Syrian refugee here

Syrian refugee here.

How the fuck do you guys survive in the winter?

My lips are cracked as fuck, my skin is peeling off, and my hair is fucking frozen.

If I wasn't squatting in this empty mansion burning the books in this guys library I would be dead by now.

What a waste of books

Welcome faggot.

how do you have internet

was this Trudeau's plan all along? play the cuck for a while and then use his country as a refugee gulag?

choose one

Fuck off back to the desert

His wifi password was on his internet box


Dude -17C isn't even that bad.

We learned developed mental adaptations that made us better survive the winters.

Emotional restraint.
Delayed Gratification.
Social contracts for mutual survival.

All of these things allowed us to survive, and to prosper in lands not crippled by almost year-round winters.

On the off chance Op is not a larping faggot. The trick is to spend time out side naked in the cold to build a tolerance. Coat yourself in salt water and spend an hour a day standing naked in the snow. You will build a tolerance in about three days.

Pix or it ddnt happen, dont forget the timestamp

t. Alaskan eskimo nigger

It gets cold here. I have to bash my firewood with a pipe to break it out of frost before it goes into the woodstove kek

I'm not supposed to divulge our secrets, but we warm ourselves by drinking Drain-o.

this. did the same in germany. now winter is not a problem for me anymore.

Now tell them the trick about how swimming large distances instead of using rubber boats will make them the best swimmers and all blonde north european girls will love their athletic bodies.

damn son, nice digits

When G. Washington was a surveyor he had an Indian scout

George noticed that the Indian only wore a leather vest during the winter and he wore a long wool great coat

George asked the Injun "How come you don't feel the cold?"

The Injun replied "Does your face feel the cold?"

George said "No."

Injun said "Me face all over."

You need to get use to the cold. Build up a tolerance.

Always wear a hat to keep your feet warm.

Wool socks are the best.

and try not to cut any ones head off

We have to keep some secrets. Now go pay your debts.

>lips are cracked as fuck
>skin is peeling off
hand moisturizer
>hair is fucking frozen
what is hat

You need to roll around in the snow, it will warm you up, I promise.

If your toes or fingers start to hurt or turn black ignore it. After an hour naked at -17 deg you will feel warm. You might even feel comfy enought to sleep outside that night. If you do take a nap in the snow and by morning you will never feel cold again. Its all about tolerance.

low effort shitposting

go too a homeless shelter lazy fuck wit, we dont just hand out shit to anyone work.

Go back
Were full

How the fuck do YOU survive in the desert?

Fuck that heat. No wonder everyone is so goddamn angry all the time.

If I wasn't responding to this b8, I might be doing something constructive now.

You need to adapt your body to our cold climate. Staying inside makes you colder. Go outside and exercise. Aim for a few hours a day, jog, get sweaty. When you get sweaty, take off your coat. When the sweat dries, you might feel cool at first, but keep it at, even when you start to feel numb, and you will start to feel warm again.

Drink alcohol before you go out Mr.Refugee, it will help you feel warm.

You're not genetically meant to live in that environment. I'm from North Dakota and can walk in shorts and a t shirt just fine as long as the temp is in double digits

You could kill yourself.

This needs to be an infographic NOW

Even nature itself doesn't want them here.

In arabic so our new friends can understand it.

Exactly. I wouldn't even put it online, I'd just print fliers and leave them lying around in no go zones. Spread the white man secret! Down with white supremacy! Snow equality NOW.

how far north are you (translation: how fucked are you)?
there's a reason the vast majority of canucks live within 100km of the border.
don't blow anything up, we don't do that here. also you need "pickup-up artist" lessons. (classes on how to get laid legally.)

This happened to refugees that came to northern Norway. They said their children are crying non stop since it's so cold and dark. We have no sun at all for almost half a year, so they picked the wrong country to be neets. They wanted to go back to the tent camps in shalahanadom or whatever those sandnigger countries were named. I hope they spread the word.


Come to Ireland so I can kill you


You fucker

and also user go get some fire wood it cant be that hard right?

Jesus keeps us warm

To a Syrian, this is a mansion

and they don't know what books look like.


>If you do take a nap in the snow and by morning you will never feel cold again.
I can confirm this.

Good leafpost

seems legit

i hope you fucking die from hipothermia you useless trash

I can also confirm this. Snow is good at heating body temperature because of its white color. The white color reflects heat and sun rays that reach through clouds and warms you up if you are lying in the snow. This is also why you wear glacier goggles: the heatroactive reflective property of snow.

You probably live in Southern Canada.
enjoy it bud

too bad you faggots won't make it "to only snow once in a couple decades Florida"

Thanks winter chan!!

>Syrian refugee
>complaining about the cold

go back to your shit hole country, sand nigger.

He's not wrong.

Believe it.
