I want to kill myself, but I thought just for the fun of it I could blame refugees for it

I want to kill myself, but I thought just for the fun of it I could blame refugees for it.

My plan is to keep picking fights with refugees until one of them stabs me to death.

Or does anyone have a better idea?

You could not do anything at all and they'll still probably stab you to death.

Yeah but that'd take too long

Even if they kill you the news won't report it. Sup Forums might find out but no mainstream place where it could actually redpill viewers would have it on.

What would I have to do to draw some attention then? Get murdered on a crowded trainstation?

Quit larping, faggot, just neck yourself

I actually planned on shooting myself if getting stabbed doesn't work

Just go to Sweden.

Ethnicity, gender, age?

White, male, 22

How did you forget that you're immortal, Moukou?

no dont killing you're self pls..!!!

Reason for wanting to die early?

Depression, no friends, no relationship, failing university, horrible looks, etc.

I had nothing but rejection so far in my life and I'm just tired of it all

>beat refugees fist
>get stabbed
Sup Forums raise shit about this, wave shit turn into a tsunami

become a heroin junky first, really rub it in your parents face.

Piss on a Quran in the middle of a rapefugee center.

I thought "young university student" had more of a "he had his whole life ahead of him" vibe than some worthless junkie

also nice trips

A waste.

Media will spin it to say the refugee was attacked by a racist and bigoted white male, and defended himself.


Dont waste your life. You can do more for the cause alive and kicking than you ever could dead.

Media in Austria is not the same as it is in the US

There is no need to feel sad about people rejecting you because the fact that they've rejected you is proof that you do not want them to be in your life. The second they did you wrong is the second you should realize that they aren't the friends you want or need. What is essentially happening is that you're doing nothing but filtering out those people that you don't wanna have anything to do with anyway, making room for new people that are potentially those you really need and want to have in your life.

Being sad about "horrible looks" I understand even less. What's bad about that?
You're saying you'd rather look beautiful in order to mainly attract women that are interested in nothing but satisfying their Fleischeslust with an attractive man? Is that really what you want, affection not for your actual character but only for your looks?