Did you ever meet a jew?
What were they like?
Did you ever meet a jew?
What were they like?
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I hang out with Jews all the time. Basically they just want their temple. As a goyim looking into their situation, I must say that they deserve their temple.
hey george don't you worry 'bout the boss, I won't rat on you, and I know that you won't rat on me. you know we sell these hours of our lives to pay for the things that they own and that we need to live, live free or die is what they say, but you know freedom is just another pretty word now meaningless like liberty and democracy which have suffered the same fate. they own the printing presses, tv stations, Internet and they advertise our thoughts into our minds and then we buy whatever shit it is that they have paid for us to buy.
hey george you know they spy on every moment of our lives our emails our phones their street cameras their drones and that is just the shit that we know about so far. hey george, don't you worry 'bout the war yeah we both know that it will never end and that the enemy is not on any foreign shores it's you and me we at home must stay and watch because they know that we sell these hours of our lives and the price is going down and we are all in debt.
ya know outside this little enclave that we call the first world well human life it is barely worth any spare change comes it comes gradually and in a tidal wave if I say that the world won't change, what I'm really sayin' is I don't want to change. I'm tired, lazy and I have grown stuck in my ways but I won't make a difference because of your words well they saved me from the lies I've come to live and believe the world's deepest truth well truth that's a mystery to all but a really only few truly seek it, most of us are far more comfortable with lies lies we tell ourselves more than anybody else that everything's alright that we're doing what we can but In the end you know we give strength with our ignorance well that's still a tug of war and each of us here still has moments more.
hey george don't you worry 'bout the boss, I won't rat on you and I know that you won't rat on me.
I know one. He doesn't practice his religion, he doesn't eat kosher, is an atheist. He drives a cement truck for a living. He's just a regular bro-tier dude who happens to be ethnically jewish.
Jews don't reveal their Jewness to goyim
I went to Israel in September 2015.
They were fine, apart from taxi drivers literally trying to overcharge shekels on nearly every occasion.
I've never met a jew before.
What am I in for?
90% of non-orthodox and non-reform jews are like this
taxi drivers are scum, hire a driver next time
In element school.. Jew kid asks me to draw a picture of Mickey Mouse for him. Ends up showing the class and claims he made it.
my first kiss was a jew
i had a heart of gold and she robbed me of it
Found the jew
That Jew in particular probably didn't make Mickey Mouse, but another Jew a very long time ago did.
Good people. our greatest ally indeed
aww your first swindle
All of the jews i have ever met have a superiority complex. They have no problems flaunting their wealth or they will try to prove they have superior morals.
I work with a bunch of Israeli jews, and my wife works with American jews.
The difference is stunning. The Israelis are all right wing, hate immigrants and muslims, pretty lightweight drinkers, but like to have fun.
The American jews are pretty much stereotypes.
It's turned me around completely on Israel.
Let us all celebrate canada
I love canada and I love immigrants, I love feminists and immigrants
I love women they are so brillant and honorable
I love this world and trudeau is a god to me but god doesnt exist and jewishes are the most beautiful, kind and merciful people on earth
I love canada and I think I am gay and proud and I am so happy that muslims are my ffriends!!!
i met one and he told me that in any business deal, make sure I get at least 51%.
>a dirty goyim
But goyim is the plural of goy
That doesn't make any sense
I sometimes can't help it....
It's disturbing how badly this takes over me and I'm scared that I'm acting too much like a stereotypical Jew.
And here I thought I was redpilled.
Non-jews are very mean people.Look at how they made this poor guy cry
He was extremely rich and said he was controlling something, wasn't really paying attention.
I did get fired after I angered him though, I think it's a coincidence because the jews can't be bad, they went trough the Holocaust!
Everyday in the mirror. He hates my guts
In my experiences with Jews I've found them to be self-centered, deceptive, sadistic, dishonest, debauched, domineering etc. There have been some who were cool in the mix as well.
I met a cute jew girl in my anthropology class. She turned out to be a dyke.
I buy some stuff wholesale for my business from a few Jew companies.
The big brands are easy to work with. My local small distributor, well, they always change the price on products and try to fuck us over, but we keep solid records and set them straight every time.
Best part is, one of their own embezzled $50k from their company a few years ago, I had many laughs when they jewed themselves.
I grew up in a predominantly Jew area.
I'm not sure I'd be here if I didn't.
I did we were drinking with a mutual friend and he tried to scam me out of $5.
>No this is not a joke
He bought $10 appetizers. I said I'll pay you back now since I am going to eat half. He said "no just get it before we leave".
I have about 2 more beers.
>4 in
Having a fun time, check comes. "Hey user check is here."
>"oh here is your $5 for my half of the food" "No you owe me $10"
>"No I don't"
"yeah man we bought 2 servings you owe me 10"
>"Bullshit we bought one which was $10 and I had 4 beers at $8 total! I know how much I payed."
>He just looks at me and smiles. The bastard knew he had been caught.
That fucking cunt. Even my other friend that was there saw what happened and was shocked that he tried to steal a measly $10.
I've met lots of Jews. I married one in a politically connected family, divorced now . Her mother was/is a psychiatrist. A very well known psychiatrist in a fringe specialty. Obviously, they're nice people, ha ha. Don't trust them though. They're filth
Every moderate Jew I've ever met has been well-educated, thoughtful, articulate, self-deprecating to a fault. They beat the hell out of white people.
My best friend in elementary school was a Jew and I didn't realize until like fifteen years later. Now that I hate Jews it's kind of weird to think about it. He had a lot pf the classic Jewish traits: rude, spoiled, untrustworthy, vulgar, etc...
>meet dude at school
>Names Derek nice to meet you user
>start talking to him frequently since he's in 3 of my classes
>he's super chill and blast to talk with
>had an Xbox loves halo watches anime
>become best friends
>new beforehand about Jew stereotypes but holy fuck was it brutal to Derek
>large nose, dark black hair, wore a solid gold Star of David at all times
>would hit the eject change on any machine with one if he passed by one
>would only lend someone money if they agreed to owe him 2$ more
>if they didn't pay he'd get scary and confrontational
>literally tried to break someone's arm over 62$
>my favorite thing about him was when he'd sleep over to play world of Warcraft with me.
>He check and see how the items he put on auction were doing.
>if he sold a lot he'd make a crooked smile and start to rub his hands together while he giggled.
>mfw he's still my bff and he's a fucking G no matter what y'all anti semites say
One of my best friends from my high school was a jew. I can confirm their high IQ, especially verbal. Dude is the most eloquent motherfucker I've ever met. He can pull an applause-worthy speech out of his ass like its nothing. Its his downfall though because he tends to overdo it and it can come across as intimidating. nice guy though
'goy' is singular, 'goyim' plural.
I was born in Israel
They are cunts through and through
If youre white he's gonna look down on you for being a filthy goy
If you're non-white he's gonna try to be your friend and comrade
>t. Especial Agent Goldstein from the JIDF
Exactly what you'd expect.
>Whoops I'm leaving this apartment
>Good luck finding someone
>P-please send me the utilities three weeks before it's due because I'm having such a hard time ($90)
>Father is a multi-millionaire
>Got into fights with her boyfriend over buying a meal at McDonalds for $15 total.
>Would keep tabs of how often her boyfriend paid for meals vs she did, even though she was almost completely dependent on him
I heard on Fash the Nation that a friend of the host's who'd done business in Israel said that the reason Israel doesn't have large companies is because they Jew each other over so much.
derek sounds like a top merchant
my best friend growing up was jewish. his dad was israeli and the most redpilled person i've ever met in my life.
One was a law professor
>pretty bro and impartial on situations concerning the law, not sure what his stance would be on the trump election after all these years
One was some no name vermin
>flipping shit on ebay / craigslist, have cart full of potential prospects that were handpicked, scrolling online item by item to see their real value
>sneaky yid slides over and starts picking through my shit
>call him out
>"Ov vey, I wasn't doing anything goy"
>accent, jew beanie & all
It's a toss up desu
lived in a jewish neighborhood in brooklyn for a while
it was the quietest, cleanest, safest, hood in all of nyc
no shitskins, no one outside past when the street lights turn on, virtually no crime
these were the most conservative, even more then the amish, people on the face of the earth
they only ever kept to themselves, vehemently avoiding everyone else, and drove their fucking bicycles on the fucking sidewalk at warp speed, miraculously not running over the very many children in their way, since they ever only come out at the same time as the school bus
the one time we got cocaine off a rabi, it was the cleanest cut, and the most amount, most bang for your buck you can get around them parts
that experience left me totally indifferent, pretty much the same way I feel about the amish, whom they are identical to
they're just way too conservative and spiteful towards outsiders to get a good read
We (whites, 100IQ) are as dumb to Jews (115) as blacks (85) are to whites. *shudder*
>grow up in western florida
>not as many jews as eastern florida but they are still noticable here
>they stick to their own groups in high school
>i never hang out with them
>have a few jew teachers
>they indoctrinate me into liberalism
>I don't fall for it
>one teacher i had for history class literally called all decedents of germans devils and nazis
>started to catch on that there was some agenda going on there since I am of german decent and wasn't a fucking nazi or devil
>get to uni
>lot more jews here
>every time i be friend one they try to convert me to communism or encourage me to find a girl that isn't white (because that is cool to do now, which was their logic)...I am not making this up
>meanwhile dad goes into a business with some jew for a dock building company
>jew takes off with the company's money and heads to miami
>dad declares bankruptcy
>can't call a lawyer because it would cost way too much money to settle than he would get back what was stolen form him
seriously stay the fuck away from jews, they aren't white, they are parasites. Just thinking about them while I type this makes me want to REEEE
stay away from them man
I dated two Jews. Emotional. Sexual. Lawyer fathers.
Complained a bunch.
...but they loved to fuck.
Unlike polacks, even if some Jews are edgy they don't reveal their power level in front of everybody like an autist. ALSO most Russian Jews in MN are okay, heck some get along very well with Russians and Ukrainians, some are Christian themselves, also some are half/half.
i went to christian school. on our senior trip to nyc we took the megabus and ended up booking the same bus as a torah institute
my class was pretty bluepilled (as was i at the time) so the exchanges were generally positive. i offered one some gum and he said no because it might not have been kosher
The area I grew up in had a high population of Jews. They're exactly like the stereotypes say they are. I'll give you one personal example of many.
My house was on a residential intersection and my younger brothers set up a lemonade stand at the end of the driveway. They were having fun and managed to get a decent number of people to stop and buy some lemonade from their little stand. Cool stuff right?
Well the neighbor, a Jew, decided that her daughter's should also sell lemonade, but they were around the corner and a few houses away from the intersection and their little lemonade stand didn't do that well.
Anyway, after a while my mother told my brothers to pack it up because they were leaving to go to the store and they could go back to selling lemonade when they got back. So they pack it up and leave. Lo and behold, when they come home the two little Jew girls are in OUR driveway selling lemonade! No shit, 100% truth...
My brothers get out and ask them why they're in our driveway. The little Jew girls respond "our mom said it's okay, she told us to move the stand here since you guys were gone".
Yes friends, this Jew cunt told her kids to fucking trespass on another family's property in order to make some money because she noticed that my brothers were making more money at their location. It wasn't enough that they came up with the idea and she decided to convince her kids to make a competing lemonade stand just around the corner, but when she realized her kids weren't making as much money as her neighbor gentiles, she felt it was 100% acceptable to trespass and use gentile property so her kids could make a few extra sheckles...
Jews are exactly as the stereotypes say they are pol. This is but one experience, but easily the primary one that redpilled me on the Jews at a very young age. I've remembered that story for the entirety of my life.
Had a couple of jew fraternity brothers many years ago and they were for the most part cool but insanely cheap. Worked for a company ran by Jews in the New Jersey area. My direct manager was the worst liar I've ever had the displeasure of working with or for in my lifetime. He was a real pushy passive aggressive piece of shit. He would force his employees to train on Sunday because fuck the Goy. I should've known to run from the job when this piece of shit conducted my first skype interview wearing a yarmulke.
kek! I fucking love Jews. Admit it goyim. What would you be without us?