Pic Related.
Who's got the real, not long-winded reality based version of this possible (((story)))?
Pic Related.
Who's got the real, not long-winded reality based version of this possible (((story)))?
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paradigm shifted in 1960 when Kennedy realized he could appeal to niggers and get more votes, then the counterculture brought a leftist rise that caused the democrats to go left of republicans, who that stayed where they were as Eisenhower left it, leaving us with the Dems left Repubs right meme we have today.
they didn't switch names, it's just that white southern democrats joined the GOP after goldwater because goldwater was small government and did not believe the feds should have passed the civil rights act
came here to post this
Republicans are the party of the top 0.1%. Democrats are the party of everyone else.
right wing retards are dindu nuffins
anyone who thinks there was a time when the rich paid an effective 94% tax rate is delusional. Part of reagan's tax reform was to remove loopholes and deductions that made the rich pay much closer to their actual marginal rates than they did in the past.
>50s and 60s
Blacks switched in the 30s
Watch the video fucking leaf
Bullshit that changed under Clinton. The money elites and wealthy wall street robbers as well as the wealthy media syndicate all aligned behind Hillary
Right wing retards don't understand the difference between effective rates and marginal rates. Yeah they didn't pay 94% because you didn't hit that rate until you made a few million.
I always love the meme that there was more loopholes then than now. There are way more loopholes now.
You retards just spout whatever your billionaire globalist owners tell you to say.
Doesn't deny what the southern strategy was.
>In American politics, southern strategy refers to methods the Republican Party used to gain political support in the South by appealing to the racism against African Americans harbored by many southern white voters.[1][2][3]
Based Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich. That's how he balanced the budget. Why did you right wing retards think you were programmed to hate him so much?
Previously the top individual tax rate of 31% applied to all income over $51,900. The Act created a new bracket of 36% for income above $115,000, and 39.6% for income above $250,000.[2]
Previously, corporate income above $335,000 was taxed at 34%. The Act created new brackets of 35% for income from $10 million to $15 million, 38% for income from $15 million to $18.33 million, and 35% for income above $18.33 million.[3]
The 2.9% Medicare tax had previously been capped to apply to only the first $135,000 of income. The cap was removed.
Transportation fuels taxes were raised by 4.3 cents per gallon.
The portion of Social Security benefits subject to income taxes was raised from 50% to 85%.[4]
The phaseout of the personal exemption and the limit on itemized deductions were permanently extended.
The AMT tax rate was increased from 24% to tiered rates of 26% and 28%.[5]
Part IV Section 14131: Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and added inflation adjustments.
It never happened. There was no point in history where, NATIONALLY, Democrats and Republicans went into voting booths and literally decided, "I'll vote opposite today". Republicans believed in freedoms, individual rights, and small government throughout history. I don't know how people think that somehow convictions are vastly different.
of course the lowest quintile isn't going to get a $200,000 you dumb leaf kike.
the real version
Trump is already taking credit for Obama's job creation and unemployment rate.
Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?
inb4 ur a right wing retard cuck
>t..the lower brackets don't save more than they make! its unfair!
this maple slurper needs a timeout
Shhh Republicans don't like numbers
Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?
because u right wing retards are cucks
They just love getting trickled on
I've never seen bigger cucks for billionaire globalist elites than right wing retards.
shut the fucking mouth leaf retard
Great point. I should have voted for Hillary to get a 200k$ tax cut on my 100k$ salary.
You dumb fucking commie livestock.
You voted for Trump so millionaires and billionaires could get massive tax breaks.
You know why? Because there are no bigger cucks on this planet than right wing retards.
Shhh guys. It's A FUCKING LEAF. He only speaks in strawman, shitposting and dumb infographs. Do not respond. Do not get angry and the Leaf, for it is like an animal, doing what it's instincts command it to do. Do not pity the Leaf, for it has the choice to not listen. Rejoice for the holy Day of the Rake comes near.
democrat myth when you bring up KKK was bunch of democrats as well as slave owners
This is the most pathetic graph that you love to post. The tax changes don't kick off a directional shift.
Clinton's tax change comes as the deficit is already going down.
Bush is a fucking retard
Anyone would be able to fix the deficit the way Obama did. Of course it normalized after the housing crash that "le based clinton" caused.
sounds like u need a safe space
The commie Democrat shills are all over this gay thread.
>Bush is a fucking retard
All Republicans are.
Oh, it's the leaf that always uses that gif to mock conservatives. Hello little lady.
Sounds like you need a rakening.
By all means, name the last Republican president to balance the budget.
>inb4 u bitch out and fail to answer a simple question
t. Leaf who doesnt understand globalism
Ah, it's this psycho. Reminder that this specimen used to post MGTOW threads where it bragged about fucking a fleshlight and riding its dirtbike, and would post hysterical word salad about alimony when it was called out on being a complete loser.
From last experience, the way to make it have a mental breakdown is to just ignore it and hijack its thread to talk about other off topic shit.
sounds like u need a de-cuckening
I understand it well.
Thats a mighty nice middle wall, build it yourself?
Wow nice pizzaspiracy u got there.
I'm Obama Leaf u fucking retard.
I don't post Men Gay Their Own Way threads.
I always love the conspiracy theories that I'm like 10 different pol characters when I'm just Obama Leaf.
People seem to forget the dot com bubble that happened during Clinton's presidency.....
Lol my favorite right wing retard meme.
Bush had much faster computers and internet, still managed to crash the economy.
Which one are you, leaf?
oy vey!
If I recall, the mgtow threads were around winter 2015. Exact same posting style, exact same types of arguments, hysterically replied to everyone. It's the same guy.
What did "le based clinton" mean by this?
>inb4 obamaleaf strawmans Sup Forums into being homers for republicans
Sup Forums likes the people that piss off the left more than anything. We supported Trump because he wasn't a real republican.
dumping trumpjew folder
>Lol my favorite right wing retard meme.
>Bush had much faster computers and internet, still managed to crash the economy.
Outright denying the dotcom bubble.
lol i wasn't even around here in winter 2015
That's one helluva retard conspiracy theory.
here's one of my first saved screenshots.
I always argued economics, I don't give a shit about your right wing sjw bullshit
Right wing retards can't get white women. We get it.
Someone shoop bogs there
The Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. By all means right wing retard, tell me how many were lost in the first 6 months of 2001
pic related is the source of your economic damage in 2001. It's called Republican national security.
inb4 dindu
Republicans were liberals until Harding in the 1920s when they started to move rightward
Democrats were right wing until 1912 and Woodrow Wilson.
They're both controlled by the same group of rich men. The whole "right vs left" and "whites vs immigrants" thing are merely ffacades they use to distract you while they rape the world for money.
Yeah fucking lol
He's getting really mad that we figured out he's the dirtbike riding fleshlight fucker. Hahaha look at him squirm
Bibi is going to make us fight Iran for him, isn't he?
Pretty much.
People like that are so retarded you just let them talk. You don't even need to argue, he's already doing a great job showing how ignorant he is.
Please stop, even your fellow leaf is getting tired of your faggotry. Don't you have some maple syrup to make or something? Surely you have something better to do than shitpost cherrypicked and misconstrued statistics on Sup Forums. No one is even mad at you. This entire thread is like pic related
just because a significant event happened and people changed their beliefs doesn't mean that the people literally 'switched sides" and are now the people responsible for what the opposite party's done.
If antifa suddenly decided to become altright and we became leftist, that doesn't mean that the antifa were responsible for the rise of the altright or pepe becoming a hate symbol
this "party switched" meme is retarded and democrats only do it so the immigrants they dont care for hate the "enemy"
>Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?
if you make under 25 grand you have no income taxes, that's fucking fantastic and not at all what the democrats are pushing
lol I love how right wing retards know that Repubilcans are such colossal fuckups, that when Democrats balance the budget, they think it must be fake.
Anything you retards don't like are fake.
muh Obama unemployment rate is fake
muh Obama job creation is fake
muh Trump approval ratings fake
muh real news is fake
muh Clinton budget surplus is fake
You retards are pathetic.
Go back and watch the 2000 debates. A big chunk of the 2000 election was about what to do with the budget surplus u fucking morons.
You retards really do live in an alternate reality.
Iran is on notice
Are you denying that Clinton governed during the tech boom that contributed to "his" economic growth or not?
The president isn't the driver of the economic car.
Pull up Dubya one more time and I'll leave the thread. No one here likes him except for the memes.
This retard can't do it.
>The Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. By all means right wing retard, tell me how many were lost in the first 6 months of 2001
forgot to take your meds again?
His threads are just boring nowadays. He just posts insane shit for a few minutes, people ignore him, he gets depressed and leaves.
Bill Clinton "balanced the budget" with some accounting fuckery that put social security "overpays" into the general fund.
>Clinton created the dot com bubble
ok sure, if you say so
Look where the peak and valleys are in that chart.
>GHWB started an upswing
>Clinton started the downswing
>GWB started another upswing
skip to 6:00 if you're piched for time
Every single fucking president in American history has benefited from technological progress u fucking moron.
Okay, well it was good talking to you. I'll be over in Canada soon when the Day of Rake starts. Have a good night.
This Leaf will be removed from the pile.
you point to when the tax rate under bush passed, not when they kick in you retard. they kick in at that massive jump in 2004. revenues also increased every year since up until the big recession.
the big dip in 1999-2000 was from the .com bubble bursting, which caused a recession.
this is pretty much "i'm a fucking retard who can't interpret data," the graph.
ahahahah wrong
I love your right wing retard conspiracy theories.
Fuck you retards are all so easily programmed with the exact same debunked memes.
Based Bill Clinton balanced the budget because he raised taxes on the rich and the economy soared. Clinton didn't change the relationship between the SSTF and the budget.
You retards don't even know that a budget surplus is when you have more revenues than expenditures.
You fucking right wing retards gut revenues with massive tax cuts for the rich then wonder why you blow up the deficit.
>Under President Obama, we reduced the deficit by nearly three fourths
So, is the data on that pic just plainly made up or am I to stupid to understand something here?
All you can do is strawman and bring up dubya. Everyone knows dubya is a dumb fuck. You don't address that Clinton caused the housing crash in 2008 with his social justice housing loans and you didn't address that Gingrich contributed to Clinton's budget.
GHWB ran 4 straight massive budget deficits.
In fact the 12 years of Reagan/Bush QUADRUPLED the national debt.
I love how you right wing retards never want to take ownership of your clusterfucks when you're in charge, but want to take all the credit for Democratic accomplishments.
Shut up leaf, Bill Gates had more to do with making those jobs than Bill Clinton.
>is it made up
It is heavily skewed. You shouln't trust infographs in general, especially Leafs.
There was no big dip in 1999-2000
Clinton ran a $230 BILLION BUDGET SURPLUS in 2000. The biggest in history.
President Clinton Announces Largest Budget Surplus in the History of the Federal Government
You're officially a right wing retard.
Holy shit even Republicans admit this.
Your billionaire globalist owners have you completely cucked.
Question to everyone in this thread, do you think the Leaf is like laughing hystarically over his ebin trole? Or do you think he's seriously this delusional?
typical right wing retard dindu nuffins.
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
wtf i love 538 now!
>Clinton can also be given credit for reappointing Alan Greenspan as head of the Federal Reserve, where the economist was widely credited with a masterly performance in handling interest rates. This was an unusual move for a Democratic president, as Greenspan is a libertarian Republican who had been a close economic adviser to Republican Presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. Greenspan and Clinton worked closely, and in 2007 Greenspan praised Clinton’s handling of the federal deficit and his support for liberalized trade, calling him “the best Republican president we’ve had in a while.”
Based Bill Gates
right wing retard doesn't understand the difference between debt and deficit
>what is the contract with america?
how's the cuckolding going?
Like I said, right wing retards are such colossal fuckup dindu nuffins, they take ownership of what happens when they're in charge, and love taking credit for what Democrats do.
Nice trips OP... switched sides story is basically horseshit.
Hmm yeah those welfare, tax, and regulation cuts pased by a republican congress sure did help the economy under clinton
Too bad Shitlibs don't realize that their presidents have never attributed anything to the economy, behind it all it's always been conservatives
>Link related, Princeton debunks every shitlib argument referring to "muh presidents" ever