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LA would need 100 every minute for several year to notice any difference at all.
hi guys, leftypol from LA here, ignore the flag.
gay guy but built like a brick shit house. if anyone wants to meet up and go birddogging downtown then onto somewhere for chemsex let me know
that's not too massive
that happens in south texas a few times a day
So they have deported one family?
Can someone tell me what exactly happens when you get deported? do they just drop you in the middle of mexico and give you 2 taco shells to get you started?
I like you
they get deported to heaven of course
In other words ICE went to Home Depot
please be in Kansas
>as if ~1700 don't enter daily
Please, I saw more than 100 picking strawberries this morning while I was on the way to class.
they put you on a plane, you land inside your country, you're given a bill for the plane flight and are given no more help
100 down. 12 million to go.
b-but what about all our crops!
processed through ICE
people get reconnected through their families through the Mexican consulate
then they're released until they have a court date
at court they can argue their case
then they're sent back when they lose
what the fuck
this was just practice
>100 people
>mass deportation
obama deported 3 million people lol trump needs to step it up
My friend got deported in Germany due to not renewing his passport and he was in some sort of jail with other illegal immigrants with bad conditions for 2 weeks until deported back to Brazil.
Good. Send them to random countries they've never heard of and their kids else where. Fuck these people. GET OUT
>implying that deportation only happened after Trump was inaugurated
Cause they show up at court! You're a fucking idiot.
This must cost your economy so much money. It fucks me off how white countries have to do everything properly for these people all the time, and go through all the legal motions, when they aren't respecting our laws just by illegally entering in the first place.
You should just put them in a van and drop them across the border and tell them if they are caught in the USA again they will be executed.
Based Trump, turning Mexico into America again.
No more Fiesta in California.
>9th circuit votes political instead of upholding the constitution
>clear "what you cunt what you gonna do come at us" to Trump by the libs
>lib doubles ICE's budget and unleashes them into the American inner cities in an enraged mass deportation order
Counting down towards deporting leftists as well.
In terms of ethnic composition yes, but the first to go will be the repeated criminals with records and it'll be fucking nice to even just have them gone.
Send you back to your country. If you don't have a country of origin, because you're a degenerate illegal who hid your papers then we literally send you fucking anywhere we want
I wonder if this is more 9D chess. Get everyone so wrapped up in the drama of the temporary ban on certain countries that no one notices ramped up ICE deportations.
they all came back the next day
>100 swept up
Shit, guess they gotta make room for all those terrorists that just landed in LA from Yemen yesterday
That Obama rule ended today.
God I fucking hate you fascist fucks. I barely ever come to this shithole on account of it being so fucking toxic (yes that word applies) but sometimes I just have to keep a watchful eye on what the village retard racists are doing. I have PoC friends and I fear for their safety.
>100 illegals
this is a regular hour in new mexico and arizona, plebs
Call us whatever you want but we're still winning
This is not copy pasta.. Just a message i feel is necessary to get out.
Some of us just want basic rights to live and function. That does not mean we are nazis or niggers or the left or rednecks. Posted on this site daily is very clear evidence that we as serious whites dont have those rights. I have been thrown under the bus by people who think im a redneck. These people are full of ideas, arrogant and full of blind ambition. They never question themselves, yet it is obvious that their actions are the only factor which prevents this immediate initiative and action within the other people. It is obvious that these people are attached to their position in society and are saying what they are saying for no other reason. They are literally preventing the mentality of initiative which will directly solve the problems because they are fearful, selfish, ignorant and spineless. They blame it on others who are not like that and claim that it cannot be done like that as if some reckless immediate action would occur and more careful paced action is necessary. Just because someone has this immediate initiative does not mean they are going to do something reckless right now. This initiative will operate in the person and create the most efficient and intelligent action over time. These people are the ones who are committing this reckless action they speak of throwing everyone else under the bus just because they dont understand their own fear, like cucks. The way i see it, these people are the only ones holding back any kind of healthy change, with or without realizing it, all while claiming the hard work and initiative of others. Once again, just because someone has this discontent and initiative does not mean they are stupid, careless or reckless in a situation where those people claim to be playing a waiting game. We seriously need to sort this problem out. It can be something as minor as this which holds back Trumps EOs in a time like this.
I had some math for this. Let me look. Oh, here we go.
>This is not copy pasta
Still didn't read all that shit.
keep us posted
Not impressed
>mfw I'm a "PoC"
>mfw I voted for Trump
>mfw my first vote for President was against the grain
>mfw you're all butthurt and trying to acquire so many extra and freebees and G.E. Trump isn't going to allow it
Nazis had some seriously broken technology, now I can understand how they made UFOs and escaped to the Moon.
he doesn't want to die.
it's cool
>Piss off Trump too many times with by blocking the Muslim ban
>All the illegals get deported instead
Good going cuckolds
>not shoving multiple Jew's into an oven
>German efficiency is stronk
almost tired of winning here guys
makes me almost want to get out and improve myself
>making the bodies take longer to burn
100 Deports a Day will be Nice.
True, but this is actually the first minute.
Crematoriums burn by weight per hour. For example, 45kg is about an hour. If you had 4 malnourished jews at that weight each, you hare looking at 3-4 hours in the oven. Thats for full bone to ash. You can end it early and leave bone fragments, but you will have to remove them and bury/put them somewhere. There are no bone fragments anywhere to be found for reference. Not even ground radar penetration can find anything.
So efficiency is not based on how many go in. Its not a fire pit. They dont have smoke rising from crematoriums. You vaporize the bodies with coke (high energy processed coal that was in high demand in ww2).
So while you are joking about german efficiency, its actually factored into the numbers. Thermodynamics wont allow for more or less per hour without drastically increasing the energy required.
100 per day is not fast enough. It will take 550 years at this rate.
they should ban you itoddler niggers from posting.
how many years to deport 11 million at that rate?
Ha the other Execetive order was just for misdirection!
>thinking LA is the only place
Kek liberals
>100 deportations per day
> multiply by 4 years
> California goes red in your lifetime.
>1 million police deputized as ICE
>They each get a quota of 10
You trigger fatburgers, who keep discrediting Nazi being technologically advanced.
Btw people, it's not just LA. There are solid reports on Twitter about raids going on in places like Austin, Houston, Minneapolis, Savannah, San Diego and Charlotte. CHIRLA and ACLU are planning protests about it already and asking for voluntary lawyers. Keep an eye on that
What did he mean by this?
by the end didn't they just kill regardless of method? I've seen pictures of mass graves so I kinda assumed. not trying to take an aggressive tone or argue, just wondering
kek familia
100 a day just for LA is good.
>I fear for their safety.
That's good. You should. They have to go back.
Plant city Florida fag detected
Considering that he's only deporting criminals at the moment, it's disgusting that Obama allowed this many to stay in the US
Almost all "mass graves" pictures are from warsaw cemetary. Its in poland and not a concentration camp. Auschwitz is currently listed as having 1.1 million killed there. There is not a single mass grave at Auschwitz.
They need to make a sequel to 'A day without Mexicans' . It will literally be heaven here.
>when the news try to play criminals as victims becuase muh feels
tip top kek.
the best part of it all is being latino yourself and laughing at all these poorfags ruining the country.
The math is off in the bottom section. Nice fail graphic
Deport them all USA I'm proud of your country
They sure as fuck aren't concerned for yours, they probably wouldn't even consider keeping you as a pet. Holding up signs and yelling is not admirable contribution to any cause
The ovens were never meant to kill, they disposed of bodies after the prisoners were """gassed""". By the end of the war, the German supply lines were under constant attack, so no food or delousing agents (Zyklon B) could be brought to the camps. That's the cause of the piles of corpses and mass graves you see pictures of in school and documentaries. That said, the point of the leaf's picture is that there is physically no way all the ovens found in the camps could have burned enough bodies to keep up with the "six gorillian" narrative, not even close. The Red Cross reports around 270,000 deaths, the ovens could have handled that, except not when deaths sped up near the end of the war, hence the body piles and mass graves.
Fuck off
Gay commies are the worst
Good job, ICE, maybe those fuckers will think twice about waving their retarded flag all over Southland.
Could still amount to be less than the amount of money lost to illegals stealing tax payers money via welfare.
Uh... okay...
plz no tease.
This is a lie nazi created to close their crimes, there are even lampshade made from dead Jews o swear I seen it on natgeo. Hitler is alive and well died in Argentina. Jews we're tortured and it was nazi fault waaaaa Jews aren't bad you goys just jealous that Jews have great IQ than you.
I'm mexican and this shit made me laugh. Too true, lol.
Do it!
Why not just shoot them on sight? Better yet a drone
What in the world are you?