Turns out a group of SJW NGOs illegally bussing migrants into the EU from Africa are financed by the old Jew and supporters of Hillary Clinton

ISIS runs the migrant trafficking business in Libya, they have many operatives among the population now. George Soros is literally importing ISIS into the EU

Day of the rope when?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're not bringing ISIS in, they're helping people in need, idiot.

Day of the rope long overdue.


Are you mad that we're on to your mudslime cultural enrichment project?

Here is your complimentary 15 cents, be sure to take the screen back to your coordinator now


*Sniff* *touches nose*
Hew mahn itahrian sshhshh Billionaiare


NGOs need to be banned across the board, they ferment nothing but traitors and fifth columnists

name one single NGO that wasn't used for the purpose of regime change or communism. protip: you literally cannot, so don't even try.

it's your duty as an American now if you come close to him or his son to kill them.

It's ironic that the person who will be taking over George's empire after his death is a numale beta who was cucked by policies his father supported

b-but the news told me the refugees are peaceful

>they're helping people in need,
ISIS are people in need. So you are not technically lying, oh wait...

why the fuck can all this shit be known about soros and yet no one has taken him out?

I don't fucking get it.
He's one old man with one beta cuck effeminate son.
He's not sourrounded by a standing army


No really, if retards like us know what he's up to, people in power do as well.
Putin banndd him and put a warrant out for him
Okay, why not toll up the Spetnaz and murder the old monster?

What gives.

He holds a lot of blackmail on various people and also sits in a bit of a Mexican standoff with everyone because of the PMCs/military assets he controls. No one wants to deal with a massive terror incident/evidence of bastard children/pizza and hot dogs leaked.

He has to be removed carefully like a cancer.

the guy is literally an enemy of the state. just drop a bomb on him

>implying Soros isn't /our guy/

incredibly low energy

>/our guy/
>with space


St John Ambulance and Red Cross

What does your wife's boyfriend think about it?

oy, I forgot to turn on my VPN

shut the fuck up kike

Sometimes you yids are alright

The way this works is there's a small group of people in positions to spread information and a bunch of normie retards here that help spread that info.

hahahaha canada never disappoints


>cucking a leaf


nah clearly these are jewish tricks

Anti shill bump

Jew space magic

kek underrated

Pic + article related


>Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.

Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.

The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.

>The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said.

McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.

"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.

>McCallum said Soros would contribute funding to the project.

Canada is a fucking mess user get Castreau out of there

I mentioned Soros going for an attack on a nuke plant and some shill is going for the bump limit over it. Haven't seen these tactics in months.
Hell it's probably the same dude

Fucking Soros why how many children does this satanic spawn consume every day to stay alive.

How many you got?

That's likely related to the explosion at the nuclear plant in France today and the metro explosions in London/Paris yesterday.

Someone is trying to get a big operation set up

>related to
It's what I was talking about

Maybe someone doing a test run to see what areas would lose power if they knocked that part of the grid offline.

Not a good sign either way

Just like South Korea was used to test the feminist revolution in the west
Brazil and Europe seem to be doing test runs on societal breakdown

Social engineering stuff in Brazil, ISIS dry run terror attacks in the EU

Shit certainly doesn't look peachy

Better notify Trump. I dunno if he still responds to people on Twitter. Soros and his son needs to have bounties on their heads already.

Germany is doomed but we need to help the Europeans who don't want rapefugees
If the US keeps it under control but the rest of the world is overrun and becomes Shria then we are surrounded by brown on all sides. We'll be at constant war with the maple caliphate

It would get a lot better if we could just get people to pay attention. Focus their attention on all the coincidences

The military needs to drone strike this satanic shit head and his son.

>We'll be at constant war with the maple caliphate
Don't worry, we've successfully contained the majority of them in highly concentrated areas, they're basically already in quarantine zones tbqh


#droneSorros needs to become a meme

I have seem many poopeees in my daze, but this takes the muffin!

He needs to be taken out. Enough is enough.

Keep calling out the inconsistencies and eventually enough people will catch on

Oh, you mean like No Go Zones? Ask Sweden how those have worked out for them, kek.

The UK, France and Netherlands are good places to start, best to watch out for the EU Army though

I know this is a cuck pretending to be retarded

But just in the last few weeks they literally arrested ISIS linked and openly ISIS sympathetic migrants in
multiple in Spain
and multiple more arrests linked to Al Qaeda

If I woudn't say KYS anways I would tell you to KYS now.

and Belgium ofc

didn't even check about all the nordic and east block states

Funny how they're not arresting any in France and the UK. The two states most likely to leave the EU in the near future.

Really makes you think...

Or perhaps, the scale in France is far smaller than the rest of the EU

that guy is so horrible to listen to, talk to and look at, he'd probably spit and sneeze on you.

You must have the shortest attention-span in your class.

ISIS runs "safe" immigration services yo Europe, granted the immigrants swear their allegiance to ISIS.

Soros and his goons are going them additional funding.

Why did you even bother replying to something so obvious?

Soros seriously need to be executed.

>trump not knowing about this

hi leddit, Trump has known about this for a while, this is purely for normie education and consumption

That leaf sure picked up a lot of (you)s, his coordinator will be pleased

What are you guys planning to do about the impending clusterfuck of Merkel/Schulz fucking your country up? They're likely to drag you into come kind of internal conflict if shit goes south in the EU you know

I think it was the same one here at the end
Probably a couple of the same guys doing a single shift
Him and a few thousand like him

oy vey! The Goyim know! Shut it down!

kek, no more hiding Schlomo.

day of the rake

Funny how leaf shills are going off about ISIS when their PM is still desperately trying to cover up the fact that a bunch of muzzies were shooting each other for control of a mosque last week in Quebec

she is bretty qute when she covers the lower part of her face like that

why do Jews always fuck with Goyim? Haven't they learned anything over these last 2000 years? I mean c'mon, I even knew a Jewish girl during middle school and honestly, the way she would behave was not too good. Like she would out of nowhere, make fun of you or what you're wearing and she would always think that she was #1 or something. She also once said that she was awesome, acting all cocky and I once overheard her say "Mine is better than all of your's." Is over-confidence part of the Jewish genes? Like Jesus Christ.

Soros literally fucks with everyone, other Jews included, he's the absolute worst of the worst.

The West, Western men in particular, have foiled more globalist plots than any other demographic historically. It only makes sense that they are constantly targeted by efforts to sideline them.

The person who made this actually believed they were making a clever point.

Holy fuck.

just send buses of migrants to all soros funded institutes

shoulda sent them all to davos

honestly, Soros should be banned from the West.

Doesn't Trump have some sort of power to hold terrorists or those suspected of being a terrorist or something similar?
Or did they take that power away just before Obama left? Or maybe bush..

>scorpion and the frog

The only reason anyone still deals with him is because they are either desperate or hoping to double cross him down the road when Trump brings the government to bear on his assets.

Soros holds blackmail and deadman's switches on a lot of people. In Trump's case, he's trying to make sure Soros doesn't kick off WWIII on the way down.

Reminder that Soros is just the face that the real bad guys threw out there to distract you. Research the Rothschilds.


Going to need a second wall now. If we annexed Canada we would have to let this cancer in.

Rothschilds are one group among many, and they are part of the old school.

You should be looking into rising groups and how they are interacting with older players like Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Bilderberg/Bohemian Grove.

Specifically who is creating their own systems and who is seeking to be admitted to existing structures.

Who's to say that Canada won't put one up at some point?

Why the fuck does Sup Forums always has to be right?

They need all the low-IQ immigrants they can if they want to continue their socialist pyramid scheme

Sup Forums is an interesting place

Demographic replacement

That and they're going for the China model. The U.N.'s favorite.

Have you looked into Soros' ties to China?

Or what they are doing in California? Berkeley was a collaboration project with little Alex. People should start wondering who is pushing Calexit


China wants a military foothold here because they know Trump is building a sea wall with Japan and Taiwan.

They already have one in Long Beach, fucking Clintons let them get their foot in the door.

Now they are taking over propaganda outlets in Hollywood, people got so fucked up doubling down against Trump that they're letting literally anyone in to try and gain control again.

Shut up, Justin.

He invested a fuckton of shekels into Chinese media and Internet.

I just hope gets to the point where Trump can just tell us the real shit and get it over with. WW3 Should be against our true oppressors. Not the oppressed against each other.

He is relocating in part because he no longer has a safe haven in the United States and the EU is about to enter a period of extreme turmoil.

They will double cross him when the time is right.


>SJW hidden in the ID
You can't hide from me, Trudy

Trump will do well and if we must go to war, he will be honest with us about who we are fighting.

Though I hope it does not come to that.

Soros is beginning to have to face his own mortality and he wants to watch the world burn with him

Why does he do these things? Can someone give me the quick rundown

Does he want his lifework to be turning Europe to ash just because nazis killed his family?

Can we ship all our leftists and brown people to Canada? They'll love it there

Stupid niggers.