>tfw our former president is going to serve a third term in 2018 and maybe a fourth one in 2022
Has that ever happened in your country?
Brazilian Leftist Dictatorship
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be a shitskin
>Constantly vote yourselves the worst form of government
Is it the low iq or never developing a sense of foresight that constantly fucks you guys over or what?
Why are whites the only people with the capacity to learn hard from mistakes and not repeat them?
0 chance of it happening.
we surpassed the UK in 2008 in GDP under his government my friend, also got the Olympics and the World Cup. And he is still considered the greatest brazilian president in history
He is winning every poll and PSDB is tied up with PMDB which is rotting away and got no leaders
I thought this guy became president after they impeached dilma, and that was only a few years ago
Well at least his health is fucked up from what i've herd, so lets hope he dies before leftists, nordestinos and people from rio de janigger elect him
Yeah FDR went for round 3. It was only afterward that we added a 2-term limit on presidents.
Now if only we could do that for congresspeople as well. Or even just no more than two terms in a row.
There is more than enough evidence to arrest him.
Bongs are socialist scum as well. Also shitskins.
>There is more than enough evidence to arrest him.
then why haven't them? it's been more than a year in this LULA PRESO AMANHÃ
> thinks that britain hasnt had absolute shit governments for decades
Is the 2-term limit forever or a president can assume if the third term isn't consecutive to the other 2?
>also got the Olympics and the World Cup
Got the Olympics by buying them, which then forced a large portion of the country into poverty.
Good job, you have a larger economy than a country with the fraction of land area and people. I'm pretty pumped up at the US surpassing Liechtenstein
Two total. 22nd Amendment.
kek I meant get elected
> Implying the proggres that happened due to the good economy has anything to do with him
All he did is create a leftist/populist agenda to milk votes from poor dumb niggers
>then why haven't them?
Because warrants are only issued after the veridict.
yeah, it's not like our GDP per capita rose like hell, and our industries boomed, to the point of some even becoming world class industries like Embraer
congrats mate, thanks to the revolutionary socialist policies of the last 10 years you are now 400 BILLION behind the UK
You just need to get your own Trump before it's too late
>has that ever happened in your country
pic related
>revolutionary socialist policies
if anything we grew like never before my friend. We got fucked due to Dilma's impeached and her stupid idea of doing austerity
then why haven't them reached the veridict? If there are so many proofs? I mean they can arrest him like they did with Cunha and Cabral without a veridict, still they haven't
easy to make the economy grow when you're wasting the state's money like a fucker with no regards to the future.
I cant think of a less relevant country than Brazil
Implying GDP means any shit.
Zambia GDP is of 26.82 billion USD
It has 14.54 million people
If Zambia had 1000x times the amount of people, the GDP would be around 26 trillion USD.
Did it make anyone less poor? No!
Brazil GDP per capita 11,208.08 USD (2013)
UK GDP per capita 41,787.47 USD (2013)
Yes, we had a large economy than a millenar european superpower that led the world for 150 years
It's got a lot of potential.
Haven't the USA elections taught anything?
Its our only hope
You know lula was against the globalists, he was friends with putin.
Too bad he is a lazy thief
If GDP means shit, why is Trump so scared of China then?
>be british
>is born slave of a shitty royal family
Is there anything else you do in your daily life besides spending 24h on Sup Forums creating the same bait threads and spreading false rumors?
Literally every single day with the exact same bait threads and copy-paste replies provoking human countries until feeding you banana (you)s.
Nobody gives a shit about Brazil besides monkeys like you and your family. Leave Sup Forums for human beings and go spam your shit on brchan or 55chan.
You filthy hue piece of shit, dont badmouth the brits of royalty like that
The greatest crime our nation ever commited was rejecting the monarchy, our god apointed dictators, in exchange for this monkey ridden cleptocracy. Faggotry, degeneracy, it has only got worse and worse since we threw the monarchy out.
Were you too young to remember Lula's government m8? Literally every sector of our industry was booming, we reached the lowest unemployment rate in history, people were optimistic as ever to the point of electing Dilma for two fucking terms despite she being a quarter of what Lula was. Temer has literally zero qualities, and everyone fucking despises him, and will even more when he starts voting Pensions and worker's legislation reforms, also unemployment is soaring in an all time high. People will have to choose between a leader that they know that his government was great and another one that supported Temer's government. Forget it m8, if Lula isn't arrested, which Lava-Jato is literally struggling in doing so he will become president
>le monarchy meme
grow some balls, there were good reasons why we kicked the ass of those morons
Yeah, we have one since 2000.
>t. Lula
Allegedly he was PM for a while during that time.
He is going to be in jail soon, dont worry
yeah, I've been hearing that for a year now
The reason lula was successful was because he used the money from the rich to give to the poor people. Poor people the started to buy things and help the economy.
>be FHC
>massive inflation
>industries start firing people because they can't keep up
>implement "plano real"
>economy starts fixing itself
>Lula assumes presidency
>economy continues to fix itself because of "plano real"
>comodities boom
>completely unrelated to any policy in Brazil
>start exporting a lot
>economy rise up
>people start getting jobs
He was a lucky fucker surfing on the success wave inherited from FHC, but instead of investing in our country, this fucker built a monumental money laundering scheme scoping all public branches.
Imagine the advancements we would have with a government that really cared for its people.
Long time has passed to jail this fucker up.
Wasnt he voted some years ago the greatest brazilian that ever lived?
Yes, he sure was lucky for 8 years, I mean it's not like the world economy passed through some crisis or something in 2008, everything was great! Lula is sure lucky for 8 years!
Kek yes and that was all totally free, we are not eternally fucked to death in debt and welfare bubble now, right?
You commies never learn about spending too much money.
>Has that ever happened in your country?
Merkel will make it happen
or someone who doesnt understand economics at all
go back to Unicamp, Rio or whatever shithole you came from, commie fagget
>buying them
>which forced a large portion of the country into poverty
You literally have no clue about how anything works do you?
Oh yeah, our debt to GDP is sure high amirite? Also it's not like it grew the most last year during Temer reign amirite? I am sure austerity will fix all of our problems just like in greece hahah!
>can't disagree
>resort to namecalling
good talking to you sir
I'm not denying that our economy rose and we had great progress, i'm just think it happened due to external factors and a favorable international economy, than Lulas credit
Lula is what generated the downfall you halfwit. He was the one who set up the corruption.
The leftist policies have failed. Stop being an idiot.
the way he handled 2008 crisis literally it's 100% his credit. Also he was 8 years, it's difficult saying he was lucky for 8 years
>Oh yeah, our debt to GDP is sure high amirite?
Top kek, classic commie trick of misdirection
45% of the budget was debt solvency you stupid nigger.
It really is very easy to say that. The measures taken by the previous government managed to fuel the economy of high spending for these 8 years.
You only see the value of a president when his term is up and his policies are finally having an effect.
>every sector of our industry was booming
All bubbles.
>we reached the lowest unemployment rate in history
>welfare recipients are not counted as unemployed
>those who are not even bothering looking for a job are not counted as unemployed
>implying high employment equals high productivity (an average brazilian worker is just 20% as productive as an average american worker)
> people were optimistic as ever to the point of electing Dilma for two fucking terms
Latin American populism at its finest. Obama was highly popular, the German people were optimistic under Hitler, Stalin was seen as the saviour of mankind during the stalinist era in Soviet Union.
>Temer has literally zero qualities
That's what the brazilian left seems to either doesn't know or prefers to ignore. I'll give you a hint: no one is very fond of Temer. Not the left, not the right. You know how PMDB acts accordingly to its own interests. It was good for them to support PT for many years, until it wasn't anymore.
>and will even more when he starts voting Pensions and worker's legislation reforms
Okay, let's allow our budget to simply blow up because "MUH FREE STUFF". And while we are at it, let's keep union privileges so they can pretend to "support the people against the meanie burgeoise".
Great ideas m13.
>he will become president
You really don't want to see how hard your political party has fallen, do you? Even the average joe has mentally associated (with accuracy) that PT means literally a gang of thieves, "petista" is the same thing as a white-collar dishonest individual, people everywhere on the brazilian part of internet are making jokes at the expenses of your leftist ideas.
You're in the past. Wake up. You don't need to support a dead party to reduce poverty.
Bolsomito 2018 seu viado
>45% of the budget was debt solvency you stupid nigger.
oh yeah, now see the Japanese debt to GDP ratio my friend
How's your mudslime problem going, cumskin?
Don't worry, CIA-trained American protestant missionaries will make Brazil protestant majority soon. Protestants always vote for right wing parties.
Stop comparing apples to oranges nigger.
45% of the enormous taxes we pay go towards settling debt. 20% go to your gibsmedats. You want more of that. Kill yourself my man.
>Also it's not like it grew the most last year during Temer reign amirite?
There you go, I was waiting for you to name him. Can't wait to see the mass triggering when your corrupt shitbag lose the next election.
I think so. Wouldn't doubt.
>tfw no Macri in Brazil, only social democrats and communist parties
>no talks of real privatization, lowering trade tariffs (which can get as high as 70% here!) or significantly reduce union privileges in our congress
Hold me, hermano.
>world class industries like Embraer
Which was privatized many years ago.
>meanwhile, at Petrobrás...
Lula is to Dilma what Obama/Bill Clinton was to Hillary. Except that the evil side was succesfull around here.
you never learn how to fix teeth.
You have a problem understanding debt.
Yes, Japan managed to develop itself by creating a massive debt. It did work, and now they are struggling to stay alive. Japan is literally dieing. It just has good ratings while it dies.
45% of our yearly income was used to pay off debt.
During the french revolution it was 50% for reference.
>All bubbles.
Oh so the 14 years of PT government survived just of bubbles? top kek my friend
>Latin American populism at its finest.
And how is that different from supporting Trump or any other Sup Forums approved candidate? The only difference is that your biased toward MUH COMMIES MUH USA MUH FREEDUMBS, when Lula himself is anti-globalism
> I'll give you a hint: no one is very fond of Temer. Not the left, not the right.
Oh yeah, it's not like his approval rates are in abysmal rates, which are even worse than Dilma's. 50% are saying his government is worse than Dilma's
> Even the average joe has mentally associated (with accuracy) that PT means literally a gang of thieves, "petista" is the same thing as a white-collar dishonest individual, people everywhere on the brazilian part of internet are making jokes at the expenses of your leftist ideas.
My dear friend, I find it funny that you think you know so much about this country, when you forget that we live in a country were we elected more than one time a candidate whose slogan is "I steal, but I do". Now imagine a candidate who left office with EIGHTY SEVEN PERCENT of approval rate. Literally no one can stop Lula, even the polls are saying so, to the point that the media and the right-wing nutjobs are freaking out over that
>Which was privatized many years ago.
m8, the government literally owns more than 50 percent of the shares of Embraer my friend
>Japan can't get their GDP to grow over half a percent for several years
And GDP accounts for government spending (C+I+G=Y), which the japanese government is very, very fond of. Just imagine how deep their economy problem is. That bubble will burst some day.
>top kek my friend
>when Lula himself is anti-globalism
...what the fuck? He supports every single proposal from any first world leftist party. Stop spreading misinformation.
>muh approval rates
I don't think you understood my point. My point was fuck approval rates. They don't matter at all. They don't tell how good a government is, it just tells how people view their government. That can be easily manipulated by media and politicians.
>the one who set up the corruption
Also, jesus created love
People really getting baited by this Lula "fan"? ROFL
To be honest I hope he wins, that's the only way we will be pushed for either a military intervention or a heavy separatist movement from the Northeast APES. (pic so fucking related)
>he links me a mises.org link
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, just give up my friend. You are literally pushing your worldview towards the whole country, meanwhile we had a leftist president that was voted tons of times the best president in history.
to fix brazil : fuck the state. fuck previdencia social, fuck union : therefore fuck the transfer to the states and municipalities. that would cut a huge sum that would cease existing. and it would go directly back to the brazilian wallets.
"Pushing my world view"? You're the one repeating leftist propaganda and spreading misinformation (Lula is an antiglobalist, this can't be serious). Aren't you so open minded? Give Mises a try.
I'm not your "friend" btw. Let's not get so close. You're just another user here.
Its funny to see these armchair generals parroting about "PT ARE THIEVES" like its a thing.
It gives me a sense that im talking to someone who is profoundly uninformed and certainly not red pilled about how much anti globalism lula is
Most of them would suck globos dick and swallow the kike loads
No bro, to fix brazil we need to dissolve congress, rip the constitution apart and implement the most hardcore totalitarian state in the history of south america.
>military intervention
That's another idiocy propagated by senile senior brazilians who were young in the 70s and think that military intervetion will bring their youth back.
Hell, I can't believe I'm going to have to explain why dictatorships aren't good, whether they are from PT-PMDB-PSDB or the military.
Why, because you read somewhere? Because leftists paid by the CIA wrote articles, history books, documentaries, and etc about it?
Most of the most awesome goverments in the world were dictatorships.
do you think people are only scared of china because of the amount of value they produce or because that value is invested in becoming a world power that could surpass the USA?
It worked in Chile.
Right wing dictatorships are good.
Only flags i see are HUE flags and you fools are still discussing this here, on the sri lanka's fishing image board
FUCK OFF seriously
>what the fuck is China?
>You're the one repeating leftist propaganda and spreading misinformation (Lula is an antiglobalist, this can't be serious).
How sure are you that you aren't spreading misinformation yourself? Also remember my friend, Brazil is culturally globalist by nature, but economically anti-globalist since ever. Just because Dilma supported Feminism and other shit that doesn't mean we are for globalist kikes to take over our country
>Aren't you so open minded? Give Mises a try.
I've already given a try, my friend, when I was 18 I was libertarian and read all that shit about NAP and other stuff, then I came to realize that some people do stuff regardless of other people, morals or agreement, and simply because they want to, and if that means fucking everyone around them for doing it so be it
A powerfull china is a dangerous china
No one wants dangerous china
I dont even know what to call their ninjas
Wait, wasn't this guy supposed to be going to prison? Like, even before they impeached his protege?
You like Temor? After what he did you deserve him
Chinese economy is still growing my friend, despite we going through the biggest crisis in our history
and implement the most hardcore totalitarian state in the history of south america.
fuck this old communist prick bring back the empire and re enact slavery
B O L S O N A R O 2 0 1 8
Fucking liberals, can eat shit, they ruined this country for too long
>then I came to realize that some people do stuff regardless of other people, morals or agreement, and simply because they want to, and if that means fucking everyone around them for doing it so be it
What the fuck are you trying to say
His only merit was not doing anything to the economy.
Which was Dilmas mistake, she changed what was working and fucked everything.
reported to SMERSH
This :
also this :
Conclusion, Bolsomeme is not what he claims. We are faded to be fucked by socialists/gommies. How do we fix brazil ?
Lula did the biggest tax exemption program in Brazilian history in 2008 to Brazilian industries to survive the international crisis and to make our internal market grow while the external market was dwelling in a ultra hardcore way
Temer is good. He is just not a likeable person.
Temer did some real cleanup. He made it so we will reach 2027 with the same spending as 2017