>Liberal homosexuals rejoicing that a ban on people practicing a religion known for intensively hating gays has been lifted
Are liberals purposely this stupid?
Liberal homosexuals rejoicing that a ban on people practicing a religion known for intensively hating gays has been...
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Once you accept that liberals are suffering from a psychopathology, everything else makes a lot more sense.
The only reason we don't allow California secession is because it would become an ISIS controlled state within 2 years.
The ban was never lifted in the first place, it was placed on hold and just now they refused a stay on the hold. The ban is still technically on the books and to top it off, not all districts are abiding by the hold so their celebration is stupid to be sure.
The only Muslims who kill gays are rural and suburban retards.
City Muslims embrace diversity.
>liberals dont understand how the judicial system works
Hahaha even the flag is right.
Youre alright user
I may be wrong but doesnt the Supreme court btfo the circuits pretty frequently or am i mistaken?
Then you can invade it and bomb liberals.
There are only positives to secession.
Supreme court next. This isn't over by a long shot.
Cause brown people
Yeah I realized it was put on hold, just a habit to use the word lifted. Was just a brainfart when writing this
Yes. The Supreme Court is also 5/8 Republican and just had Gorsuch appointment.
They've bought time.
Fags are self destructive.
Tossing them off rooftops is an effective means of disposal.
>The muslims are all peaceful people. Look at that group there helping this gay man up a building
>I don't know why they have him blindfolded and tied up but whatever
>Hmm, they're on the roof, those insightful and tolerant people
>Ok now they are pushing him over the edge there, might be dangerous that he would fall an-Yup, just isolated lone wolf attacks that in no way reflect the true peaceful nature of these people
Its pretty annoying my kikebook news feed is full of people celebrating a "win for humanity".
Its an immigration decision of a foreign country, but because its "drumpf" and the USA it means its the most important thing in the world because the USA HAS to take absolutely anyone around the world or you are hitler.
>only white countries arent allowed stop people coming in
Really makes you think
Did you fuck his sweet sweet pin pricked asshole and know he's a queer? strawpoll.me
It's almost like they believe in freedom of religion.
Delete it. I did and I'm so much happier. I only browse Sup Forums and occasionally troll on twitter now. Facebook was actually affecting my personal relationships with my friends
Last I checked, no one is prohibited from practicing islam in the US
i dont need liberal refugees infesting my beautiful state
Dunno maybe the bio said it.
Yeah just no freedom of movement if you do
This. Also cool poll
>be me
>have some tendency towads faggotry/bisexuality
>never would want to associate w. the gay community because of shit like this
Why don't more gay people start to realize the elite/establishment gays are nothing but pawns for Democrats?
They don't give a shit about you or your safety, they only care about sucking up to the leftist cause and sticking to Christianity.
The same people who will shame and attack bakers who don't want to serve a gay wedding will not only turn the other way when a man is inspired by Islam to shoot 49 people at a gay nightclub .... they'll still find a way to blame the Christian right while protesting to 'fight Islamophobia'. Are they suicidal? Retarded?
just not christianity.
Yeah. Maybe eh. Even an unbroken hymen is not as tight. So. There ya go
Zionism is not a religion and controls all of this and everything. It's a synagogue of satan though
Isaiah 40:17. The ENTIRE shit show on fags your views and Bible. Jesus was Rambo or a socialist
too bad
Not really meaningful. It's like how phobes claim they cant be gay. What if this guy is OP?
Except for Christianity.
Because to the majority of gays and liberals refusing to bake a gay wedding cake is homophobia brought on by 'evil Christianity', while a Muslim who is inspired by ISIS and guns down 49 gay people in a night club is a 'lone wolf/not representative' of Islam.
Fuck these motherfuckers.
>Are liberals purposely this stupid?
only the white ones that aren't in positions of power
they'd rejoice at the sight of their loved ones being raped and beheaded in front of them as the price of being virtuous on the internet
They'd be foreign nationals, you could put them in camps.
>20% muslim
>pedo pres
>sells arms to chechens
>kills own people with elephant tranqs
>epstein trial
stupid? yes. purposely? does not matter.
If this guy is OP then he's definitely a fag
Muslims YES
>liberals don't know about the supreme court
Leaf, have you fucking seen Europe lately?
Govt sponsored false fag flag like this board tends to be. Like haavara. Like pink swastika. Like everything is you shit your pants over over fuck all and evil and bullshit and lies. Yemen is your benghazi. He is an illiterate. They suck with emails hypocrisy and natl secy and economy. Pissbed sodomites
I used to try to talk facts on there. People get all pissy about it, like I'm sure you know. I just stopped. Browse that shit every once in a while. Instead of discussing shit, i just keep note of who the retards are and ignore them altogether.
The Dems lost 1000 seats during the Obama administration, the 2016 presidency, and the House and Senate.
Also, the kike court just gave Trump a blank check to cash on liberals ass as soon as the next Muslim blows themselves up, shoot up a party/club, or drives a truck of peace into a crowd.
Trump in the near future and for the next four years said, "I TOLD YOU SO!!!"
Ok so. Memes. Insert OP for anybody. I guess we're all fags. Did you answer my dinky poll so i can imagine what it sounds like as we fap? Hm?
People in general are pretty fucking stupid. Faggots are no exception.
We need some more Omar Mateens to culturally enrich San Francisco.
sorry for hurting your feeling akhmed
Do these Faggots understand they are gona be taken over by Muslims in 4/5 generations they make 4 kids minimum Keep inviting more
Liberlism is literally a mental illness.
>golden rule is a mental illness
>i dong hate fags
>listening to me if i do actually hate them; which you do; is a mental illness
it is literally, yes actually literal here, spelled out word for word that he can do this and it's also written that they cannot review this action. what's sad is that people, apparently judges included, have no idea and just assume their feelings are law. It's really sickening.
Diversity is our strength. Bring more muslims. Usa yeaah.
>City Muslims embrace diversity.
By enforcing Sharia Law in said cities?
Who put em there. Them. Or bibi
He know that the 9th circuit isn't the highest court, right?
I'm convinced it's just one leaf who shitposts for a living.
There is no way leafs are this fucking pathetic.
pls explain how can a court halt an executive order
>bans people from muslim countries to stop terrorism
>doesn't ban saudi arabia and the main perpetrators of terrorism in the us
drumpfkinism is literally a mental illness
See what I mean?
Compared to zios who call everybody cows. Muslims call Christians children of book. Zionists. Steal their livers
>pres fighting judges
>in supreme court
Great idea
Common law
When do we invade the 9th circuit court?
No. They are actually brainwashed.
We need to begin to understand exactly how deep the indoctrination goes. So deep that people work against their own interests and FOR the interests of tyrannical state institutions.
>Are liberals purposely this stupid?
We gotta stop thinking that way. They are way worse than stupid. And getting rid of this mindset is going to be costly, if it can be done at all.
It banned people from places with no functioning government.
Saudi Arabia has a functional government that is capable of verifying people are who they say they are.
When you misrepresent what the ban was about, it makes you look even more stupid. Not that liberals generally care about looking stupid.
>ponzi scheme fiat money is all that matters
Muh saudis did 9/11. Muh saudis are angels. 9/11 is a democratic problem
>ban saudis
>still take trump to court over EO
>we stopped islamaphobia :^)
This is what liberals will do even if you banned Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Indonesia as well
Leafs, you can take the Saudis from us when the next order comes down.
You realise there is a thread memeing an attack on you because your god non civil law "emperor" is a fucking loser? The internet blew you out. So you shill on here and call the liberal libertarian patriots idiots and cowards
>their celebration is stupid
wake me up when something new happens
I don't understand liberals.
If they really think trump is the next hitler they couldn't have tee'd up a better chance at a power grab if they tried.
>courts rule that the borders must be open and clear. No blanket bans
>a majority of Americans support the executive order
>trump now easily absolved of responsibility from the next terrorist attack.
>courts face direct blame
>trump now clear to ignore what courts might rule in the name of national security.
Trump literally hangs a picture of Andrew Jackson in the white house. The presidential famous for saying this about a supreme court rulinng. "He has made his decision, now let us see him enforce it."
Liberals are literally setting trump up to be a dictator and making sure nobody but them opposes it.
Because that's exactly what you are.
And btw, in the end, Trump will be vindicated in the end. Not only that, when the terror attack happens, the blood will be on YOUR hands, too, Leaf.
I did the same. I kept instagram to post pictures of my son and I for family to see and I dick around on Twitter occasionally
>wants to kill himself
>brings everybody down with him
Definition of a female.
Literally wat?
Go to bed, mohammed. Tell your ESL teacher he's terrible at his job tomorrow.
>Liberal homosexuals rejoicing that a ban on people practicing a religion known for intensively hating gays has been lifted
They banned christianity?
Fuck you're stupid
You done good, leaf.
Step further ban them as well and kill them by the thousands. Problem solved!
I don't believe for a second you're a "libertarian liberal." You're a fucking Leaf coward who can't stand up for his own countrymen or for the citizens of the country that has done nothing but protect your dumb asses. Fuck you and fuck Canada. It's a blight and I'm sick of you people.
>thick juicy uterine lining chunk is giving him cramps and is slowly proceeding down his inside out "penis"
Dont make us burn down your pink house again. Liberty. Liberal. Spend money on poor white people. Hate hooknoses. But not brown hooknoses. Fake serpentine "white" ones. Blame me
I don't believe for a second you're a "libertarian liberal." You're a fucking Leaf coward who can't stand up for his own countrymen or for the citizens of the country that has done nothing but protect your dumb asses. Fuck you and fuck Canada. It's a blight and I'm sick of you people.
just in case you need to read it again you faggot.
Brilliant comeback, Paul Hogan. Now, go fuck a ' 'roo and shut your dumb mouth.
He had a good point just you both havent studied the bible enough
reminder that the 9th circuit court has no actual power
lol triggered
it's almost as if Canadians purposefully shitpost to bait retards
Let's be fucking realistic for a second. They can't ban Saudi Arabia because of the oil. Everyone wants to turn the place into glass but it just isn't possible.
The modern liberals
>Muslims advocate, and often carry out, murders of gays
>liberals: *crickets*
>Christians think homosexuality is a sin but still love the sinner
>liberals: *autistic screeching* REEEEEE fucking Christian Right-wing bigots!!!! REEEEE
I like this leaf.
muslims are a scourge because theyre uncivilized mostly because theyve been denied the spoils of modernity over the past 50 years since the US and the kikes have kept the middle east in perpetual conflict and chaos. blaming islam is exactly what the kikes want you to do. yes, keep looking over there, goy
I don't think they fully understand that the 9th circuit court is beneath another layer of court no matter what called "the Supreme court" which currently has a vacancy that needs to be filled. By a person of the President's choosing, that will get that role for life. Currently 4 dems, 4 repubs, this will be a tie breaker. So this issue will deadlock at 4-4, and need that 9th person admitted into office, thus expediting the process. 5d chess, liberals BTFO as per usual.
actually, if this goes to the supreme court, the lower court's decision (ie 9th circuit court's decision) will stand in case of a tie
so yeah, the 9th circuit has tremendous power in this case. and considering it's super likely going to be 4-4 tie at the supreme court, trump will get utterly BTFO
>Are liberals purposely this stupid?
Do you mean like Feminists embracing Sharia Law? "Stupid" doesn't even begin to describe the extent of the mental illness.
>and need that 9th person admitted into office
nope, you dumbfuck.
if there's a tie, the lower court's decision stands. how do you think the court decided cases for a year without scalia?
Trump got BTFO hard
Do you even double-think bro?
You are like baby, only 2/3 lies ahead of your own mind.
>Not all Christians hate gays
>Not all Muslims hate gays
>Some buddhists even hate gays.
Maybe if you ask 100 people you'll get a bunch of different answers