This thread is dedicated to the consideration of new rules and enforcement of moderation on Sup Forums. It is no secret that Sup Forums has seen a steady decline in overall board quality the past few years, but now in the post-election era it has reached a crescendo and every day it seems to get worse as rampant shitposting has gone unchecked to the point of normalization.
Current board rules go largely unenforced especially in relation to thread quality. It should be noted that the sticky states that any Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted and lists 5 EXAMPLES. These 5 listed in the sticky are not the end all be all of what a Sup Forums-tier thread may look like as we have certainly seen over the past year during the election. It seems that new posters seeking to disrupt any meaningful discourse on the board believe they can get around the rules of the sticky by avoiding “Red pill me on X” in exchange for “Well, Sup Forums?”, “Thoughts?”, “Thoughts on this Sup Forums?”, or many other examples we have seen this past year while the mods and janitors ignore the fact that these threads are just as abhorrent in quality as the examples already listed in the sticky. These new Sup Forums-tier threads are not well thought out, not well written, and do not offer a high level of discourse befitting of the board.
It is utterly shocking and repulsive how it even came to this level. How for so long threads such as “How will Sup Forums recover from this?” and “Drumpf BTFO” and “U mad whiteboi?” were allowed to fester and thrive receiving hundreds of replies. Now one is hard-pressed to go 15 minutes without seeing a low quality Sup Forums-tier thread such as these being made. It would be just as easy to chalk it up to new posters taking the time to actually reply to these bait threads that caused their rise in popularity, but that would only be an excuse to remove the responsibility the mods had in letting this happen.
Make Sup Forums Great Again
Had they had any foresight they could have seen what Sup Forums would have devolved into now. Instead of hundreds of replies these threads now usually receive 10-20 at most achieving nothing more than sliding threads where actual discussion about serious political issues is taking place. Did they ever consider that by letting this occur they were allowing valuable discourse to be slid off of the forum? That they were opening a Pandora’s box that perhaps may never be closed again? This opens up a new theory that the moderation in place is itself new and believes threads of this low level functionality to be, in fact, the normal. Not knowing that 5 years ago virtually all threads had a purpose, had valuable discussion, had more than just a kikebook meme as the image and a 5 word sentence.
This brings us to the decisions that must be made. In the previous threads of the week one of the most common requests is the removal of flags. This is usually made by foreigners that are always picked on for their home country. The identity of the poster’s country proves to be a valuable piece of information when discussing political issues, especially in believing what a person has to say about specific ideologies relative to their countries. For this reason flags should stay, as removing them will do nothing to alter the drastic amount of Sup Forums-tier threads that slide discussion which should be the top priority of moderation.
Instead there should be extremely strict enforcement in the purging of the normalized Sup Forums-tier threads of the election cycle in addition to the threads of the current sticky. These include but are not limited to:
>“Sup Forums BTFO”
>“Well Sup Forums?”
>“Thought on this Sup Forums?”
>“Drumpf BTFO”
>“How will Sup Forums ever recover from this?”
>“U mad whiteboi?”
>“Wat do?”
>“What did he mean by this?”
>“Why don’t you have an X gf Sup Forums?”
>“Is X /ourguy///ourgirl/?”
>“Reply to this” “If you don’t reply to this” “Roll for”
>“It’s over X is finished!”
>“Insult the country above you”
>“What does Sup Forums think of X?”
The subject matter of the post is usually not the problem in and of itself. It is the design of the thread specifically to bait the board into sliding valuable discussion. There is confusion on whether or not new posters to Sup Forums know what they are doing. Whether they know that taking a photo off of Google relating to a subject they want to learn about and writing “What does Sup Forums think about X?” is acceptable or not. This is unacceptable as it is not well thought out or well written and offers no specifics on where the discussion should be aimed. For this reason, it was also suggested that there should be a minimum amount of characters required for a thread to be created as to force posters to include more information relating to the subject they wish to learn about before creating a thread. However, this scenario seems to be easily exploitable for obvious reasons so perhaps the better solution is to simply enforce the rules of the sticky regarding well thought out posts and issuing warnings to posters that create threads such as “Thoughts?” with no other specific content regarding the topic in the post.
There were also some more rash suggestions over the past week that are surely to be less popular with the overall population of board, but are 100% assured to immediately increase board quality. These are to ban kek posting, which is nothing more than glorified get posting, and to ban mobile posting, which probably would not even be possible from a standard board moderator’s stand point. But banning mobile and kek posting, but mobile posting especially, would drastically decrease shitposting overnight. This fact cannot be argued.
Another suggestion this week, which is probably the most effective if Sup Forums really does not have dedicated moderators, is a robot similar to /r9k/ to filter out the new aforementioned Sup Forums-tier threads. Along the same lines of removing flags was removing ID’s. ID’s are a necessary evil to eliminate samefagging so they must stay. One creative solution mentioned was auto-banning users that do not respond to their thread in a certain amount of time which would reduce the “1 post by this ID” situation in bait threads. Also a 30-minute timer in between creating threads. If nothing is done perhaps the mods should allow a month or two of solid gore posting to be allowed to rid us of the cancer we are currently dealing with. Mods please consider the content of this thread and implement some real changes. The quality of the board as it stands today is unacceptable, especially to people that remember how truly great it once was.
In the same way our God Emperor has instituted extreme vetting at our nation’s borders, our moderators must institute extreme vetting at thread creation. If people would simply not reply to Sup Forums-tier threads they would have gone away by now but, unfortunately, this leaves moderation as the only way Sup Forums can be saved and possibly revert to a time where posters had the ability to converse about serious topics uninterrupted. The most likely solution is thread creation timers and auto-bans for not replying to a created thread.
I was waiting for a thread like this
Tbh pol is just a headache to scroll through nowadays
I propose
>remove posts starting with 'how should I respond?' Or 'i just got sent this'
>remove posts about random relebrities or even random people complaining about politics
These threads generate the exact same responses every single time and are simply a waste of space. Genuinely getting headaches from all this repition
Celebrities *
Further. No one cares about what some faggot posts on facebook it isnt worth an entire thread to talk about
Mod them Jonny. Mod them all.
ban everyone who isnt natsoc (libertarians can stay)
Examples of threads that should be deleted and the poster should be banned for Sup Forums-tier and low quality.
Boo-hoo. Fuck these whiners. Sup Forums is fine as it is. The anarchic mix of shitposting and serious discussion is part of what makes this site great.
We need upvote system to weed out neo-nazi kids who think their opinion is important.
this is exactly the point. New people such as yourself have accepted this as normal but it is not. Sup Forums was not like this 2 years ago. This shit is out of control and you are contributing to the problem.
>autistic newfag the post
Sup Forums was always in full retard mode, it was made to contain the stormfags.
Leave it as REEEEELebrities
if you only knew how small the net can be in this ocean of shit
Go fuck yourself
Are we not to assume some europoor trash making a thread insulting an American presidential candidate is purposely shitposting?
When they spam and repost the same OP 4-5 times a day and ban evade as well as use multiple IPs to do so. You might enjoy his new flavor, the Ar-15 threads and Americans being faggots for wanting automatic rifles.
OP is still a giant faggot. Not ever thread on his little gay thread list is Sup Forums tier.
I feel like the first step is removing flags and IDs. I've noticed the flags have resulted in a lot of unnecessary crossboard posting with Sup Forums, and shitposting (i.e. "poo in loo," "leaf," "rare"). IDs, I don't really see the point of on this board.
After that, I think taking a hard stance against the LARPers on this board. A particularly egregious example is the whole kek thing. I fail to see how it's different from GET posts, which are (allegedly) not allowed.
Then I think it just comes down to enforcing global rules. There's a large number of Sup Forums tier threads posted here often, and I think the janitors and mods need to realize that those threads are not encouraging healthy discussion.
What are your thoughts?
When I first came here I 'sage'd, said 'mods!' and reported threads that were off-topic (had been a mod on reddit), and got banned for it. So Sup Forums is going to have to do quality control without help from me.
I think flags and IDs are the least of our problems when you go to the catalog and set the sort order to "creation date"
Option to pick ideology flag instead of location flag
Change board to blue
Ban porn posters
Warning + then ban for cropped porn
Ban replies to porn
Ban falsified headlines or quotes without sauce
I was a frequent Sup Forums reader back in 2014, then fell off for a while and came back early 2016. Jesus fucking christ this place took a nose dive. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Shit tier threads are everywhere, there is zero creativity, people just post Bogdanoff shit (I'm going to get trolled just for mentioning this) and total copypaste thread titles/headings. The only reason I come on Sup Forums any more is to prove to myself that it never changes, day by day. It's like Reddit. The front page one year ago is indistinguishable from the front page today, the users are so homogenized and unoriginal that they can only parrot a few stupid catchphrases and post idiotic threads like Flat Earth shitpoasts and "Blacks are superior u mad". Fuck you people.
That's a nice essay you wrote, OP. Too bad that your shilling is blatant.
>mods and jannies aren't cleaning up
>too much fucking ribbit in here
>therefore we must get rid of flags and id's
Its completely non sequitur.
Getting rid of flags and ids would make the board even more spam prone and easy to slide. If you want to keep some of the abusive and casual traffic out, remove Sup Forums from the short links at the top, like /trash/. Have a longer post timer, and OP has to reply after a thread has been bumped, or it slides. Also, more public bans and no lurking while banned. People will not respect rules unless there is evidence of a punishment.
>oh no he isn't going to help anymore
You should ban obvious troll threads that don't invest in any real discussion. Their only purpose is to shit up the board. We don't need 5000 threads saying
>Drumph BTFO travel ban denied hahahahahahah
Did you read anything I posted. I made arguments for why we should KEEP flags and ID's.
Unfortunately a blue board would also mean gore isn't allowed. Sometimes current events can get gory, the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, for example. I'd rather just warn/ban porn posters than disallow pictures of some current events that may be relevant to a thread discussion.
As for location flag... I'm not so sure. I kind of like the location flags, so long as people avoid memeing them too hard (looking at you, Canada). Maybe having location + ideology flags would be an option?
>People will not respect rules unless there is evidence of a punishment.
This only provokes and motivates them more my friend.
The only sure way to help this board is to not allow phone posters, vpns and somehow figure out a way to identify the user by perhaps something like a MAC address instead of an IP that can easily be changed. Sorry, I'm not a computer genius but I assume that would be a good start to ease the apparent sewage here,
Sup Forums is good now, don't change anything
More quality threads that are not being deleted.
flags should go, but ID's should stay. i see threads deleted every so often, but not until they have 50+ replies, at a minimum. we honestly should probably just start by having more mods, since Sup Forums is now Sup Forums and Sup Forums sized in terms of traffic
>These are to ban kek posting, which is nothing more than glorified get posting, and to ban mobile posting, which probably would not even be possible from a standard board moderator’s stand point. But banning mobile and kek posting, but mobile posting especially, would drastically decrease shitposting overnight. This fact cannot be argued.
Fuck off with trying to ban Kek posting. It doesn't derail discussion and it is an evolution of Sup Forums culture. Gets were always worshiped.
This post really nails it. Low effort OPs don't really have any place on the board. Mods need to hammer down on deleting obvious bait threads where the OP doesn't even reply.
>I feel like the first step is removing flags and IDs. I've noticed the flags have resulted in a lot of unnecessary cross-board posting with Sup Forums, and shitposting (i.e. "poo in loo," "leaf," "rare"). IDs, I don't really see the point of on this board.
The board isn't supposed to be totally serious. If you want everything that strays off topic removed go browse reddit. Flags are good for getting the context of a person's opinions. IDs are absolutely necessary for this board so that you can actually have a discussion with someone. If you remove IDs that just makes threads get derailed even harder than any flag-posting does.
>After that, I think taking a hard stance against the LARPers on this board. A particularly egregious example is the whole kek thing. I fail to see how it's different from GET posts, which are (allegedly) not allowed.
Fuck off
>What are your thoughts?
Your reddit spacing tells me you should go back there.
Mods won't fix shit because they know you're addicted and will keep coming back anyway.
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Should get deleted
Why does that thread deserve to be deleted? Greater Israel conspiracy is fine OP topic.
This is the kind of shit-posting that should be allowed.
>we all keep coming back
>for free
Do what you will with flags,
But IDs stay.
You will not believe some of the abhorrent samefagging that goes on in other boards. Entire threads of one retard arguing with themselves while the rest gape on in genuine belief that there are two sides to this debate.
>I feel like the first step is removing flags and IDs
Removing flags is debatable but why the hell would you want to enable shills to samefag their threads to the front page?
The mods will do nothing because hiro will not change the rules. He lets companies and organizations post here for a pretty penny although it is against the rules but he allows it. Sup Forums is quite dead as evidence by all the twitter post OPs in the catalog that take up 50% of it. Nothing you can do will change it.