She's so happy that unvetted immigrants can flood into our country
We need you based Sessions
She wanted full amnesty in the first 100 days.
What did she mean by this?
>implying the 9th Circuit is a legitimate court and not rife with judicial activists
Go get my helicopter
look into CF linked VOLAGs and you'll know why they want a refugee influx so badly
Isn't she 0-2 in elections?
>HAHA! We've stacked the courts with activists!
Ohohohoho, just wait for it to go to the supreme court.
Trump's order was very obviously legal, so far the courts have based their decisions on the judgement that the order "harms America", they haven't even approached the constitutionality.
I'm really glad we have Trump on our side, fuck the evil media and judicial activism.
She's happy because the Constitution is being upheld.
Nasty woman was such an accurate diss
You're happy because for the time being they won't be flooding into your faggot trash country on invitation of your faggot trash leader.
Is it possible for Trump to just sweep the whole 9th circuit and appoint people with actual principles in line with the Constitution?
That's America's score if she runs a third time
libs are willing to let americans die
There was already a vetting process you fucking nigger
Shes happy cause trump btfo
>flood into our country
Implying the TSA, Border Patrol, Customs, FBI, FAA, and countless others don't do their job.
You're a bit dense aren't you trumpkin?
they cant really be vetted
everyone knows this
see the San Bernadino killer
a week earlier obama said "repubs are afraid of women and children" then she shot a bunch of people
it was actually an oddly sexist statement
>mfw all these ass blasted trumpcunts on full damage control
Hillary did nothing wrong.
and when they attack again, they'll blame Trump.
Did a matter of time before Democrats win, 2020, 2024, doesn't matter
We're gonna open the borders forever, kiddos
>flood into
oh, please.
Is the clickbait media circus's newest meme to say "X trolls trump" whenever literally anyone says something anti-trump?
go back to mèxico pablo
If he doesn't have that power, he should.
>Doetsch retired about two months ago as a refugee coordinator. One of her assignments was at a United Nations refugee camp in Jordan, from which many of the Syrian refugees are flowing into the U.S. She did three tours of duty, in Cairo, Egypt, dealing with Middle East refugees; in Vienna, Austria, with mostly African refugees coming in through Malta; and in Cuba.
>Her letter affirms two-and-a-half years of reporting by WND, which has reported that the “vetting” of refugees from broken countries such as Somalia, Syria and Sudan often consists largely of a personal interview with the refugee. These countries have no law enforcement data to vet against the personal story relayed to the U.S. government about the refugee’s background. Sometimes even their name and identity is fabricated and they have no documentation, such as a valid passport, or they have fraudulent documentation.
>all terrorist attacks occur in blue sanctuary cities
>hates liberals
>wants to protect liberals
Every member of the 9th Circus would have to conveniently die or be impeached.
I'd be okay with either.
I know Clinton fired all the federal attorneys and Bush 2 thought about it, but I don't know for sure how the judges works. They might need to be impeached or suffer 'accidents.'
I hope the women in your family get raped vaginally and anally by a Muslim 30 year old child refugee
>Border Patrol, FBI
Have all had their hands tied by the previous administration. This has been pointed out by the leaders and members of those organizations.
Doesn't have the funds to cover really monitor shit. There's been a lot of reports about this. It's scary shit. It's so normie level common knowledge it's the basis for a plot in a Clancy novel.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is a nigger who's never been to the airport. You really think the TSA is looking out for you? You've been watching too many Paul Blart movies bruh.
>drumpf btfo
TSA just steals your valuables
Pence, bringing the heat
>loses election
>acts all smug even though the court is turned over 90% of the time by the supreme court
liberals are so desperate for a win they are setting themselves up for another loss once the supreme court gets involved.
Sore loser she is.
>anchor baby
How does it feel to know your parents are scum?
They don't when there ordered not to.
There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers.
>unanimous ruling by three judges
>one of which argued "the state can't see air, the state can't smell air"
She's about to get rekt. Leftists are desperate for any victory so they have to prematurely celebrate before they get BTFO.
My nigga!
Do it
Trump cannot, but Congress can. All federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court are set up by Congress per the Constitution.
Butthurt m8?
I live in a sanctuary city - trust me i never. Never. never, never bump into any muslims.
And if do its at my local 7-11 : and that me assuming person at the register is Muslim.
Waiting for Trump to reply "5-4"
>ShareBlue doesn't mention King Nigger handcuffing Border Patrol
>ShareBlue employee with $50k in debt from Womyns History degree
Your life is wasted
Is she trying to relive the election again?
Share Blue faggot
Doesn't this court get overturned at a 75% clip? Also I didn't see a mention of constitutionality in their report. It appears to be just another delay.
Hard to imagine this being blocked when US1182 exists and there is massive precedent for it occurring already.
This would probably be more effective if she wasn't such a huge loser herself.
80%. This ruling doesn't really do anything anyway. There is still another appeals process
We have the best killers, don't we, folks?
Why do Trumpfags keep making this claim? They're already extremely well-vetted. So well in fact that none of the people allowed in has committed an attack like you claim they will
They literally don't do their job. We have seen this happen before.
Fan account
the only reason i come to this place sometimes is to see how retarded trumplets are
another great topic for that
>immigrants aren't vetted
>trump should have power to fire judges and destroy courts
>triggered by clinton
keep it up faggots
Champagne Socialist type of traitor, eh? Your day will come. Believe it.
based leaf
By your own logic all white people in America are "Anchor Babies"
>English Separatists, from Plymouth cross the Atlantic Ocean to the "New World"
>Mexicans on the other hand have lived in the Americas since Meso-American times.
You think these sandniggers just come here and the next day blow something up. No these fuckers create cells and plan attacks out.
She has three holes and they're available for fucking.
you watch too much 24
america doesnt and wont have the same problems as europe because there is an entire ocean between them
Literally DNC talking points. We can't know where they are from. Deflections onto non-relevant arguments about what prior people from these places have done has nothing to do with what people may do in the future because the government believes the ID processes in these regions are insuffcient.
Funny how at no point did you address US1182.
I doubt hillary has touched this account in years
>inb4 Trump gets pissed at this and actually goes after Clinton hard now
Please let it happen
None of these things have happened.
blessings from kek
what where the 3?
why do people love sand niggers so much? im honestly a loss why anyone cares
>maybe if I tweet a premature shot at Trump, the endorphin rush I get from all the retweets and libs shouting "SLAYYYY" might give me temporary solace from the eternal agony that is my defeat.
>Yes, those judges we don't like should suffer 'accidents'... hehe...
You're just as bad as (((them))).
On what grounds did they uphold the ruling? Just because?
Remember. The court is suggesting, at the core of their "argument" that this is no longer valid because muh feelings.
> (f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
They having outright said US1182 is invalid because that argument will fall apart instantly. So they're arguing by proxy. Once this his the SCOTUS it's gg.
Communists aren't people.
It's mean. ;-;
>anyone I don't like is communist
won't happen traitor
Immigration threatens our national security. Its treason to support it.
>Hillary 'appeared to deliver a burn'
>probably received a lot of retweets and praise from her followers
>was probably pretty happy with herself after that one
>tfw when the happiness derived from that tweet will never come close to becoming the president
she shouldn't be able to tweet from behind bars if you ask me