Say goodbye to your legal pot, degenerates.
Say goodbye to your legal pot, degenerates
good news for the drug dealers then
increased profits
you wish
Give it a week or two :) pot shops are gonna be booted open by feds and we're gonna lock em up
and what good will that do?
Stop I'm literally shaking
Literally ignoring a chance to create a multi billion dollar industry and produce a fucking shit ton of jobs.
America could export it too.
If trump legalized, it would be a boom for the american economy.
good for mexican cartels and drug smugglers. Oh wait, thats what you want to stop.
Is the real reason why marijuana is illegal because of big pharma fears the competition, or is it really because of muh morals?
This is what the hardcore Sup Forums autist fails to realize. They'd rather just label weed as degenerate and carry on with their autistic screeching.
Good, kill all drug addicts
>legal pot
[does not compute]
But no, I honestly think fuck it, legalize the shit federally and leave it up to the states. The feds should fuck off.
>he fell for the legal mindnumbing jew is good for society meme.
Lol, but seriously, the only people I've noticed who want legal weed, is stoners, or, very cowardly left wingers.
You are assuming our politicians think rationally. Hemp has been illegal to grow for almost a century despite it not being psychoactive at all.
Why not just let the states decide?
>If trump legalized, it would be a boom for the american economy.
Can he do this via EO? Would be hilarious if he just legalized and eternally BTFO Trudeau.
Or people who recognize the economic advantages and yeah no shit people who smoke would want it legal, people who smoke know it's not as bad as others make it out to be.
or people that don't want their tax dollars squandered.
If you aren't trolling and are actually being serious please gas yourself.
The word is BOON you fucking simple kidney-muncher.
Itt trump shills, claiming to "support hitler", and other (authoritarian)anti-trump options, but, the one authoritarian descion made by trump (wanting marijuanna to be legalized), has been hated on by either stoners or cowards.
Don't want my tax dollars going to Officer Tons-o-Fun so he can live out his airsoft dreams with handmedown mil equipment.
Thats because hemp is very useful. Not to be confuaed with cannabis. Theyre from the same family but hemp tends to grow faster/taller and has around 0.05% thc.
What bugs me is people care about it being degenerate or not..who gives a fuck it could literally fix your countries economy.
> YES, Make America great again
> Nah, I'm keeping my leftist degenerate life style
WTF is this Sup Forums?
A week or two, nigger did you not pay attention to Trump? Cannabis is the least of his worries, and he supports states rights.
Sessions has pedophiles to prosecute, you degenerate pseudo-intellectual.
Trump is going to decriminalize cannabis and gain around 5% of the democrat vote next election, maybe more if he opens the door to international trade with cannabis.
This. Why would someone not want more money in the economy and want to keep shady weed dealers in business
>muh multi billion dollar industry
Literally pennies compared to our GDP.
Weedfags can get fucked.
Mentions gassing myself, something Hitler did, but, mentions "waste of tax dollars", like the jewish right-wingers. Wait, aren't those two things oxymorons?
>all the unironic drug addicted losers shilling for weed ITT
What's it like to need a substance to enjoy life?
wtf is your comment?
Cannabis has been used in American medicine in the early 1900s and late 1800s for decades. It did wonderfully.
What's degenerate is letting your narrative be shaped by other Sup Forumsacks who are too dumb to realize the reality behind cannabis beyond social stigma.
You can get fucked too, this isn't a decision left up to cucks who let their intellectual capability get misled by manipulative kikes. The only reason cannabis was made illegal is because it threatened commodities like cotton and kikes wouldn't let their industry get shit all over.
Its the second meme war, getting invaded by degenerate lefties
>wasting money on "the war on drugs" to stop people from doing... what exactly?
>wasting money on federal and private prisons because people did... what exactly?
How's that fiscal conservitude working out for y'all dipshits?
Yeah just like how people who play video games for 6 hours a day think it's a totally non-destructive part of their life. Great frame of reference, dumbass. Every person who I've met who smokes weed more than once a month is a fucking degenerate.
I doubt pot is a priority for Sessions. Illegal immigrants are his first, second, and third priorities.
non smoker here i hope you all do realize how retarded you all sound when you constantly say degenerate when you are most likely an overweight closeted brony posting on the politics board on Sup Forums right
That'll work just about as well as the Muslim Ban.
You fucking jackass.
Jeff Sessions is the biggest faggot out of Trump's whole cabinet.
Also I don't care about weed, even though I'm in WA. I just want to keep my kratom, which he will probably fuck up for me.
Yeah, I have no idea what happened to Sup Forums. Did we get invaded by loser NEET redditor hyperliberals who sit around and smoke pot all day?
1 term president if true
Great anecdotal evidence, dumbass
Sessions has pedoskulls to crack. He has more important shit to worry about than a bunch of hippies in colorado and commiefornia
>Sup Forums not understanding the political move of making it legal
>most likely sipping their baba googoo milky
sad! let me guess you are gonna have a nice "brew" too right?
Trump said he would leave up to the states
Lets see if Sessions can apply critical thinking by subbing out weed in his drug war. If not trump wont last long, might even get impeached.
Maybe, but I honestly don't know how much of his base in the rust belt and solid south he'd piss off by doing that. Obviously WA, CO, CA would be mad, but voters out there wouldn't go for him anyway.
Shut yo ass up white boi
I can't wait to see the salt flow from all the people who actually believe the pedo stuff when literally nothing happens and no arrests are made
Shut it chink man.
Japan has abunch of child porn everywhere.
weed is nothing compared to cp
Most Sup Forums users here smoke and just joke around. Nobody surfs the internet 24.7 and is a sober person unless they're highly autistic
No more green. Only red in Trump's America.
It's cool. I have a high efficiency led system I got from based Japan. I could fill my house with pot plants and the utilities/ FLIR copters will never know.
Nevada has legal weed and he won that
I honestly believe that Trump respects states rights and won't do anything about states who legalized. Entry into the country is a federal matter, it's not the same.
Until the many detrimental side effects of pot can be proven not to exist, we should NEVER stop fighting the communists, the pot heads, and the degenerate liberals who want to see it fall into the hands of our children, and who want us to be dumbed down (since pot lowers your IQ by 8 points).
Following is a fact sheet about marijuana, supported by citations of scientific studies. For all those that have been brainwashed by the herbal jew, consider this a reality check.
Going after Marijuana and illegals at the same time will cause the entire west coast to secede. If Trump is smart, and he is, he will legalize weed and crack down hard on illegals.
The south smokes a fucking shitload of weed, man.
When did Nevada legalize? I missed this one.
>muh degeneracy
Human trafficking is an epidemic thats spinning out of control since globalization came into effect. It includes but is not limited to pedophilia, illegal migrant workers, organ harvesting and drug trade.
Pizzagate is real. It involves high level officials so bringing light to this piece will help expose the rest.
Jokes on you, our pot is still illegal
I don't smoke weed but there's no real reason it shouldn't be legal. The people who are unproductive and smoke weed all day would be unproductive if they were sober. I've known tons of working class people that enjoy smoking a jay when they get off work, especially older ones who have to deal with the various aches and pains that come with a lifetime of bending and lifting.
>Going after Marijuana and illegals at the same time will cause the entire west coast to secede
wtf I love weed criminalization now
Buying a 12 year supply as we speak.
Doubtful, that particular fight is likely a bridge too far considering that the feds cannot enforce federal laws in a given state without substantial cooperation with the state authorities.
>>Sessions has pedophiles to prosecute
? Are you referring to that pizzagate conspiracy stuff?
I wish weed was legal so I can keep being autistic shut in and just order it like a pizza instead of associating with niggers
Great way to ensure Trump's defeat in 2020. I won't cast another vote for him if that's the case.
>Pizzagate is real
yeah, real stupid. kek.
Nothing is going to happen. Sessions will do everything he can to make life harder for minorities and crack down on victimless crimes.
Meanwhile, the vast shadow network of pedophiles in the US Government will continue to not exist, as it always has
>>muh degeneracy
Pot is NOT for everyone.
A drug is a drug.
But those who can function in society while smoking, should be allowed.
You fuckin autistis.
>>Human trafficking is an epidemic thats spinning out of control since globalization came into effect. It includes but is not limited to pedophilia, illegal migrant workers, organ harvesting and drug trade.
>an epidemic
>>police rescue a hundred kids at most and it's an epidemic
Yeah no.
Cannabis should just be regulated like alcohol. You do know alcohol is way worse than the god plant right? The leaders of this planet like self damaging substances they can use to curb the population. Thats the real reason weed isnt legalized. Its all about their power structure and you are buying into it.
Quit smoking the Devil's lettuce a couple weeks ago. Feels good, man.
He's on record saying he thinks they should just pass a law to legalize it at the federal level. He has never spoken out against it, other than it being one of many laws on the books and that AG should not pick and choose which laws to enforce.
States Rights
Sessions would get his ass kicked in court if he tried to start arresting people in states that have legalized it.
The Constitution gives the federal government absolutely no powers over it.
And by the way, I love Jeff Sessions, and I know that Sessions isn't going to stand in the way of states legalizing it.
>I want less jobs for American workers
Please get out of my country
This board was killed by that psuedo kike moot.
He knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he gave us forced flags. He turned Sup Forums into and Sup Forums2.0 meme fest.
It was classic divide and conquer and Sup Forums fell for it big time.
Add that to the election season shitposting that happens every four years and the board never will never be like it was.
You can control the effect alcohol has on your state of mind. 1 hit of weed and you turn into a retard
It's great. A 70-year-old Klansman from Alabama is now the Attorney General and prisons are going to be bursting with colored within a year.
Trump already told the USA how he feel's about pot ,he will fall in.
Plus let's just be honest ,he has bigger fish to fry.
>the god plant
never go full retard
Shows what you know. Ill give you a hint. Sex workers are flown around the world and can be seen in public events but your naivety doesnt pick up on it.
Im not talking red light district either. They are all around you. Many places that look normal to you are actually fronts for many illegal activities as well.
>prisons are going to be bursting with colored within a year
>going to be
Who wants to tell him?
Found the ShareBlue kikeshill
>I want my country stoned & playing video games
>I want my country dependent on a substance in order to enjoy life
You're late for a gassing.
Thank God.
sure, if you're weak-minded
What people do in their comfort of their own homes is non of your business. Weed is a victimless substance.
Look closely, Sup Forums. This is the face of final and irremediable paranoid psychosis.
But america is already addicted to alcohol, pain killers, and tobacco :^)
What happened to pizzagate arrests Sup Forums, I thought they were bringing down pedos on day one?
I am cowardly, but I am not left wing
also i don't smoke weed
Except it's not. Pot is toxic, and secondhand smoke could lead to those toxic effects harming innocent law-abiding citizens.
Look at this fact sheet unless you're afraid of having your opinions challenged.
Oh I see, you're presuming prostitutes are all or mostly forced into selling sex for money by whoever. There's no proof for this claim, and nobody outside of feminist trafficking awareness groups even tries to claim it's true.
t. Nambla
ShareBlue wants to keep white America dependent on (((pharmaceuticals))) and (((psychotropic))) medication.
Notice how opiate overdose deaths have been skyrocketing for whites and ONLY whites.
The "muh degeneracy" posters conveniently overlook this when they're trying too hard to fit in.
>that pic
What? Like a lure?
Did you even watch his acceptance speech? He talked about finding common ground which seemed like a reference to pot.
He mentioned numerous issues which will be his highest priorities, immigration being number one. Never mentioned drugs once. It's gonna be legalized under Trump.
>post pic
>make out rageous claim
>Watch /poltards freak out
You millennials think anything typed online is real and solid fact.
You even talk/write like that.
Fuck I hate millennials. How are you all so fucking dumb?
Nah man Trump has already said that he wants to let states decide their regulations. I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.
Besides it was inevitable anyway. You can only demonize something so much before people start researching it. I for one can't wait for legalized marijuana so we can start doing research on it for medicine.
Also I got trips so kek has blessed my post and if you disagree with me you're a nu-male shill cuck
WA fag here. Any idea the best way to preserve pot for saving?
>calls others weak minded
>literally needs a mind altering substance to enjoy benign things like meals & tuning out of reality to play video games like a manchild
Wow... Becoming a stoner really exacerbated your natural autism, didn't it?