Bill (((Kristol))) says whites should be replaced by immigrants

>“Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in?” Kristol told author Charles Murray during an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute titled “It Came Apart: What’s Next for a Fractured Culture.” Murray recently wrote a book, entitled “Coming Apart,” which focuses on the cultural separation between the wealthiest and most educated white Americans and the poorest and least educated white Americans.

>Before delving into his theory about replacing the white working class, Kristol said that he hopes “this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse.”

How did (((neocons))) ever get any sort of popular support in the US?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How did (((neocons))) ever get any sort of popular support in the US?

that's really a mystery

Here's a more elegant version.

Also, (((Kristol))) was one of the main proponents of the Iraq War and said it would only last 2 months. [Embed

Kristolnacht when?

You wanna tell me, there isn't a single white man willing to shoot this snake in the land of guns?

There would be better targets anyway. Kristol has lost most of his relevance in the last few years, and I think he even resigned from the Weekly Standard.

It'd be more efficient to replace the pundit class instead.

bill kristolnacht needs to get his ass gassed


As a smack business owner, I agree. White millennials are lazy whiny faggots. I employ immigrants all the time because they have a good work ethic.

Step it up white people

Kristol is a retard.

This. Also they are less materialistic and don't demand insane wages. It's nice to deal with non-entitled workers.

lets not replace them with immigrants...



Honestly this.

The most loyal employee I have is from Iran.

I think them going through the struggles of migrating really toughens them up.

I look forward to hiring more immigrants.

>Sweden’s ugly immigration problem. More than half of welfare gets spent on immigrants. No-go areas and wide-spread unemployment among non-Swedes.

>Minister of Labor: "Only one tenth of refugees is viable for the job market"

>Chief of bavarian Chamber of Trade: "70% of refugees don't complete their apprenticeships"

>Hans-Werner Sinn (famous german economist): Right now the big majority of migrants will be a burden for the state. If you don't want a limit, there's only wage dumping or mass unemployment

>Also they are less materialistic


Nigger culture is all about materialism, bling bling and whoever has more girls and money.

Also you're talking about materialism when all you care about is how much you can get away with paying workers less and how that's more important than anything else.

You forgot your proxy Bill.

this is fucking disgusting

what are you supposed to do after your eyes have been opened to the jew? how are you supposed to carry on, normally, without becoming that crazy anti-semite guy?

I must disagree, I think immigrants should be replaced with whites.

>what are you supposed to do after your eyes have been opened to the jew? how are you supposed to carry on, normally, without becoming that crazy anti-semite guy?

You show that being an "antisemite" is just a natural reaction to anti-gentile Jewish behavior, then you slowly work to make that behavior more socially acceptable.

The more people speak out against the kikes, the less people will think speaking out against them is only reserved for crazy people.

I've already redpilled my mom and a few of my friends and as long as you don't seem obsessive, insane or hateful, and back your shit up, they usually don't care.


>I've already redpilled my mom
Underage faggot GTFO
What else did you do to your mother?

Go see a dentist and get fitted for a mouth guard so you don't grind your teeth down to nubs in your sleep.

>not calling your mother "mom" coloquially until she dies


God the GOP sucked back then. How did they trick people into voting for them?

>make things shit for the working class
>"why not import lower iq working class people instead"
Really makes you think

I hope we import business owning immigrants soon. You businessman want the free market to keep you on your toes right ;)

>smack business owner

Immigrants are dealing the drugs that white men won't

Kristol has the must cunty face ever.

Back when he tried to replace trump with that bald loser he triggered me so much with his facial expression.

the only good jew is a dead jew


Because people had no alternatives except Democrats that were just as bad in other respects. Same eternal problem.

>It is self-evident that where this democracy rules, the people as such are not taken into consideration at all. The only thing that matters is the existence of a few hundred gigantic capitalists who own all the factories and their stock and, through them, control the people. The masses of the people do not interest them in the least. They are interested in them just as were our bourgeois parties in former times - only when elections are being held, when they need votes. Otherwise, the life of the masses is a matter of complete indifference to them.

>How did (((neocons))) ever get any sort of popular support in the US?

NeoCohens performed entryism on the American Right, made a massive political purge, effectively removing the true White Conservatives and destroying the Old Right and proceeded to co-opt the it into becoming the other side of the same, Globalist shekel as the Left.

Samuel Francis recounts the
>catalog of neoconservative efforts not merely to debate, criticize, and refute the ideas of traditional conservatism but to denounce, vilify, and harm the careers of those Old Right figures and institutions they have targeted. There are countless stories of how neoconservatives have succeeded in entering conservative institutions, forcing out or demoting traditional conservatives, and changing the positions and philosophy of such institutions in neoconservative directions. . . . Writers like M. E. Bradford, Joseph Sobran, Pat Buchanan, and Russell Kirk, and institutions like Chronicles, the Rockford Institute, the Philadelphia Society, and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute have been among the most respected and distinguished names in American conservatism. The dedication of their neoconservative enemies to driving them out of the movement they have taken over and demonizing them as marginal and dangerous figures has no legitimate basis in reality. It is clear evidence of the ulterior aspirations of those behind neoconservatism to dominate and subvert American conservatism from its original purposes and agenda and turn it to other purposes. . . . What neoconservatives really dislike about their “allies” among traditional conservatives is simply the fact that the conservatives are conservatives at all — that they support “this notion of a Christian civilization,” as Midge Decter put it, that they oppose mass immigration, that they criticize Martin Luther King and reject the racial dispossession of white Western culture, that they support or approve of Joe McCarthy, that they entertain doubts or strong disagreement over American foreign policy in the Middle East, that they oppose reckless involvement in foreign wars and foreign entanglements, and that, in company with the Founding Fathers of the United States, they reject the concept of a pure democracy and the belief that the United States is or should evolve toward it.

>russian jew
>the source of the term kike

This kike is going to get taken to the curb with the rest of the trash.

>The result is that the GOP has become the party of the Chamber of Commerce and the Israel Lobby. They are entirely on board with massive non-White immigration, and this is in no small part due to neoconservative influence. Neoconservatives have been staunch supporters of arguably the most destructive force associated with the left in the twentieth century — massive non-European immigration. As discussed below, support for massive non-European immigration has spanned the Jewish political spectrum from the far left to the neoconservatives on the right.

>Even Daniel Pipes, who is known as an “Islamophobic” critic of the Muslim community, is not supporting Donald Trump because of his stance on immigration- and diversity-related issues. This may seem surprising because one of Trump’s signature proposals has been a moratorium on Muslim immigration, while Hillary Clinton wants to ramp up the number of refugees and other immigrants from Muslim countries.

>Actually, it should not be surprising that Pipes is anti-Trump given that he favors a “house-broken Islam” in Western countries. What neocons like Pipes want is continued immigration of Muslims and the creation of Muslim communities that do not threaten the status quo on Israel. They are quite content with the demographic decline of White populations, whether in Europe or the US.

>New Americans
Like new Europeans?

>Indeed, Pipes just quit the GOP over this issue, complaining about Trump’s “pro-fascistic tendencies”:
"The United States, the world’s oldest democratic republic, faces an internal danger unlike any in the past 1½ centuries, one with the potential to degrade domestic life and reduce the country’s standing in the world. Nothing is as important as resisting and defeating Donald J. Trump and the neo-fascist virus he wishes to bring to the White House."

>Needless to say, this is especially hypocritical given Pipes’ status as a pro-Israel activist, since Trump’s proposals parallel the policies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. A consistent theme on the Alt Right is that diaspora Jews have advocated very generous immigration and refugee policies in the West and the idea that Western countries have no ethnic core (the proposition nation idea) while supporting Israel as a Jewish ethnostate. This should be infuriating to anyone who advocates White interests.

- The Alt Right and the Jews

>Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement, led by and dominated by Jews since its inception

Kek, reminds me of:
>That Jews would try to co-opt, or attempt to derail, a potentially damaging movement does have many historical precedents. In one of the most pertinent, Steven Beller writes that during the rise of German nationalism in 1860–1880, Jews attempted to take key roles in the movement with a view to re-directing it from its roots in volkisch philosophy and an antagonism towards Jewish influence, and towards a mission of “cultural and social revolution.”[1] Media promotion and careful networking even led to two Jews, Victor Adler and Heinrich Friedjung, vying for leadership of the German nationalist movement in Austria. Indeed, Adler and Friedjung were two of the five framers of the famous Linz Program of 1882, a political platform that called for the complete Germanization of the Austrian state. It was only due to the continued insistence of the non-Jewish movement leaders, particularly Georg Schönerer, that an ethnic version of German nationalism was eventually adhered to. On Schönerer’s insistence, and to the dismay of the erstwhile Jewish “leaders,” the movement adopted an “Aryan clause.” Their attempt to co-opt the movement having failed, Beller adds, “the Jewish reaction was to look elsewhere for their goals of social and cultural change.”[2] For example, Adler became an out and out Marxist overnight.

- Jews Versus the Alt Right: Lessons from History

>Similarly in Germany, historian Gordon Mork notes that Jews were also “prominent” among the early leading advocates of German nationalism.[3] In particular, Jews were concentrated in the National Liberal Party, and then formed an influential clique around Bismarck himself. This diversionary clique within German nationalism may be regarded as a key reason why it was more stunted, in terms of an ethnic expression, than its Austrian counterpart until after World War I.

>Similarly, during the rise of race science between 1880 and 1920 large numbers of Jews tactically ambushed several medical disciplines that had become increasingly concerned with the study of race differences. Historian Elena Macini writes that in Germany, “Jews flooded medicine at this time not only for social standing, but also in an era that witnessed the efflorescence of race science, for the opportunity of self-representation. … The presence of Jews in the medical sector in general, and in race science in particular, allowed them to assert Jewish equality and very often moral superiority.”[4] With Berlin as the center of German medicine, and Jews comprising one third of doctors in the city,[5] the domination and re-orientation of entire disciplines within the nation was not only feasible but disturbingly easy.

Thanks for all the links by the way.

I had read the Culture of Critique a few years ago, but it's good to have a reminder of how it all started. Literally by ex-Trotskyite Jews in a Jewish magazine.

All these "conservative" Jews only use the Right as a vehicle to serve Israel, and their "conservatism" is limited to wanting to keep their shekels and once in a while saying Islam is bad.

Pat Buchanan (part of the Old Right you referred to) even wrote a book about it, I might read it soon.

Buchanan also anticipated the split between the "Trumpists" and the "cuckservatives".
>There is no conservative party left in Washington. Conservative thinkers and writers who were to be the watchdogs of orthodoxy have been as vigilant in policing party deviations from principle as was Cardinal Law in collaring the predator-priests of the Boston archdiocese.

>The Beltway Right has entered into a civil union with Big Brother.

>Under the rubric of conservatism, the Republican party of Bush I and II has been reinventing itself into what conservatives would have once recognized as a Rockefeller party reciting Reaganite rhetoric.

>A civil war is going to break out inside the Republican Party along the old trench lines of the Goldwater-Rockefeller wars of the 1960s, a war for the heart and soul and future of the party.

>Kristol's warning that neoconservatives could go to Kerry was an admission of what many have long recognized. The neoconservatives are not really conservatives at all. They are impostors and opportunists

>Neoconservatives are the boat people of the McGovern revolution.

>Kristol's warning that neoconservatives could go to Kerry was an admission of what many have long recognized. The neoconservatives are not really conservatives at all. They are impostors and opportunists.

>Nine days after an attack on the United States, this tiny clique of intellectuals [Neocons] was telling the President of the United States...that if he did not follow their war plans, he would be charged publicly with a "decisive surrender" to terrorism.

>The Bush Doctrine is a prescription for permanent war for permanent peace, though wars are the death of republics.

>The Bush National Security Strategy is the imperial edict of a superpower out to exploit its present supremacy to make itself permanent Lord Protector of the universe.

Good picture, the Neocons are just Communists in other clothes, when you see the jew intentions you can understand his ideologies.

These Alt-Right articles (The Alt Right and the Jews [1] and Jews Versus the Alt Right: Lessons from History [2] for reference) are an excellent way to put Sup Forumslacks up to speed on the JQ, how it is fundamentally impossible to ignore the central role Jews have had in European people's dispossession and Western society's collapse, as well as the deeply subversive Jewish efforts to attempt to co-opt the Alt-Right a la the movements of old (in particular in a desperate attempt at steering it away from White Nationalism, which Jews regards as a major existential threat to them, since it threatens their own "ethnocentric monopoly").

>All these "conservative" Jews only use the Right as a vehicle to serve Israel, and their "conservatism" is limited to wanting to keep their shekels and once in a while saying Islam is bad.

Indeed, and once the respective nation becomes a sterile, ultra violent dystopia, Jews - very much unlike Europeans - will always have their own ethnostate to fall back on [see pic in ].

[1] The Alt Right and the Jews

[2] Jews Versus the Alt Right: Lessons from History

Buchanan is vastly underrated (again, as a consequence of (((his sacking))) from the Old (True) Right back in the day).

>Buchanan also anticipated the split between the "Trumpists" and the "cuckservatives".

In the last few days I've noticed many (((shills))) on Sup Forums attempting to push for the cuckification of the Alt-Right by (((suggesting))) an attempted "union" of White Nationalists with some so called 'Hotep' literal WE WUZ random dindus in a silly attempt at re-framing the Alt-Right (a brand new, emerging White Nationalist "movement" of young adult Whites attempting to relegitimize European interests) into a grotesque multiracial fallacy that was discussed at length on the following article:

(((Milo))) as also discussed on the Lessons from History article. Funny how (((some things))) never change.

Also, reminder the article on Cultural Marxism on the Wiki was shut down by literal Marxist faggots.

>In the last few days I've noticed many (((shills))) on Sup Forums attempting to push for the cuckification of the Alt-Right by (((suggesting))) an attempted "union" of White Nationalists with some so called 'Hotep'

Like this samefagging proxy shill:

Another thing they do is constantly use the "civic nationalist" meme and "let's support Israel because they're "nationalist Jews"". Also endless whining about Richard Spencer.

It seems they really can't stop themselves from shitting up and trying to coopt everything under the sun: whether it's the "alt-right" or some fucking anonymous taiwanese fishing forum.

They see the world and the US government only as a means to serve Jews and nothing else.

It just hit me:

The explosion of cuckery, betrayal, and hatred spewing from this man in support of the DNC over the past year...

He's one of them. He either molested or killed a child. Look at that face. He's in on all of it. I hope he goes down with all of them.

Based Pat.

Yeah there was an exponential increase on the ((("""Civic/Cultural""" Nationalist))) mental illness shitposting in these last months, as well as the constant attempted character assassination of Richard Spencer for obvious reasons.

>Like this samefagging proxy shill:

Yeah, in a way it's fascinating to see how anti-White Leftists suddenly magically turn into some Ultra-Capitalist fresh out of (((Wall Street))) when it means saturating White nations with mass non-European immigration or when they accuse pro-Whites Americans or those not wanting a war with Russia of being "unamerican", kek... Really goes to show how the (((old paradigm))) as discussed in was all nothing but a gigantic maymay - a couple of cosmetic differences in the same Globalist funnel.

Those (((tactics))) are classic (((Alinskyism))), and we should scrutinize, identify and make full use of them by turning them back on the subverters of Western civilization themselves:

>It seems they really can't stop themselves from shitting up and trying to coopt everything under the sun: whether it's the "alt-right" or some fucking anonymous taiwanese fishing forum.

Another aspect is the attempted poisoning of the well in regards to the JQ, as well as it's ridicularization (as Bezmenov said, it's all about "changing the perception of reality [Truth]").

You doing God's work, son.
These Jews won't have anywhere to run once people see what slimmest they are.

>in a way it's fascinating to see how anti-White Leftists suddenly magically turn into some Ultra-Capitalist fresh out of (((Wall Street))) when it means saturating White nations with mass non-European immigration

Checked. Pat Buchanon is like a Founding Father in modern times and the most underrated politician of this century. If he'd have won in 1996, the world would be so much of a better place I can't even begin to understand it.

They do this sort of thing to anyone who dares to question mass immigration or endless wars for Israel.

>"(as Bezmenov said, it's all about "changing the perception of reality)"

And this is how they've used their control of the media to push the idea that restricting immigration from countries with a lot of terrorism for a few months, deporting people who broke the law to come the country illegally, or building a barrier to protect national borders is somehow some "fascist" move. Unbelievable Even Bill Clinton proposed the same fucking thing 2 decades ago, and Obama also put restriction on immigration from places like Cuba and Iraq.

>not wanting a war with Russia of being "unamerican", kek... Really
Which is the type of rhetoric those same anti-white leftists claimed to oppose when it was done against Iraq.

>The Anti-Defamation League (ADL; formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States.



They would do that, wouldn't they?

Hopefully the new generations will credit him as one of the pioneers of the (now) emerging pro-national/anti-Globalist political movements that has put himself in the line of fire and compromised his own personal wellbeing in the name of America's [tangible, not (((alleged)))] best interests (resulting in his purge by the Jews).

>Which is the type of rhetoric those same anti-white leftists claimed to oppose when it was done against Iraq.

Yup, or their alleged fighting of "Religious Intolerance" while simultaneously shitting all over Christianity (itself originally done as a means to heterogenize American/Western culture, see pic in , consequently opening the doors for (((Multiculturalism))), which is ultimately doublespeak for Multiracialism/no-Whitey), here's a classic:


"If it's not Israel First, it's racist."

That's probably their reasoning. They get triggered by any sort of national self-interest, unless it's done in Israel.

I just searched "cultural marxism" on wikipedia and it instantly brought me to the conspiracy theory section.

>They get triggered by any sort of national self-interest, unless it's done in Israel.

They're not even aware of it, it just comes that naturally to them. They can't help themselves. You're not going to find a much better natural display of the unconscious Jewish mentality unprompted and in the wild than this clip.

>I love America too, just not above all other places
Says it all honestly.

>And this is how they've used their control of the media to push the idea that restricting immigration from countries with a lot of terrorism for a few months, deporting people who broke the law to come the country illegally, or building a barrier to protect national borders is somehow some "fascist" move. Unbelievable Even Bill Clinton proposed the same fucking thing 2 decades ago, and Obama also put restriction on immigration from places like Cuba and Iraq.

They just can't help to not call their opposition evil nazeees, it used to to work so pretty damn well to """win""" any argument.

Try "white genocide" on Wikipedia as well.

Again, as Bezmenov put it, it's all about altering that "perception of reality":


Leaf pls



This is what happens when Donballs Plompf shows his true racist ideas. The people will rise up and take the presidency back for the real winner. Hillary got 3 million more votes ffs. You nazis are delusional.


this kill American company quick, let's tell this to trump.


part 1




>bush replaced white workers
>bush opened borders
>bush instigated worsening in identity politics

Bush & Neocons have always been open-borders, globalist, oursourcing, china loving, race replacer, loves saudi

Reminder that George Bush Sr. is the one who popularized the NWO meme for the 90s.

I've written white papers for the United Nations, the Trilaterial Commission, and for the cosmetics industry on replacement migration and population integration.

First, the idea that "the global agenda" is leftist or communist or somehow related to the neo-Marxism of the Frankfurt school is misguided. The organizations I've worked for over the years see the number one priority as the maintenance of global economic integration and open markets.

In collaborating with the intelligence community, I've found their goals to be extremely anti-left and very concerned with maintaining global commercial institutions.This is the reason the CIA worked so far to defeat communism; it was a threat to a unified global market.

What many of you have picked up on is the New Left elements of the global agenda. But this is a misunderstanding. The system apparatus from 1945-1980 was the Keynesian welfare state, which successfully integrated potential opposition from the left and right into the system. The New Left (born out of the Frankfurt school) strongly opposed the welfare state, which they correctly saw as a method of ensuring the working class did not succumb to revolutionary tendencies, and mobilized identity activism against it (Women's Liberation, Black Power, etc.).

The solution to this threat was the co-optation of identity politics, and the movement of economic administration to supranational institutions (WTO, IMF, World Bank, EU). That way this new mobilization would not threaten the global economy but could be allowed to manifest without state repression (as Nixon tried from 69-73).

You forgot the part where, not only is the guy who wanted the removal of the article a marxist, but specifically, a cultural marxist. Yes, the very same guy who said cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory stated months before that he was an actual cultural marxist.

reminder that this hypocritical inbred spawn of parasitical immigrants had the denied his beloved host country universal healthcare

>In 1993, kristol rose to fame as he led opposition to the Clinton's universal health care plan.

>Prominent opposition to the Clinton plan was led by William Kristol and his policy group Project for the Republican Future, which is widely credited with orchestrating the plan's defeat through a series of now legendary "policy memos" faxed to Republican leaders.

Interesting. I never saw that thread, and all of it sounds legitimate, although it could just be elaborate roleplaying using facts and bits he read online.

There's no denying that this sort of global agenda was similar to international communism, and that's why the Bolshevik Revolution was funded by Jewish bankers like Jacoc (((Schiff))). The communism of the (((Bolsheviks))) was essentially capitalism, except with all the property being owned by the same group at the top, and then having them a completely authoritarian system of governance.

Also, Philippe De Villiers mentioned the globalist plan involved combining "economic liberalism" with "social liberalism".

He does bring up a good point about the way they've been trying to use the "civic nationalism" meme to try to coopt the rise of nationalism, and that's why it should be rejected. "Civic nationalism" is just multiculturalism and UN/EU population replacement rebranded.

>multinational corps based on immigrants single-handledly caused the 2008 economic depression

in US companies, managers get hired out of college for diversity. US companies have mostly woman bitching at workers for things the done by poos (h1b immigrants).

The poos are what they use for superfluous work that company needs to show that they waste budget on.

Corporate hassle is a drag, and white workers can't get any fucking thing done without triplicating forms upon forms of grade A horse shit that nobody reads. Typically the way things work is like this: White IT people make a beautiful, fast, fluid products in a state that does not include a lot of useless features, this gets sent to the poos where they toss in a fuckton of bloat until it breaks, then we sit and fix and refine until it is fast and fluid again, then back to the poos for more bloat and ruin. This cycle continues forever, it's the whites job to unfuck poojeet poogramming over and over and over again. So, basically no new products ever gets developed, and every once in a while we lose a vast sum of money due to down time created by the poos. This is, of course, accompanied by massive downsizing, constant fear of lay-offs, and 22 managers per every 1 worker.


Capitalism boyos. Not even once.

Nationalism is the enemy of the globalist establishment. In this rotten globalist system heading towards a one world government and total obliteration of sovereign nations, cultures, identities, differences and traditions; pride in one's own country and heritage is demonised and slandered. It's essentially just an attempt to create neo-feudalism at this point. Nationalism's core ideals and values are against the interests of the greedy hypercapitalist financial élite that is enslaving us and wants America and Europe as a mixed, multiracial, multicultural, rootless and homogeneous HUMAN FARM of easily controllable consumers. Politicians are irrelevant, they are puppets of the banks and corporations, and thus act their part accordingly. Merkel is a prime example of sellout politician taking orders from the banks and corporations and actively and subtly destroying Europe and the Europeans.

Kristol is a closet Trotskyite.

He just wants the "working-class to unite" by flooding Western countries with foreigners.

Your post is as much claptrap as the anons raving about nwo conspiracies.

> the number one priority as the maintenance of global economic integration and open markets
Bullshit. Bullshit fed to underlings like you who work to keep the system running. A cheap motto to justify your part in the scheme.

The goal for the elites is the accumulation of money, wealth, and power at anyone elses expense. All your "economic integration"
and "open markets" are, are buzzwords for wealth annexations and transfer mechanics, which funnel profit to the few and losses to the many.

The system is a simple enough scam, but coated with layers of bullshit such as the one you are parroting.

Ultimately the scam cannot continue forever, and increasingly voters are waking up to the fact that something has gone wrong. So thick is the bullshit and competing ideologies, neither the voters nor the elites are quite sure anymore exactly what the problem really is, but whether they like it or not fundamental forces will assert themselves one way or the other.

You need to let go of the bullshit too, and see the whole system for what it is. Best to do this before it starts collapsing.

>Joe Sobran

I used to read him and Chronicles, and never understood how all these Catholic writers could conservative and based but every Catholic I met in real life could be a flaming liberal.

The leftists hate the working class with passion because they didn't act as a good proletariat would and usher in (((their))) revolution.
Not surprising at all.

>As a smack business owner

Smack talk freudian slip

They used religion. Between the cartoonishly evil Democrats and the shitty Republicans they went for the Republicans. My dad works in a union and tons of dudes there didn't vote who wanted a pro-labor right wing candidate. I had a feeling Trump was going to win early on when he first hit 11% because I remembered that. My only concern was whether the demographics had changed too much.

I'd prefer original feudalism at this point. At least the nobles risked death in battle.


And Kristol is not perpetually "wrong". He says exactly what he means and what he says is what he wants. His utterances are meant to shape actively the future he desires, which serves Jews.

He doesn't operate within our understanding of truth and falsehood. He thinks he's YHWH speaking the world into existence. And Marx is his model, right down to the giant nacrissitic smiling sociopath Jew noggin.

>the number one priority as the maintenance of global economic integration and open markets

Frictionless trade and movement through borders (or eliminating them altogether) is a primary Jewish concern, one of mythical import, and peddled to the goyim as a moral imperative.

Whites love Liberty and Justice in the way Jews love being able to merchant without impediment, and for there to be no boundaries for when it's time to move the scheme elsewhere because they've worn out their welcome like they always do.

There's also a mythological drive to unite and "heal" nations of their hate, which is another Jewish stalking horse serving a Jewish hegemonic agenda.

where can I get the full version of this?

Their (((backers))) didn't give two shits about American. Don't forget that Jeb Bush rigged the election for Dubya in Florida (not to mention the Bush Sr. backed Supreme Court stopping the recount).

Dubya ran his campaign on no nation building and proceeded to do the exact opposite after 911.

This is the original.

Bump. Take pic related down with him please.

There should be some sort of redpill wiki to work as a sepository for all this info
