Can you faggots stop hating on jews and start hating on muslims already?
Can you faggots stop hating on jews and start hating on muslims already?
there's room for both here!
But religion of peace senpai
Dude, we're anti-Semitic here. You must really be new to not know that both Jews and Muslims are Semites and therefore BOTH are covered under our default hate/ethnic cleansing plan.
Inform yourself before making such spurious claims that even hint at us not hating the mudslimes. Get your ideology straight man!
I agree. Jews, blacks and spices are not driving trucks to mow down inocents nor are they blowing up marathons.
The world should focus on the real monsters. When is the last time you saw a non Muslim behead an inocent man and take pictures.
Muslim should not have human rights. Since they never act human or sane.
About 30% of posters here ARE Muslims.
The anti Jewish sentiment attracted them and now they believe they are in good company.
Just watch how many European and Canadian flags vehemently spring to the defense of countries like Iran and Palestine.
Mexicans also do that
Can you faggots stop hating on jews and muslims and start hating on the men who live on the moon men and their shadow society?
Good point. I dont see enough muslim hate though
We hate BOTH.
Expel the jew, slay the moor.
Most of the jew haters are the muslims....
Sometimes it feels like there are a lot of muslims here in the 4chinz
Muslims hate jews
Muslims love Jesus and the Virgin Marry
Muslims are being used as bio-weapons by the Jews
hey george don't you worry 'bout the boss, I won't rat on you, and I know that you won't rat on me. you know we sell these hours of our lives to pay for the things that they own and that we need to live, live free or die is what they say, but you know freedom is just another pretty word now meaningless like liberty and democracy which have suffered the same fate. they own the printing presses, tv stations, Internet and they advertise our thoughts into our minds and then we buy whatever shit it is that they have paid for us to buy.
hey george you know they spy on every moment of our lives our emails our phones their street cameras their drones and that is just the shit that we know about so far. hey george, don't you worry 'bout the war yeah we both know that it will never end and that the enemy is not on any foreign shores it's you and me we at home must stay and watch because they know that we sell these hours of our lives and the price is going down and we are all in debt.
ya know outside this little enclave that we call the first world well human life it is barely worth any spare change comes it comes gradually and in a tidal wave if I say that the world won't change, what I'm really sayin' is I don't want to change. I'm tired, lazy and I have grown stuck in my ways but I won't make a difference because of your words well they saved me from the lies I've come to live and believe the world's deepest truth well truth that's a mystery to all but a really only few truly seek it, most of us are far more comfortable with lies lies we tell ourselves more than anybody else that everything's alright that we're doing what we can but In the end you know we give strength with our ignorance well that's still a tug of war and each of us here still has moments more.
hey george don't you worry 'bout the boss, I won't rat on you and I know that you won't rat on me.
So, 80% of Sup Forums are muslims?
why not both?
Why not both?
t. Jew.
i hate both! im very progressive, i have enough hatred for everyone and every shitskin
Fuck off Horus
Or wait... why not neither?
Why can't we all be friends?
Too late naw
Since your from Canada you are most likely not white so
> last time a non-Muslim beheaded a man
I saw a webm of a Mexican cartel doing that not one month back.
Ask them, they are not shy about answering that
They behead other gang members though, kinda doing everyone a favor
statistically i have more chance of being white than you do mr America. but i am in fact white, as are you i suspect. so please stop trying to divide us, we have a common enemy
There is a crapload of muslim shills on here. This is why you wonder there is so little antimuslim comments but lots of antijew comments. Majority of these people are not western.
I actually remember when Sup Forums and /new/ had a lot less jewposting. It blew up during ome of the intifadas and all the palestinian shills flooded the site and never left.
At least America still has some semblance of a national identity it can rally around. You... you're a leaf! How do you define yourself except as America's hat?
you are avoiding the jew and muslim hate and instead focusing on me, i suspect you are a shill.
Thats just what the jews want