Is Macedonia pretty much a non-country?
Is he right Sup Forums?
They haven't been the same since Alexander.
>"Macedonia Goes Ballistic"
>20 people were upset on twitter
kek fyrom btfo
Trying to bait a flagfor his collection. Shameless.
fuck Macedonia and fuck whichever people live there
anybody remember this?
It's spelled Macadamia and it's a food.
holy shit, is this the 5d chess Sup Forums keeps thinking about?
macedonia watch out they about to kosovo you
why does america love albanians so much
>slavs squat on Alexander the Great's former land and call themselves Macedonian
Macedonia is rightful Bulgarian territory.
Macedonia goes nuts
They don't have flags for non-countries
>implying those Balkan trash people are the same stock as Alexander
Pls kys
>least widest
English has a word for that: narrowest.
I think he actually meant Belgium.
I do!
He's learning, but he needs to work a political message into that sound byte. It doesn't work when the media can just quote the part that makes FYROMians mad.
Also yfw he's still in congress in the same seat.
Fuck Macedonia and Fuck medieval weaponry
you guys realize that it was a joke, right?
You're thinking of Macedonians user
Sure it was.
trying to cover up their stupidity
to be honest macedonia is not a country, its a region of greece FYRM is a "country"(barely)
He´s correct only the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a country
Wait, Macedonia is still an independent country? I thought they were part of Greece. Or Greece was part of Macedonia, since Alexander stomped the Greeks and made them his bitches.
But, Macedonia is not a country.
fuck macaronia
well, if you ask greece... they would agree.
wrong! that would imply macedonia was a country! sad! many such cases!
I want to ask the first Serbian in this post
Why is this guy talking to an Albanian tv station?
Most aesthetic flag desu
Neither is Palestine and the Gaza strip.
((((((((((Drops the Microphone!!!))))))))