>Implying the Supreme Court won't side with the Executive branch on the issue of immigration.

I'd rather they didn't, so that the dems have to own up to all the inevitable terrorist attacks to come

if so many of their rulings get overturned by the supreme court then why do they still have jobs?

people that cause their boss to redo 80% of their work deserve to be fired

high fives all around the table


So let me get this straight

>Court asserts that due process rights are being denied
>Immigration is interstate commerce, sole power of congress to regulate
>Congress gave power to the president
>A state court strikes down and prevents implementation of the ruling

?? If it ruled it was a due process violation for green card holders and other people with actual rights to be in the U.S that would make sense. But that Ackbar and Jamal in Somalia, having never set foot in the U.S, do not have due process rights.

They're claiming he's restricting immigration based on them being Muslims, based on religion, which is unconstitutional.

>Republicans push bill to split up ‘nutty 9th Circuit’

>Conservatives have mocked the 9th Circuit for years, often calling it the “Nutty 9th” or the “9th Circus,” in part because so many of its rulings have been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

al-Qaedas 20 year plan is moving along just as planned.

Can they not read? It bans the entire countries, not any specific person from them.

Daily reminder: 120,000 Islamist fighters in the Sahel of Africa aswell as Somalia swore allegiance to IS in 2015. Obama ignored them aswell as ignoring the now 1mn Christians that have "vanished" from Iraq.

If any Americans die at home from a terror attack by people from those countries. Trump should have that "court" publicly executed via firing squad.

he then went on record to say exemptions will be given to christians and jews. So yeah it targets muslims.

are you retarded? it's fucking obvious that trump wanted to "ban muslims". the intention of the executive order is absolutely crystal clear

literally read any post here. only a retard thinks this ban is about "7 countries". it's clearly distinguishing based on religion, which is unconstititional

There are more muslim countries than the 7 mentioned in the ban. Muslims from other Muslim countries were not banned.

If it was his intention to ban Muslims from the U.S. then he would have had to include all Muslim countries, which he did not.


>which is unconstititional
The Constitution does not apply to non-citizens outside of the United States, cupcake.

Trump is right to undermine the respect for the judicial branch. We are not stupid. He is just saying what we already know, that it is just another political branch of gubmint.

It will be glorious when Trump starts to purge the courts.

Exactly, fucking BANGLADESH banned their own citizens from returning if they'd travelled to Iraq etc. They're a muslim country..

Kuwait did the same in 2011 or something.

>The Constitution does not apply to non-citizens outside of the United States, cupcake.

it does. read the 14th amendment, babe

as soon as anyone lands on US soil, they have the same rights as citizens except for voting and other shit that's very specific

When did undocumented immigrants get constitutional rights that protects every American citizen and nobody else since it's not all inclusive?

>nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

what part of "any person" do you not understand?

>as soon as anyone lands on US soil
Not only are you wrong about proving my point, you clearly can't read either. Let me repost what I posted to help you out a bit:

>The Constitution does not apply to non-citizens outside of the United States

We control who comes into our country.

What part of
>within its jurisdiction
do YOU not understand?

Exactly, they haven't landed on US soil yet.

well i guess the only thing is to sit back and wait for the next terror attack and hope it just happens to people who deserve it like the leftwing radical judges and their families. anyone remember that german chick who got raped and killed by the rapefugee? the one whose dad was a pro-refugee state official? poetic justice

>within its jurisdiction

the "within its jurisdiction" clearly refers to the equal protection of the laws (not the due process stuff which is what the court's decision is about)

notice the ";" that separates the two arguments

i'm bored already. i can't believe Sup Forums is this fucking degraded to the point of being unable to read

Doesnt matter what it says in the EO, sadly.

>per the 9th Circuit Court Ruling

"The States argue that the Executive Order violates the
Establishment and Equal Protection Clauses because it was
intended to disfavor Muslims. In support of this argument,
the States have offered evidence of numerous statements by
the President about his intent to implement a “Muslim ban”
as well as evidence they claim suggests that the Executive
Order was intended to be that ban, including sections 5(b)
and 5(e) of the Order. It is well established that evidence of
purpose beyond the face of the challenged law may be
considered in evaluating Establishment and Equal Protection
Clause claims. See, e.g., Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye,
Inc. v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520, 534 (1993)"

tl;dr - if they can make a case you were religiously discriminating- even if nothing in the order says muslim- they can declare it unconstitutional.

Leftists will use his statements to hang him, this media circus will play out, and by the time it clears, it will be 6 months and all the shit they were working on fixing will be fixed anyway.

>everybody wins, cept about the people who slip in during.

>9th circuit declares it potentially unconstitutional
>no travel ban
>pushed up to be argued by higher courts
>trump was only trying to get 3months time
>leftists declare victory
>trump gets the improvements he's working on
>everybody feels good

Um where exactly?

>Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

"Jurisdiction generally describes any authority over a certain area or certain persons."

First Google result. You're wrong. Again.

>notice the ";" that separates the two arguments
And the use of the word "nor" nullifies your supposed separation.

so the semicolon is there for no reason whatsoever.

i guess lincoln and the union lawyers were just dumbasses who put a random semicolon there. who would've thought that a neckbeard from Sup Forums would undermine what constitutional lawyers have known for decades

>dems have to own up to all the inevitable terrorist attacks to come
The Human Cheeto's Muslim ban is a HUGE victory for ISIS.
They couldn't recruit half as many new terrorists into their ranks as Trump did.
They're jizzing their pants now that the bullshit picture they've painted of the US is becoming real under Republitard leadership.
Even the GOP has addmitted this, and they're still pretending climate change isn't caused by human activity, ffs.
He might as well be blowing up shit himself.

>being this desperate to be right
>proven wrong over and over and over
>disregard the entire rest of the bill because

muh ;

hang yourself

>if so many of their rulings get overturned by the supreme court then why do they still have jobs?
Because 99% of their rulings never got to the SCOTUS. The only ones that do go are the questionable ones.
This SHOULD be obvious.
Do you swallow the party kool-aide while sober, or are you so drunk/high most of the time that Sup Forums's bullshit seems plausible?

you're a dumbass.

even the tiniest fucking comma has significance in legal interpretation

fucking kill yourself

"a punctuation mark (;) indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma."

"A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. When a semicolon is used to join two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence, those ideas are then given equal position or rank."


Keep crying, sweet cheeks. Your tears are delicious.

>being this wrong
>still trying to be right
>desperately lashing out
>thinking a semi-colon invalidates clear legal text

please, euthanize yourself

I hope he keeps going. His desperation is entertaining.

>two independent clauses

thanks for clarifying it, numbnuts

>if you defend yourself they win

Neurons firing etc

>>Congress gave power to the president
Not really. There are several self-contradicting laws, all with some fairly vague language.
Besides, do you really think some random shlub (you) are the final interpreter of the law? Or maybe the law is like a computer program, and has only one possible result, thus not requiring interpretation or judicial rulings?

>Closely related in thought.

It's time to stop posting.

i'll never understand how these people manage to live every day being as stupid as they are with their pedantic bullshit.

but like you said its entertaining for us


>muh ;

Lol this is what constitutional debates are all about. Nitpicky interpretations.

For the record, I'm on your side.

>border control makes extremists angry so, like, we should just get rid of it so they won't be angry xdddd

It's true that they are fignting inside their terrotory and expanding, the travel ban keeps them in place and affects nothing of their ground situation.

Making terror attacks in the USA was never their gioal, they have europa for that, wich will give them the publicity they want.

Trump wanted out of this mess before the russians started bombing a NATO country.

This is technically true. But fuck, I can't say I've ever been in a debate about a goddamn semicolon. It's pretty funny if you think about it.

>>if you defend yourself they win
>Neurons firing etc
Wow, if memeing is the best you can do, I guess I have a pretty solid argument, thanks.

For the record, though, trump isn't "defending" us. The 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, but because Trump has business ties there, they can come and go as they please.
The Boston Marathon bombers came from Russia, don't even get me started.
Trump's not protecting America, he's trying to keep from losing the primary in 2020.

States Rights!


who cares. The only people at risk of getting murdered by muslims are libtards in major libtard cities. Some refugee will kill a bunch of people in a nordstroms or a gay nightclub and I get to open a bottle of champagne and trump gets to say "told ya do".

closely related, but not the same, idiot

I know but in this case the meaning of the semi-colon isn't even disputed, pretty sure the guy is just trolling regardless.

I refuse to believe people have already become this retarded

> current year
> if you give the jihadis everything they want, they won't cut off your head

Then maybe it SHOULD be a Muslim ban, you miserable fucking cunt.

>Supreme Court has to vote on the ban
>mfw Ginsberg is forced to recluse herself because of her bias against Trump

Have you actually read Judge Robart's decision? It's only seven pages, and it never demonstrates that the travel ban is unconstitutional. I'm serious. It reads like a judge making a policy decision, because that's exactly what happened.

The judicial system of this country is out of control. There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about the executive order - a fact both it in the Constitution and in legal precedent.

just to clarify, not a state judge. Just a state attorney general as prosecutor.

Wtf is your pic OP they are not isis or Al qaeda GLA?

Holy fuck you have to be a nigger to be this stupid, I doubt this leftcuck will actually go through what they typed and re-read just how convoluted and backwards that statement was.
Please keep being this stupid, the republican party depends on it.

Christ, you're the most doryphoric cunt I've ever encountered. If it's closely related in thought, chances are it has the same subject.

Let's look at this from another perspective.

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
>without due process of law
This implies that it's happening in the United States, not outside of it. Therefore, we come back to my original point that the Constitution does not apply to non-citizens outside of the US.

Now shut the fuck up.

>Immigration is interstate commerce

Wait.. WHAT?!

>international travel is """interSTATE"""
>movement of human beings is """commerce"""

This is some next level judaism

>The only ones that do go are the questionable ones.

to which they have more than any other district court by far, you retard. That's the point he's making

work on you reading comprehension shit for brains

They don't.
>All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
>and subject to the jurisdiction therof
If you come here illegally, you are a criminal and you are subject to jurisdiction.

Cucked by checks and balances

>Did they pay for a plane ticket?
>Did they pay immigration fees?

Not too hard to make that argument

Where your sources nigger

>if you try defend yourself from/killing your enesmies they win
>tfw trudeau was literally saying what was going to happen
the hyper cuck was just giving some hints what was yet to come...top kek

The 9th circuit court is a joke. Out of all the circuit courts, this one has a 72% overturn statistic in comparison when cases ruled by them get delivered to the Supreme Court.

Don't worry, we'll get you and your shitskin friends outta here soon.

>a human being is a good or service because he bought a plane ticket and paid a fee
jew lad

To be more specific:
The 9th circuit court is by far the most liberal court, and it's also the most overturned of any circuit court. In 2010 79% of 9th circuit court judgments that were heard before the supreme court were overturned by the USSC (3x as many reversals as most other circuit courts had total cases go before the USSC), 2011 71%, 2012 86%

It's a bunch of liberals in California, centered in San Francisco trying to legislate from the bench and the USSC has continually had to step in and tell them "no". Groups like the ACLU will specifically file their cases in California, doing what is known as venue shopping, so they can get their case heard by the 9th circuit court, because the USSC can't hear every single case a lot of bullshit rulings slip through the cracks.

This is one case where trump will write a new EO without the problem parts so there is still a ban in place, but without green card and visa holders. The old EO will be appealed up to the supreme court and it'll probably be a 7-2 decision with Ginsburg and Sotomeyer voting in the dissent, because they're the two judges that love to twist law to fit liberal agendas. 6-2 if it's heard before Gorsuch gets confirmed.

number of decisions overturned doesn't really matter right now does it?

how is providing transportation not a service?

I have no shitskin friends. Dont want any of them in my country either.



The movement of people across state boundaries is interstate commerce lad. When you go to work in another state and you pass through one state you are technically creating wear and tear on one states roads while working in another state etc.

One of the founding arguements was the running of hookers across state lines.