>illegals...whise only crime was border hopping
>new law punishes thieves whose only crime was stealing something!
>including people whose only crime is committing a crime
>being here is illegal but they shouldn't be punished for that because reasons
>only crime
sooo.... criminals?
fugg blease habben
Good, get em out
>Trumps deportation plan might actually target people who crossed illegally into the country!!
Fuckin christ, leftists all need to die
>illegals whose only crime was coming illegally
>murderers whose only crime was murdering soneone
>rapists whose only crime was boning someone without permission
>Liberals care more about people who knowingly broke the law than the average Americans struggle
reminds me how people shouted #islamophobia vs. caring about the women raped the the gays killed in their attacks the past few years.
Fuck these people. I have compassion, but they lack morals. There was a line, a law to help people immigrate but THEY CHOSE NOT TO COMPLY, and for that they should be punished.
You dont let go a bank robber because he simply was to lazy to open up a checking account do we?
These poor souls, suffering punishment for commiting a crime.
this democratic rethoric, holy shit.
>trespassing isn't considered a crime anymore for some reason
I was reading about this the other day, it's incredible how california went from a state that wanted to Proposition 14 to electing Obama in 2008, lol.
Literally fake news
Why do people defend illegal immigration?
the west is still cucked
these people will still keep coming no matter how many you send back, because "ey esse, i did it once, i can do it again"
here, if you enter the country illegally, you get shot.
let's see if we can't get it to at least 90%
>Crimes don't count if I don't want them to
What a time to be alive.
>whose only crime was border-jumping
A crime is a crime.
What's 1912? Did an independent actually win an actual state?
>tfw so much winning, but you can't enjoy it, because you're not American
>whose only crime was border-jumping
>it's just a silly law, goy! can't you just relax and let them take advantage of your country?
>only crime was border hopping
Really sent my noggin for a joggin and then for a walkin
We're gonna hang all the traitors.
Um, actually honey, all relevant intellectuals and scientists like Neil De'Grease Tyson and The Young Turks refer to it as "undocumented immigration" now. But at least you tried, you should earn a couple neo-nazi brownie points for that. *snickers*
Better luck next time sweetie.
>people who broke our laws to be here
>entitled to the hard work of others with no contribution!
enjoy it anyways Cykabro
Holy shit!! I dont understand it either. How did you make it through the fire walls dude?
tl;dr Teddy Roosevelt
>Trump makes modest distance around all border states national park for environmental protection
>applies federal trespassing laws to anyone crossing parkland without permission
>illegals guilty of federal crime for trampling protected parkland, deported
Checkmate, liberals.
>only crime
>whose only crime was border-jumping
no such thing. remaining in a country illegally takes a fuckton of criminal energy.these tards have no idea what they are talking about, it's not as easy as crossing the border illegally and all your worries are gone - every single time you interact with the state, even if just around two corners, you will have to break the law again
Liberals are fucking retarded
>"whose only crime is border-jumping"
>committing crime is okay, as long as its the right crime
Democrats will never win the presidency again!
>"their only crime was the crime that gets you deported!!"
Don't worry, Team Russiamerica will be doing all the winning for the next decade.
I thought they said it was impossible to remove 11 million people
How? Our illegal migrants are still here and they're not planning on leaving anytime soon.
they dindu nuffin
>Thieves whose only crime was stealing stuff
Woooooow broken law mechanics!
Have you seen your country? It's made of tens of peoples
Only 75%?
Leftists genuinely don't see illegal immigration as a bad thing. Diversity is strength, so anything that increases it is good.
they would rather everyone be mediocre and equal than some people be stellar and others be shit
hong kong has open internet access
>people who's only crime was breaking the law
>people whose only crime was border-jumping
this is a small crime in america?
It's the commie way
blows my mind that the left fought so hard for workers right only to throw it out the window because of illegals.
Like the same people fighting for a 15 minimum wage think its a good thing illegals work for less because it brings down the price of veggies like wtf.
>only crime was border-jumping
>b-but I only committed one serious crime!
>only hopping the border
>only 75%
>Whose only crime... was breaking international law
>whose only crime was border jumping
>only crime
>border jumping
>only crime
people have called illegal immigrants "undocumented" for so long they forget they're here fucking illegally
75% of ILLEGAL immigrants.
That's how it eventually will end, but human psychology does not work like that. People don't follow a chain of thought to the end and then immediately go for what they perceive to be the solution to the final outcome, they will try all sorts over other attempts first.
But with every further futile action that is taken people will be willing to go for a more extreme one the next time.
It's also why the
>oh, the guy must have just radicalized himself overnight, he was a good boy before
narrative is total bullshit. Unless you go through some seriously traumatic experiences, you never just flip 180°, it is a slow process.
only 75%?
that is not winning
stupid faggot lawless scum
Uh sweetheart, that's actually really offensive and problematic language. The correct term is "free migrant" because everyone is a child of mother earth.
who do you see as illegal immigrants in Russia?
lots of people would work for less pay like illegals do if the tradeoff was that you got food, housing and healthcare for free. It's fucking horse shit, the hard working mexican is a myth and the only one profiting off it are the assholes who employ the sorry sacks of shit while the taxpayer pays for them to be taken care of despite their shit pay
Oh noes, we'll have less obnoxious poor people in the country driving down wages for the people already here legally. Oh dear.
They should make it undocumented to be a neo-nazi
>a plan to kick out criminals kicks out criminals - even those who are only criminals
why is the west such a joke
how did it all happen so fast? From 90s to this fucking mess we have here
>racist law punishes thieves for merely stealing!!!!!!
>disgusting new law puts rapists in PRISON just because they raped someone
>UNBELIEBABLE! Law passes putting killers in JAIL
So, being in a place you shouldn't be, not paying taxes, driving around without a driver's license... These are all forgivable offenses for libtards?
I wonder if they'd say the same if it was a white European doing it.
Because they're retarded. They first think the notion of illegal immigration means that a human being is "illegal" which then crosses paths with their high school English education which may have included human rights discussion.
They get triggered by this collision and conclude that illegal immigration isn't real because a human being can't be illegal due to their understanding of human rights. Finally, they believe they are doing a good deed by taking in the poor, much like people who donate to starving Africans.
They have little understanding of how badly this fucks things up.
>only crime was border-jumping
>brings down the price of veggies like wtf
>Okay with businesses effectively employing slaves from foreign countries illegally in order to reduce production costs
Leftists are fucking mental.
I found it on Instagram lmao
They pissed him off. I hope he executes order 66.
Hey Finnbro, I have no idea how we got to this point either. Where he forsake God and protest for the rights of degenerate freaks that chop their dicks off and want free food for rapey somalis that never work. It's a real headscratcher lad
Not 100% of them? Damn.
They use barges and dump them in the ocean
>how did it all happen so fast?
It didn't. They spent decades infesting every single institution that holds power and then they tried to push it through quickly, going by
>"Once it's done it cannot be reversed :^)"
They just underestimated how long it would take them to go through with it and are thus now faced with the problem that they got maybe 20% of the job done but alienated a huge part of the voter base in the process.
Your blasphemy aside, yes.
By the way this fucks things up for the mexicans too.
Why spend your time and energy trying to make mexico better if it's easier to go just go to the US illegally?
>Mortensen notes in his writing that Trump's executive order 'destroys the myth' of the 'law abiding illegal alien,' as anyone who comes illegally into the United States 'routinely commit[s] multiple felonies and other serious violations of American law when they enter the country, get jobs and obtain benefits reserved for citizens and legal residents.'
>law abiding illegal alien
>including people whose only crime was border-jumping
Do they not understand the word crime?
No, the better question is, who would want to illegally immigrate to Russia?
That must be a really low class of people
These are people that thin pedophilia should be legal, so no they really don't know
>I'm not a rapist! My only crime was penetration!
Libs: Changing definitions, moving goal posts, and pestering everyone to succumb to their ideals since (current year).
But now you have a chance to make Mexico great again right? Or will they just be all mad and keep ruining the country they ran away from illegally? TELL ME NOW PACO
Why not 100%? Legal migrants are disadvantaged, they waited for so long and some are just getting in illegally.
>they only commited one crime! stop being mean!
I hope I get to see a new Hitler who kills off leftwing scum. Shit has gone too far.
This is not copy pasta.. Just a message i feel is necessary to get out.
Some of us just want basic rights to live and function. That does not mean we are nazis or niggers or the left or rednecks. Posted on this site daily is very clear evidence that we as serious whites dont have those rights. I have been thrown under the bus by people who think im a redneck. These people are full of ideas, arrogant and full of blind ambition. They never question themselves, yet it is obvious that their actions are the only factor which prevents this immediate initiative and action within the other people. It is obvious that these people are attached to their position in society and are saying what they are saying for no other reason. They are literally preventing the mentality of initiative which will directly solve the problems because they are fearful, selfish, ignorant and spineless. They blame it on others who are not like that and claim that it cannot be done like that as if some reckless immediate action would occur and more careful paced action is necessary. Just because someone has this immediate initiative does not mean they are going to do something reckless right now. This initiative will operate in the person and create the most efficient and intelligent action over time. These people are the ones who are committing this reckless action they speak of throwing everyone else under the bus just because they dont understand their own fear, like cucks. The way i see it, these people are the only ones holding back any kind of healthy change, with or without realizing it, all while claiming the hard work and initiative of others. Once again, just because someone has this discontent and initiative does not mean they are stupid, careless or reckless in a situation where those people claim to be playing a waiting game. We seriously need to sort this problem out. It can be something as minor as this which holds back Trumps EOs in a time like this...
Liberals, when will they ever learn.
>Presence is inherently a crime
>But they didn't commit a crime
You have to go back.
Also, cross linking my relevant thread because fuck you that's why.