I live in NY upstate and witness jewish tricks

Be me
go to board meeting about speed limit
jews already have illegal school and buss
Jews almost done building legitimate school
not approved by state or district
be at meeting both representatives kikes
a good amount of non jews there
all non jews heckling the shit out of jews
Deus volt
All questions asked are fine
we want to have signs marked for when speed is in effect
Kikes pass signs with no suggestions imposed
If town were niggers would have gone ape
everyone yelling and hurling insults at kike for being shit piles
0 days since Jewish tricks

Other urls found in this thread:


>Jews almost done building legitimate school
>not approved by state or district
Is this a private school? Those are perfectly legal to exist. You can send your kid to a Catholic school here. Not sure I understand your rant.

I'm not sure what happened in your story, it's not clear.

To clarify the school even if it is private still has to be approved by the state which this new one is not. The entirety of the council are Jews pretend to listen to the non jews in the town hall and pass a traffic speed ordinance/signs without lights or times of speed being in effect. With in a span of less than 100 yards the speed limit goes from 50mph to 20 mph. Every one freaks out because the jews already knew how and what they were going to motion/ vote
Sorry if this post was hard to fallow

>mentally illbilly posts blabbering nonsense

Really makes you think

How the fuck do you live in America and write like a retarded Norwegian

>be op
>be newfag
>don't know how to greentext

lurk moar.

How about this school taxes go up next meeting is about removing of tax cap

Why are you so incoherent? Are you stupid or is English not your first language?

Its called going to public school

Jews are above the law.
In New York, they have their own private police force and drive around with sirens pulling people over.
City does nothing about it.


What is incoherent with the second post?

>Jews almost done building legitimate school

Good. You should attend and lear2write.

Well that is crown heights. You remember what happened there right goy?

Looks like some Jews beat an officer's son with a night stick and took a flight out to Israel to avoid charges.


>The Crown Heights riot was a three-day racial riot that occurred from August 19 to August 21, 1991 in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York City. It turned black residents and Orthodox Jewish residents against each other, causing the deterioration of already tense racial relations.

i can never tell if he's putting the 0 back on or just finished putting the 1 on

I love this post-grammar timeline where we can interact with real live retards

>live in upstate New York
>town votes to provide sanctuary to illegals/refugees
>town is literally 40% Jewish

Fuck this blue shit state, Cuomo, Scumer, gillibrand and deblasio are all sub human trash. Day of rope when?

All I got out of this was, you live in a town full of jews. Have some self respect man! Stick to your own kind.

You two have no room to talk, did you even read what you typed?

>be at meeting both representatives kikes
>kikes less than 10% of population
>everyone hates them
>somehow elected to be board representative anyways by mysterious bussed in kikes that no one has ever seen but somehow are allegedly legible voters
>hurr durr we rule because we smart (no legitimate citation ever)
not because we are immoral natural cheaters and liars

I've seen this shit over and over again in Murrica. Why do whites let kikes get away with violating laws and creating their kike sharia law zones the second their numbers take over wherever they want? Crying Nazi shouldn't have any effect on Burgers.