had a lil too much maple syrup

reported you to the FBI. Get ready for the door being kicked in and a free helicopter ride user


Tomorrow is the day! Full moon kek wills it!!

I never took you for a terrorist, Sup Forums

Guess I was wrong.

Antifa is present here.
Do not be surprised at any shit.

Yeah let's not kill people.

Your invitation to apply to work at the CIA has been mailed to you. You are just the kind of killer we need.

If we have an attack they look bad and it validates the ban.

If we don't have an attack the ban is working and it validates the ban.

Everything is a competition

Damnit Chaos god!

>Wanting your fellow countrymen to die so you can justify your candidates inane bullshit.

does this count? >8484

>your this line of thinking is infuriating
Your illiteracy is infuriating.
Seriously where the fuck did you go to school?

but seriously this is a really shitty idea


>jefferson confirmed for stoner

something something hemp farms

Praise Kek

Hopefully they shoot up another gay club
Trump promised I'd get tired of winning

The fact that this is what you fuckers actually want is scary. Believing in an ideology and supporting the policies of your candidate is one thing, but this is just disgusting. And you say liberals hate America, you don't even want an America

He grew hemp.
Jefferson confirmed NOT stoner. Ya know how?

>if Jefferson got high he would have talked about it. A lot.
Like, a lot.
Sadly. no such luck./ He committed his life to the rigourous discipline of learning and some light wine drinking.

Maybe he just got high and everytime he started thinking about writing about it he'd bang a slave or smoke some more

We aren't.
We tried to save them.
They're killing themselves.

>conspiring a terrorist act without using a VPN proxy
>digits that kek will not spare you

Enjoy ADX Florence.

The slave he banged was his dead wife's half sister, Sally. She was half black and was his "slave" because she had no other legal status in slave-owning Virginia
>TJ personally lobbied for the end of slavery in his state- unsuccessfully- many times.
Letters show he and Sally were very fond of each other. I couldnt reasonably argue that consent can exist in such a coercive and restrictive social landscape, but it wasn't rape nor unappreciated. He saw that his kids by her were free (which he could do) and educated.

No one is full-hero, but don't believe all the leftist myths about Jefferson. He was America.,

Yeah I get that, wasn't implying he was a horrible man or anything.
Smart guy really.

He was it.

"I will not believe our labors are lost. I shall not die without a hope that life and liberty are on steady advance.
And even should the cloud of barbarism and despotism again obscure the science and liberties of Europe...

this country

remains to preserve and restore light and liberty to them.

In short, the flames kindled on the Fourth of July, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy Six
have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism."