"Global warming" is really freezing my balls off



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North America Jan 15 2017

courtesy NOAA/ NASA

I live near Chicago and we haven't had snow since late December...

Yeah na

This is the real reason you should believe in global warming.

Also the muzzies and niggers are weak to cold.

We really need to just drop the global temperature a few degrees regardless of whether GC is real.

we need another ice age


>People having fun at the beach is a bad thing
Fatty detected

Can someone explain to me why the icecaps melting is a bad thing?

>big snow storm this morning
>drove around from 5am to 11am in a winter wonderland slamming coffe while plowing customer's parking lots and driveways
so fucking comf


It will drown all of the rural and suburban retards

it will allow us to colonize northern canada, siberia, inland greenland, and antartica

it's ebil because the left is anti-expansionism and anti-anthrocentricism

You know there was a mini ice age in the Victorian era right?

When your ice melts in your glass, your glass doesn't overflow.... How would a melting ice cap make sea levels rise?

>Why are rising sea levels bad

Dont be retarded, user

this seems to imply the rate of emissions was similar at the begging of the indus revolution as it was in the 60's which i highly doubt

Hey look, we're right on schedule!

Correct. Did you know that it was most likely caused by volcanic greenhouse gas emissions? Really gets those neurons firing earthsky.org/earth/volcanoes-might-have-triggered-the-little-ice-age
Pic related

Sea ice vs land ice

>year 0 = 1995
Kek. Our current CO2 is now off that chart, be worried about positive feedback cycles

Yeah but liberals and most poor country's are near the ocean, wouldn't it be good if say, Florida and parts of Africa just got destroyed?

what the apes do in chicongo when snow happens?

Protip: global warming is Illuminati BS, and uncomoromised smart people know full well an irreversible ice age is on deck.

Couldn't help but notice CO2 succeeds temperature.

It does not imply that at all. CO2 is one of many things affecting temperature change

Not fake data.

Pick one.

besides, the west has reduced emmissions output by about 20% over the last 10 years. For every step we make in reducing emissions, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, and a few others outpace us by triple in their increases.

ah yes the good old global temperatures pre-1960s meme

The water expands from the increased temperature you bitch ass nigger.

Liquid water expands from a volume of
1.0002L per kg at 0C
1.0004L at 10C
1.0018L at 20C
1.0043L at 30C

Now the magic is that ocean temperatures don't move very much other than the very top layer. The first 3 meters is warm, everything more than 3m deep is more or less the same, and drops in a predictable manner all the way down.

A global heating of 5C from 10 to 15 would cause an expansion of 0.0003L/kg in the first 3m of water.

No one is predicting 5C of warming.

As I mentioned, beware positive feedback cycles.

In the case of warming, the lag between temperature and CO2 is explained as follows: as ocean temperatures rise, oceans release CO2 into the atmosphere. In turn, this release amplifies the warming trend, leading to yet more CO2 being released. In other words, increasing CO2 levels become both the cause and effect of further warming. This positive feedback is necessary to trigger the shifts between glacials and interglacials as the effect of orbital changes is too weak to cause such variation. Additional positive feedbacks which play an important role in this process include other greenhouse gases, and changes in ice sheet cover and vegetation patterns.

The trend you described is correct. So the question is, is it fair to clamp down on CO2 polluting 3rd world nations to the same degree that we do in the west, given that we had very limited to no restrictions in order to reach our current level of development. I dont know the answer to that question. Basically, do we doom 3rd world countries to poverty (and all that comes with it) for a lot longer or risk dooming our whole planet to desertification, biodiversity/ecosystem loss and sea level rise.

The driving factor is almost surely negative feedback given the massive stability of the temperature.

>negative feedback
>temperature stability
I mean I disagree and know that that's not correct. But would mind explaining how you arrived at that conclusion?

Engineering; systems of positive feedback tend to always spin out of control.

Systems of negative feedback tend towards equilibrium.

The global temperature going back 800,000 years only varied by less than 5C and most of it by less than 2C.

Given that land air temps can move by 40C or more in a single day, having a global average so stable suggests that the climate/temperature systems are under feed back controls.

Positive feedback isn't stable.

It's getting cold, isn't it?

except global temps pre 1960 were almost 1 degrees warmer then now.

>I'm going to use science through carbon dating to prove that the science behind global warming is wrong
