What's his name again?


Other urls found in this thread:


Cheney's Cock Sock

Mike "1.21 gigawatts" Pence


Mike "concentration camps with dimming lamps" Pence
Mike "if you fuck your bro, i let the current flow" Pence
Mike "act like a bitch and I throw the switch" Pence

A Tie Breaker

Mike "UB 03 Lightning" Pence

Mike "If you like the dick I turn on the switch" pence

Everytime i see mortal kombat pence i hear loud crushing slamming fatality sounds.

Indiana Destroyer

I really, really, really like this image.

Michael "Shakka Kahn" Pence, Protector of Earthrealm

Mike "Your Bottom is tired so now I'll cross the wires" Pence

Mike "shock collar for the cock gobbler" Pence

Mike 'if you touch the dongs you get the prongs' Pence

Mike "Like other men? The dial's going to 10" Pence

Mike "fork in the socket, no longer a faggot" Pence

Some chinese no balls jew bastard?

Mike you dont debase yourself for female snakes and the fall of mankind I circumcise you for them pence

Do you niggers even know how to rhyme? These aren't even close.

Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence



>fruit means to do good
>i hate rainbows a sign of the Covenant
>vegetable means to enter a coma
>post frogs
>endorse murder and euthanasia
Hope it was worth it

Mike "if he takes it up the rectum, we'll have to correct 'im" Pence

noice one m8

Mike if he doesnt drink leg mucus and candida fungus we forcibly make him a woman pence

Mike "shreddin' vagina in Indochina" Pence

Mike "solar energy doesn't give me enough voltage" Pence


Mike "Thomas Edison makes the best medicine" Pence

Because the sun might be like the son i despise

Dan "the man with the plan to get you in his van" Schneider.

>gravity is electrical
>everything and that included is controlled by God
>bad things happen only if He allows Devil to do them
>pence pagan

Mike "Voltage goes from Negative to HIV Positive" Pence


>Do you even slant rhyme??!
kys this is a meme thread faggot

Mike "Dick in Butt, Voltage Up" Pence


Mike "Pushing Amps Thru Nipple Clamps" Pence
Mike "3-Phase The Gays" Pence
Mike "The Electric Fence" Pence
Mike "Current flows from Negative to HIV Positive" Pence

Meter goes from 700 women to 701 HIV Charlie Sheen women

>Gravity is electrical

Not if it's a female's though. Because females complete me. Trump made out with him. Down with men. I used to be a tranny. Baphomet is not one. God has tits and a girlfriend. He doesn't put soul. I do. With slimy blood vaginas

>Thunder God


Hahahaha look a woman is being empowered and a fellow male is dying at her hands. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Why is he wearing that strange hat? What happened to his eyes?!

Mike "Blast the gays with gamma rays" Pence

Mike i hate dicks because i dont have one pence
Fuck this imma go get a little high



>literal faggot leaf shits up perfectly good meme thread
I'm [spoiler]shocked[/spoiler]

Mike "Follow god path or earn Tesla's wrath" Pence

>hating on penis
>ruining hating on penis threads

Mike "if you like men, I'll set the dial to 10" Pence

Mike "all the animals come out at night... whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal... someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets" Pence

Was this His path? Gnite stinky frenchman

So Pence wants to kill gays or is it just a dank meme?

For the really extreme cases

He wants to kill his own mental illnesses


Mike "The electric stool for the homosexual fool" Pence

If I drown you in tuna do you become gay?

Like his electric feces

Mike "Suck cock get an electric shock" Pence

there, i've fixed it for you you fucking leaf.