Why are women generally less nationalistic than men?
Why are women generally less nationalistic than men?
Because women know they are just possessions. They will go with whom ever is the most powerful. AKA Bandwagon fans.
Same reason the men were mostly hunters.
>Brown eyes
because they know that they just have to fuck whoever won to pass on their genes
>women generally less nationalistic
>Implying implications
Evolution. They don't have to fight for the resources under the condition that they aren't ugly, while men on the other hand formed tribes to conquer and protect resources.
Someone's not getting laid
They wait for us to tell them what to be
you have never actually touched a women have you beta?
when did amy schumer loose 100 pounds?
>mfw blue eyes hide my nigger ancestry.
Generally speaking women prefer to be led by a man because they are less likely to have have strong opinions about important issues. It's actually a pretty sweet gig if you're attractive, which is why the ugly ones all become feminists.
Because women are pawns just as they have been for millenia on end. Nations exist for men to protect their women from other men, just as tribes did. Humans haven't actually changed from their caveman days, they've only developed more effective ways to kill each other and rape women.
Men are warriors. We instinctually protect our people when they are under threat. It's our role, not women's.
I don't think they necessarily are
It's just that globalist liberals have been very good at marketing certain issues to them as "women's rights issues," and so they pick at what they think serves their interests without thinking too deeply about it
No, but everyone with brown eyes is not White.
The sexism is strong in here.
Women usually conform to whatever group is in power. It's a survival mechanism since so often throughout history they would be captured and raped by invading tribes.
>He doesn't know the true nature of women.
You know how I know you're a whiteknight cuck?
Most women dread become a mother, most guys don't have the capacity to become a father.
t. Abdul Achmed
Because evolution has made women this way.
When your tribe is taken over by another tribe, the women who submit to the conquerors are the ones who stay alive.
It's called reality, Ahmed.
light brown ≠ so dark you can't distinguish it from the pupil
Look at this salty cunt
most women like getting bummed up the arse by brown folk liveleak.com
My theory is that back in caveman times tribes would war with other tribes and kill all the men...the women would shag the invaders ro stay alive.
Women can't be trusted (of course there are exceptions)
Women have been bred to be national traitors. Think about it. Throughout history after many empires have risen and fallen, when a village/town/city fell to invaders, women who didn't submit and service the invading men were killed off. This has been repeated time and time again till women instinctively open their legs as wide as possible when an invading force with a good chance of victory advances and they unconsciously do things to sabotage their side.
I followed you here from the other thread you were shitposting, you fucking bigot. How dare you assume my political affiliation.
Apologize or I will follow you to every thread until you do.
Biology. They are meant to be caring mothers for their children and other's. To be extremely emphatic.
They struggle to make hard choices that are necessary but heartless.
Sexism = acknowledging distict gender roles. Men are bigger and stronger, and more useful for fighting against invaders, so we evolved to be naturally aggressive towards outsiders to protect our women, children and elders.
>When your tribe is taken over by another tribe, the women who submit to the conquerors are the ones who stay alive.
haha and men what? Decide to die? There is an old war joke when grandpa tell a story to his grandchild, it goes like this when Germans came to our village they said, we will either shoot you or we will fuck you, so what did they do to you, grandpa? They... shoot me
They never evolved to protect their tribe and culture. Men had to fight and die for their people, women stayed behind and ended up reproducing with the winning tribe regardless of which one it was.
>majority of females voted for brexit and trump
>still doubting them
I'm beginning to sympathize with their plight. You beta fucking cucks really can't be happy with anything.
Fuck off creep.
women didn't shag the invaders. They were raped. They didn't have a choice. They are the weaker vessel and can't defend themselves even from the weakest man in the invading tribe.
An SJW Muslim? Maybe you guys can learn to assimilate to our cucked Western culture.
>majority of females voted trump
No they didn't.
Tötet alle schwarzen Menschen heil hitler Juden verdienen zu vergast
You mean the married women who just voted how their husbands told them to vote?
>>majority of WHITE females voted trump
Who tf is that?
pls user
Wow, nazism, sexism AND racism.
What a surprise.
One barely ever sees these things together.
>nations exist for men to protect their women
Maybe that's what they used to do but they definitely don't now. In Europe you have the government doing everything it can to race mix the population with "immigrants" who are black or muslim and are never endedly pouring in
This, basically. As a woman, there is no need for your tribe to survive in order to stay alive and create offspring. If you are a man and your tribe falls to a different one, you are dead.
real women follow real men, stay beta.
Nations =/= governments
Nations are a dead concept in the West
You must not be around the right women.
>live in the southern United States
>girls where I live around here are all tomboys
>shoot guns, drink beer, ride ATV's, hunt with their fathers/mothers/boyfriends
>know how to cook a mean meal, know how to farm, know how to forage for food, know how to grow their own food, make killer lemonade
>don't take shit from anyone
>unironically being a bigoted politi-phobe
>in the current year even
I cannot with you right now, apologize for your ignorance and blatant politiphobia.
Women were pretty nationalistic during WW2. Women will do whatever's trendy, they will say and think whatever gives them the bigger chance of being fucked (it used to be bigger chance of procreating, but the Jew saw to changing that).
Because the women who defended their tribe were killed while the submissive ones were bred by the invaders and passed their genes on
Women are genetically designed to betray you in favor of outside genes
Learn2 Sup Forums, you fucking leaf.
Because they're more intelligent than your average meathead fascist and their mutable nature helps them to intuit that right and wrong are highly subjective and nothing is as black and white as it seems
A-are they into femdom?
t. city boy
Maybe try clicking that button you stupid yank
and this
They are very dominant until they have children of their own and become more submissive and get in touch with their femininity or whatever.
but i am a real man, are you a real man?
and they look like that...
I don't know what part of the south you're from. My mother was raised in the south and she definitely cannot be described as nationalistic to any degree
>qt southern belle will never ride my cock like a horse
feels bad man
There is a video calles "why women destroy civilizations" that talks about it, more or less.
Nigger, read a book.
kek, thanks m8
Women have no loyalty to a specific family its just natural. In nature the female lion will abandon a male lion if a stronger male comes a long as its more beneficial to be with the stronger male.
Also, they are more materialistic, and nationalism doesnt fix well with materialism.
Which is obviously why every great philosopher in history is a woman. Go back to your safe space.
Black Pigeon?
That pic always cracks me up.
That Aryan Women™ has literally zero chin.
They arent in fact in their natural state they are more nationalistic. They have been brainwashed in the west by years of feminism.
Exactly. Were all in favor of evolution until it insults some whiny fuck.
Care to elaborate.
10/10 would go to war for this girl
pack mentality. ever notice how women can't agree on anything in groups? if enough of them say something is X, then more of them will flock to that notion.
Holy shit he didnt even imply she was white you autist. Nordicism is truly wewuzism for white people, especially when youre unable to hide it like this guy.
That's because she's not Asian.
They're too selfish, shallow and narrow minded.
Does everybody assume somebody posting this shit with a Doucheland flag is serious because Germans usually aren't sarcastic?
the females that matter did
Because women know that borders are fucking temporary.
Because bringing in foreigners triggers their universal rape fetish genes.
Most people on this planet are the result of rape somewhere down the line. Naturally the most abundant are the offspring of the women who made themselves most available to rape.
They don't have to defend their nation to preserve their ability to have future offspring.
Women are more conformist then men.
Men were generally the hunters/leaders/ and generally warriors of the tribe. Hence their reproductive success more complicated then females.... Dramatic variations in evolutionary psychology often gave them a particular niche which allowed them to reproduce(stoic man vs rebel, Chad the risky alpha vs Ben the reliable beta, tribal leader vs outcast adventurer).
Meanwhile all a women had to do was be a part of the tribe, pick some berries, and was almost guaranteed to get pregnant by some desperate guy.
This thread is rimming the edge.
because nignogs appeal to womens primal instinct to make children whereas white men take it slow but instead we should be RAPING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Women actually don't think, they just follow the status quo. Of course, most normie men do too though. Women just seem worse right now because the current order makes them behave especially disgustingly. Men just walk around like zombies and chit-chat about niggerball.
Early feminists were ultra-nationalists
They have no scope, just like niggers have no foresight. Their worlds are all about themselves and they can't picture anything bigger (in the case of women) or can't picture anything other than a vague idea that tomorrow exists (in the case of niggers). In both cases neither can see the bigger picture which is why they both think like children (although children are generally less selfish than women, they still lack the mental capacity to consider how certain events cause other events to happen and don't really understand the future or how it works). That's why leftism works so well for these people and that's why leftists speak to their demographic in the only way they understand, being talked down to, just like you would with a child.
Some think otherwise. Read some bullshit-science on fas.org, they said women are more prone to these ideas and that's you have to work more on them.
The most nationalistic thing ive ever heard came from a hot teenage white girl heavily into msm pop culture.
She basically understood that it was a womans nationalistic responsibility to have children to continue the race/culture and ultimately nation. Her words the nation would cease to exist if we didnt make babies.
This was her retort to a farleft bitch that insisted women stop having kids.
Female value quality, male value quantity at any cost. Because the reproductive cost for females is higher, female is picker, and will aim to avoid incest. Whereas in nature, males try to start fucking the nearest female a male can find even if related.
I'd say no, not inherently. But they are not fighters or changers.
>true nature of women
>They will go with whom ever is the most powerful
>be me
>hear this
>see the explanations in theory
>look for historical evidence
>find none
I have never seen one single account which refutes the evidence we see in history. Look at the Teutonic Fury, The Aztec conquest, The Vinland Saga, The Iliad, The Mongol conquests.
Women have always been loyal to the death to men who loyal to the death in societies that emphasized loyalty to the death.
Please take your (((theories))) and throw them away, an idea is not evidence. Empiricism should've smashed you long ago, yet you persist because there is no creation story to match the one no one will name.
>you're weakness breeds weakness