And everything still sucks?
Do we scapegoat blacks next?
And everything still sucks?
Do we scapegoat blacks next?
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yes, then the jews and then the irish
I just want people to follow the law.
t. white person
Illegals are a symptom.
Marxists are the disease.
Jews are the source of the disease.
you fucking racist
Are you implying blacks aren't a huge problem
so true. As a leftist I hope other leftist arent thinking when Trump's policies fail, the Trumptards will have some self-reflection on their support of trump. The reality is they will just blame nigger or some shit.
Calling out niggers for being retarded jungle savages doesn't really fall under the definition of scapegoating.
It'll suck less. White kids will be able to get summer jobs. Black people will be able to get jobs at all. Housing prices will fall. The deficit will drop a little. Morale will rise. Fewer marches with Mexican flags. What's not to like?
We crack down on other criminal scum.
We actually did some hard work in America and assimilated.
>still sucks
Illegal spics cost over 100 billion a year, whole areas of my city feel like I'm in shithole messihole, niggers are shit, can't scapegoat them.
pretty much.
historically, America has always had a scapegoat. i think that's one of the perils of living in a multicultural society. one dominant group automatically casts another group as parasitic, despite that not being the case. that, or they cast one group as being the low one on the totem pole. the fact of the matter is that there will always, ALWAYS be one low on the totem pole wherever you go.
know this: there is literally a MIT PhD graduate student who is considered shit tier in his field and is the laughing stock of his department because of his relatively 'poor' achievements in comparison to his fellows.
John Forbes Nash Jr. was a fucking dynamic mathematician and had incredible foresight, but was completely BTFO by MIT when they didn't even consider him for tenure. he literally wasn't good enough for them.
in short, we'll always blame someone if we can. when immigrants leave, it'll be the blacks. when blacks leave, it'll be the jews. then the irish, then the italians, then the fucking quakers, etc.
Law was created to oppress people of color.
I already hate niggers.
So hopefully yes.
No Black's take the jobs the immigrants were taking and social cohesion gets generally better.
Imagine what would happen if Hillary won.
White people would be scapegoats until they are ultimately eradicated. You know this is the truth.
they live off our tax dollars, more money for us
>people of color
>What will happen when all the illegals are deported
Democrats will never control a federal government branch again
no different than Liberals and their favorite bogyman, (((The One Percent)))
Is this when America was great? When blacks were the major problem?
Yep. Thanks Paddy.
The Irish prosper everywhere in America outside of Boston.
Black Males:
6% of the Population
Black males:
Over 50% of the Murders and Violent Crime.
They don't mean 'Irish' Irish. It's the plastic Paddies giving us a bad name.
>they hate us becuz they racist, nigguh
no, it's because you're incivilized monkeys (or sandmonkeys). It's not scapegoating if you actually are mainly responsible for the biggest issues
Keep dreaming, Sheamus. Your time will come.
Basically just nuke Boston
Unless they mean the tax haven stuff. In that case, they can go fuck themselves.
the things liberals want the most depend on immigration. things like free college, medicare for all and basic universal income will never be a reality until citizenship is clearly defined. otherwise anyone in the world would be entitled to any new
benefits just by entering the US.
Liberals already prepared to wait for the last illegal immigrant to get kicked out just to wait a day later and say WELL LOOKS LIKE EVERYTHING IS STILL SHIT DRUMPF BTFO
that's completely untrue.
read a history book. America has always had social problems due to its inherent multicultural identity. the irish were treated horribly, but so were the italians. it was a ranking system. immigrants are now the main target.
Sheeeit nigga. Wtf is with white people and the motherfucking law? Just sheeeeit. Every damn day: "follow the law!" Naw, nigga. Just naw. Pale faced motherfuckers be tryna arrest a nigga just for committing crimes and sheit and now they're tryna deport some other niggas cos legally they shouldn't be in the country or some sheit? Damn, nigga. That's cold. White people are crazy.
>And everything still sucks?
Then we hang you by the balls and beat you with wet noodles.
Next question.
It's funny how libshits self-project.
>immigrants are now the main target.
Illegal immigrants. Even your language is dishonest.
This. They assimilated.
We'll start deporting the liberals.
those with visas were being targeted by the ban.
NT tho
>deport all black people
>negligible labor losses
>tax rates drop by 30%
>crime drops by 75%
>people can walk from their hotel to the nearby 7/11 at midnight without getting robbed in any major city
Is it really a scapegoat?
gee, does skin color matter?
Why do people blame Mexicans for all their problems?
>scapegoat blacks
You can't scapegoat the real source of our issues. Illegals aren't the ones shitting up our country, you have to cherry pick to find cases where a bean comes here and repeatedly breaks the law avoiding jail. There is probably a few niggers just in your town that have committed felonies already in 2017 and dozens more sucking up government handouts with no attempt at being employed.
>completely untrue, american has always had problems because of its multiculti bullshit
Yes, and after multiculti is gone we can start to grow the way Protestant Jesus intended
>wanting a scapegoat
>not blaming the real source of the problem
The economy - and its domination by a tiny minority of oligarchs - is our problem. Democratizing wealth is the only solution.
>Illegals arent shitting up the country
>20 million estimated illegals in america in 2013
>estimated $14,000 net loss per year per person
>20,000,000x14000= $280,000,000,000 per year
there is the socialists free health care and college
Not if you're still Catholic. America is a Protestant nation. Catholics are just here on sufferance.
>current year
>thinking stopping illegal immigration will somehow put an end to the problems caused by illegal immigration
>thinking a travel ban on certain countries will limit the ability of people from said countries to cause trouble in America
Drumpfkins truly are deluded.
All you neets have to get real estate licenses, all the properties that illegals rent/own are going to be vacated. I haven't had an erection this hard in a while. I know I'm going to be making tons of shekels, even more so than before. Trust me goyim, we've had meetings about this at my company and have even been in contact with ICE. We have info on home owners, so we know who is illegal, It's a sellers market and property value is about to sky rocket in these areas.
>implying we don't already call out niggers on their shit
are you trying to
issue a blackhole
or a dimensional collapse
catalystic via Cern racist fuck boy?
Idiot. Property values will plummet if there's a glut from all the illegals needing to vacate their homes. The price of homes goes up when there are fewer homes on the market. Maybe you should study real estate?