Trump faggots just got absolutely BTFO'd.
>middle school kid beat up and suspended for wearing a MAGA hat
How does it feel?
Trump faggots just got absolutely BTFO'd.
>middle school kid beat up and suspended for wearing a MAGA hat
How does it feel?
Going out dressed like that he was asking for it.
I'm not sure on the legal side for these sort of things, but do you think he'd be able to press charges against the school at all?
holy shit you fags are shilling hard
first with the brazil shit and now with any random crap
Oy vey, make sure to collect those FREE coins so you can monitor your behavior better, I mean so you can get more likes on Instagram, goy.
Almost certainly
>kid gets attacked
>school punishes victim
>I assume nothing happened to the attackers
Thats a lawsuit waiting to happen.
That's kind of what the rapists say.
>hes checking his digits
fucking wew
that 12 year old is a Sup Forumsack 100%
I always knew you guys were in middle school
This kid was on Sup Forums just the other day. He was glad to get suspended. Free vacation. He didn't even want to make an issue of it because it would distract from his time off. Seems some Sup Forumstard made it an issue and ruined his vaca.
Good going Sup Forumstards.
Next American Hitler.
The left attacking kids again who wouldve known hahah
Exactly, that's the point. Use their logic against them.
And that's why Betsy DeVos is in charge now, despite being uniquely unqualified.
She has exactly one job. To shut these commies down.
Hey faggot you got free coins go collect them
Some of us just want basic rights to live and function. That does not mean we are nazis or niggers or the left or rednecks. Posted on this site daily is very clear evidence that we as serious whites dont have those rights. I have been thrown under the bus by people who think im a redneck. These people are full of ideas, arrogant and full of blind ambition. They never question themselves, yet it is obvious that their actions are the only factor which prevents this immediate initiative and action within the other people. It is obvious that these people are attached to their position in society and are saying what they are saying for no other reason. They are literally preventing the mentality of initiative which will directly solve the problems because they are fearful, selfish, ignorant and spineless. They blame it on others who are not like that and claim that it cannot be done like that as if some reckless immediate action would occur and more careful paced action is necessary. Just because someone has this immediate initiative does not mean they are going to do something reckless right now. This initiative will operate in the person and create the most efficient and intelligent action over time. These people are the ones who are committing this reckless action they speak of throwing everyone else under the bus just because they dont understand their own fear, like cucks. The way i see it, these people are the only ones holding back any kind of healthy change, with or without realizing it, all while claiming the hard work and initiative of others. Once again, just because someone has this discontent and initiative does not mean they are stupid, careless or reckless in a situation where those people claim to be playing a waiting game. We seriously need to sort this problem out. It can be something as minor as this which holds back Trumps EOs in a time like this. These are the people calling themselves Civic Nationalists...
>his mom's a coalburner
>Sup Forums goes outside
The same shit would happen at a private school.
Your point? /pol is a civic nationalist board
>has to watch his mom get BLACKED every night
Typical Sup Forumsack I see.
Absolutely no redemption for the white race
May Kek let their light extinguish
May Kek force them all into a fiery purgatory for their sinful lives
Fuck the whites
Haha, yeah he was made an example of alright.
He was asking for it.
Blown the fuck outed?
I wouldn't be that upset, they are about to become millionaires when they sue that school system.
Not just blacked but doing it in some degenerate club.
This is how Generation Z will rise to conservatism, rebelling against their degenerate parents.
ticks me the fuck off actually
cause it's wrong
leftist scum deny morals though, so I can't expect them to care
Assaulted by his peers
>"Oh no, what could lead to this? He was such a nice, quiet kid!" in year 2024, when he shoots up the school
His mom is the Mexican.
But yeah both degenerates kek.
>goofy ass whiteboi
>wearing a trump hat
KEK. i dont know why i laughed so hard.
Huh, I thought Gen Z was supposed to be based? Why would they do this?
she's a spic, not white
Feeling good, he's a martyr now.
You guys fucked up. You're a bitch OP.
Haven't you seen the HWNDU streams? All white Sup Forumsacks are weird as fuck. The non-whites are pretty good looking though (no homo.)
>12 years old
>already kicking others asses
Sounds pretty based to me.
A red hat has never caused so many chimp-outs
>posting online
Don't know why but I laughed hard as well, Tyrone.
>Hey, it's time to collect free coins
At least turn of your jew notifications before you start shilling
>Having an Instagram
Cool hat, Tommy. Want to bring it to the white house?
Let's get him a trip to Washington, just like Achmed the Clock Bomber
>press charges against the school
Nah. In the interview he admits to pushing the kid back. In American schools, even if acting in self-defense, a students can be disciplined (e.g. report on student record, suspension). Also, most schools do not allow students to wear hats at school, and the same rules apply when students are on the bus.
This kid doesn't have any legal recourse against the school. But, his mom could consider suing the other student's parents. She probably wouldn't recover much since he didn't really have any visible marks in the video interview.
Also, his hat is a cheap knock-off, probably made in China like his mom, so he had it coming.
>implying 90's kid wasn't hot
I didn't know Leafy was a Trump supporter.
I'm feeling the schools pockets for an impending lawsuit
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little DRUMPF BTFO thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting shill that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Crying Pepe with Trump Hat, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting fucking bait. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a SHILL. A pathetic CTR SHILL. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "DRUMPF BTFO DRUMPF BTFO." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
>Dumb shills bringing up a topic that's about a week old trying to stump Trump
You guys aren't even trying anymore.
>12 year old boy
>Deserve it
Only a libshit would think like that.
Is this meme magic?
Yeah, keep BTFOing us, it's really showing what rational and peaceful people you are. This will definitely make things go your way in the future.
You know something is wrong with the president elect you voted for when you represent his figure in public and get your ass beat.
Nice try, rabbi
but that's not their logic that's our logic because the left would take the side of the woman in a rape case
>Wearing the hat of hate.
>Gets beaten up and suspended for it.
What's the problem here?
>most schools do not allow students to wear hats at school
how about a MAGA armband?
armbands are Supreme Court-certified free speech in schools
>Free coins
Day of the rope. Free ducking speech faggots
"because of violent video games"
(they would say at least in Germany)
That crazy son of a bitch is doing the Bateman!!!
>Nah. In the interview he admits to pushing the kid back. In American schools, even if acting in self-defense, a students can be disciplined (e.g. report on student record, suspension). Also, most schools do not allow students to wear hats at school, and the same rules apply when students are on the bus.
Sounds like "Welcome to North Korea!"
(((free coins)))
This sort of thing is only good for our side.
I want the hatred of non-whites to boil over until we go full out Hitler mode on the shitskins.
Probably brown
You must go back.
The strong must eat. This ain't no hugfest. If you can't step up best not to.
Stay BTFO!