We got jewed hard, Sup Forums.
We got jewed hard, Sup Forums
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nice video nigga CFR is the literal center of the jewish illuminati in america.
My subs have dropped by 4 people just since I uploaded my video on Iran because people treat political parties like ball teams.
fuck off CTR/Shareblue
This, why can't you faggots get it through your heads how transparent each one of you is? We can practically tell individuals apart at this point, you're all just so embarrassingly bad at this.
Fuck both you faggots I just looked that up and I resent it.
Here's your (You) Fischbein
Can you share the shareblue/ctr google doc with me, I wanna know how to get such memes as "tr2.jpg" and "putin-crying.jpg"
i said sh..SHUDUP
relax goy, he's just playing 4D dreidel. He's allied with our based israeli nationalist friends who aren't at all involved in some nefarious agenda to destroy america
are you RP'ing as shareblue?
If not here's another (you) gotta pay that cuckshed mortgage
Yup it's RP
David Rockefeller isn't a jew
so they say
If Trump was a zionist shill, why is he not advocating for the ousting of Assad? Shills can never answer this question
Because Putin.
I could easily answer that by stating if Trump is so pro Assad then why does he is he threatening Iran, the closest ally in the middle of Assad, with sanctions and treating their support in defending Syria against terrorism as an act of aggression?
believe I supported Trump mainly on his stances on Syria and the fact that voted for him over Hillary is literally voting on whether or not we destroy Syria.
But that was before he was being such a cunt on Iran. I mean he already was just not this much.
And you cant be pro Assad and then shill this hard on Iran calling them the "number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world" while they are fighting the terrorists that OUR GOVERNMENT sponsored.
Its fucking horseshit.
Russia is also allied with Iran
You didn't answer the question. If Trump is a zionist, his views on Assad make no sense. You imply being against Iran makes you a zionist by default. My claim is that a zionist would 100% want to take out Assad and wikileaks shows that.
Meant for
It is more evidence that he is than is not.
His "Iran is the number one state sponsor or terrorism in the world" line is a dry old neocon line that comes straight out of Hillary's script book.
It would be retarded to ignore this as an obvious sign that he has zog whispering in his ear.
have some sage fagit
>trump said this horrible thing
Trump insults and praises all sorts of people. Get back to me when Trump advocates specific actions.
Sure thing you stupid faggot
Answer to the first question.
Trump wanted to usher in a ban straight away, so he used the existing framework that was in place from under the Obama administration.
>tell the truth about a possible zionist shill
reddit it's time to go back the election is over
True and I considered that but also consider that when he first put in the ban it was right before he started saying all of this horseshit and the plans to slap on more sanctions.
Even before that it was still a redflag that he put iran on ban and not saudi arabia whether it was Obama's list or not.
And his latter actions thoroughly debunk your statement.
They couldn't be more obvious if they tried.
Hurr durr you disagree with me therefore you're a paid shill. Children.
If you're anti Trump you're anti Jews. Get off this board you dumb anti-semite.
Do you have any fucking clue what board you're on?
Newfag scum
In you get
Whoever did that cartoon forgot how much of an actual kike loving fat ass Trump is.
Needs a fat frumpy body and one of those US/Israel flag pins.
Are the jews inherently evil? Even if they are, they could choose to be benevolently evil.
Think about it, the architects of any society have to be benevolent evil genius. To design the best society, you must think of the worst aspects of the humanity and account for them.
Jews solved the problem and you're just being petulant children for not understanding.
Judaism which is actually talmudnist and kabbalism is in fact as religion inherently evil and occultic.
There may be religious jews such as the anti zionist jews who have pious intentions but talmudnism is a dark religion.
Sup Forums loves nothing better than a good old fashioned rightist zionist Dicking. strawpoll.me
Well the Jews have the American goyim running around looking for spica while they keep running the show in foreign policy and Economy. Sad!
yeah and look at all the major names like moluneux who just completely flopped and didnt even catch it.
Still talking about SJW bullshit and why the muslim ban wasnt actually a muslim ban.
Fucking sad.
I was really glad to see Jeff Rense catching on almost immediately and calling Trump out on it.
I got a feeling the (((media))) will back Trump in push to war with Iran while shitting on him for everything else so the goys keep having the illusion of left and right
meant this for you idk why the fuck I did that
The first clip is referring to ISRAEL
the entire basis of the video falls flat on its face because of this context denial
Did you even watch the rest of the video?
Did you fucking seriously just stop it as soon as that clip started and decide you found what debunked it like a fucking retard?
God this low-information shit is cringeworthy. No, retards, Trump isn't going to invade Iran. He has no interest in doing anything except bombing ISIS because they're Clinton's mercenaries. His behavior only makes sense if his intention is to prevent Israel from expanding--he obviously has no intention of carrying water for them, whatever he says, otherwise we'd already have troops in Syria.
Well he's right. It's a shit video with nothing to substantiate it.
You are such a fucking retard.
This is the second time im posting this.
They're also not removing the sanctions on Russia. It's also like sanctions don't matter. There will be no invasion, period. So as usual, I'm right, and you're wrong.
>sanctions on Iran means Trump is a zionist shill
If sanctions don't matter then why throw this much of a shit fit and put more sanctions on Iran and if Trump is so pro Russia then why has he not stopped the troop buildup in Europe and why has he not stopped the sanctions?
You literally just duped yourself with your own argument you stupid fucking autist!
Yes it fucking does.
If he wasn't a shill then he wouldnt be spewing this bullshit about Iran being the number one state sponsor or terrorism and putting sanctions on them in the first place.
Its not like he fucking needs to for any other reason than to be a fucking shill.
This is how the US builds up to a war every fucking time.
Throw on crippling sanctions like we did in Iraq which starved 500,000 people to death and then invade.
Your lack of information isn't an argument. I do enjoy humiliating idiots though, so let me explain in detail.
The sanctions don't matter, but Republican and AIPAC sentiments do. They want saber rattling (you know what saber rattling is, right?) so Trump does it. We get sanctions which don't matter and tanks in Poland which won't do anything, and in return Paul Ryan shuts up for another two weeks.
MEANWHILE, he has refused to get involved in Syria, which is part of the Greater Israel project and MUST fall with Assad being removed in order for them to outflank Iran. Iran is building nukes, and they don't need trade with the West to complete them by 2030, thereabouts.
The Israelis want war with Iran and they want it bad. They want to annex half of Syria as well, hence Hillary and Obama's adventures with ISIS.
Now, if Trump isn't getting involved in Syria he's already completely BTFO your argument that he's serving Israel. And if he didn't get involved in Syria, why would he get involved in Iran? The entire point of the attempted coup in Syria was to give Israel (and us) a venue into Iran.
The venue is now gone. So there will be no invasion. Sanctions and tough talk mean nothing, if you look at what Trump is actually doing, it's insubstantial and it does not further Israel's ambitions.
You, totally lacking perspective, take what other people feed you at face value. Now watch over the next four years as I am correct on EVERY point and you are wrong on every point.
>This is how the US builds up to a war every fucking time.
>Throw on crippling sanctions like we did in Iraq which starved 500,000 people to death and then invade.
It's like Sup Forumsacks have no damn memory
>Now, if Trump isn't getting involved in Syria he's already completely BTFO your argument that he's serving Israel. And if he didn't get involved in Syria, why would he get involved in Iran? The entire point of the attempted coup in Syria was to give Israel (and us) a venue into Iran.
user, he is too retarded to understand this. He thinks not sucking Iran's dick is all the evidence needed to to be outed as a zionist.
Trumps going to appoint (((Elliott Abrams ))) to the state department soon he was a Bush Lackey during the Iraq War and has a hard on to attack Iran we've been shilled hard man if he does that
Everything you just threw out is what you HOPE happens not what the evidence show is building up.
Nothing you fucking said can be backed up by the least.
You are going to keep saying this shit in denial until we actually do attack Iran.
No. We are shilled hard if there is an invasion, and under no other circumstances. This concern bullshit is getting tiresome. All you people do is screech about what you THINK is going to happen. If we were going to invade Iran I could've told you about it in September of last year. No Syria, no Iran. Mark my words.
>Implying you can be the president and not suck off the Zionist lobbyists
You are a fucking retard OP, every president has to suck off the Zionists and Evangelicals as they are so fucking entrenched in our political system
Just keep dreaming I will wake you up when the shit hits the fan.
Are we in Syria?
So we've already abandoned half of Israel's grand strategy.
Is Trump snuggling up to Putin?
So we're already getting friendly with Iran's closest ally.
Is Trump a Zionist?
Did Trump not just axe half of Israel's grand strategy and ruin 15 years of laborious kike plotting in Syria?
So Trump isn't a Zionist. So why would he want to invade Iran?
You're the one making insubstantial claims that don't fit the chessboard. If we were going to invade Iran WHY would we be backing down in Syria? This. Is. Saber. Rattling.
>You are going to keep saying this shit in denial until we actually do attack Iran.
I'm going to be saying it for at least Eight years then, because Trump isn't going to invade Iran. I'll tell you what, if he does it, you come back to Sup Forums and you make a nice big thread with a screencap of this post, and you rub it in my face.
What you'll actually do is crawl back under a rock and desperately attempt to forget how wrong you are when nothing fucking happens.
>huu huu b-but mattis said
Yes the guy called Mad Dog Mattis is talking tough. Mad Dog "I will fucking kill all of you" Mattis is threatening people no shit.
So why aren't we in Syria? Nobody can answer this question.
Its not just Iran either.
And lets just say you ARE right and even in the video it mentions the slight possibility of this just being one of his art of the deal tactics then it will be lucky as fuck and regardless it would have been stupid to not see it as a possible redflag. Holding his feet to the fire when he turns out to do nothing is better than being an in denial apologist faggot.
Is this actual discussion or just blatant shilling?
Shilling this fucking hard holy shit
Yeah nigger faggot!