Where's your Marion Le Pen now Sup Forums ?
Best French FN qt : Estelle Arnal
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Stop fapping you cucks
don't speak cocquesucquer.
but godspeed.
OWO who's this?
is she our girl or not? i dont speak le cuçke
Do FN have any qt fatimas?
She's a qt, but I have no idea what she is saying.
Why are you posting this when she doesn't talk english?
>implying you wouldnt worship her feet
god damn french women are the sexiest on the planet
>you will never raise a big white family with a hot french nationalist
>Estelle Anal
100% of the votes guaranteed.
>no subtitles
>6 years government mandated french classes for "bilingualism"
>still can't speak french
justin i've failed you
Beautiful women speaking such an ugly language
French > British English ... for a woman
when I hear a woman speak British I immediately think "trashy, slutty, party animal"
when I hear French I think "classy"
>quand on est dans un pays qui t'accueille qui te nourri qui te loge qui te supporte tu fais en sorte de respecter ce peuple généreux et humain, sans te révolter, on es pas allé te chercher si ça te conviens pas c'est facile tu prend le bateau et tu dégage retrouver les tiens qui te reprendront chez toi, mais ne crache pas sur ceux qui t'on nourri ne nous reproche pas de t'avoir soigné de t'avoir logé et parfois sauvé ! tu es ici dans un pays Chrétien avec ses loi ses coutumes ses règles ses habitants c'est toi le raciste toi qui est pas content toi le traître les frontières pour le moment sont ouverte casse toi de chez moi ou ferme là !!!
best comment
wtf Michael Jackson is alive and running for officei n France
>Après la "banalité du mal" d'Hanna Arendt, nous avons là l'effrayante "beauté du mal" déjà incarnée par Marion. Parce que les monstres de la modernité ne ressemblent plus à des monstres... L'association de cette jeune fille en perdition devant le pupitre à la rose couchée a un je ne sais quoi de pornographique.
second best comment LOL
Everyone here hate this kind of muslim bitch. Even in France
french>british english>any other european accent>half of latin american accents>leafbitches and burger bitches
north american accents are shaped by hollywood and absolutely grotesque. i miss the times when north american people spoke with a mid-atlantic accent.
Guys. She's basically asking us to meme Marine Le Pen into power.
Should we follow mommy?
I wonder how many nationalistic qt's lurk here. probably a lot more than you'd think.
French girls HNNNNGGG
so at least 1?
Here's her twitter : twitter.com
not much there but still worth looking at it
...where is all this qt reich girls pics coming from. also no, way more than 1. I got added to a hidden kikebook group made by a bunch of women, theres like 600+ members, and a lot of the girls who post are pretty good looking. and its basically Sup Forums on kikebook. nazi memes 24/7, anti black jokes all over the place, all being liked by qt 3.14's. Nationalist women exist they just aren't as bold about showing their nature to the public, unless its on a hidden kikebook group and they suddenly think no one is watching.
Translate please? i dont have money to learn french. thanks in advance.
There's nothing to understand from the video really she's just promoting Marine Le Pen campaign and asking militants to help, that's pretty much it
>i don't have money to learn french
>what is the internet