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Professors teaching that science is a 'social construct'
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Well, it is, there is no 'science' in the physical word, we've created the concept
gravity is a social construct which is why you can jump off a building and float harmlessly to the ground if you identify as a snowflake.
It sound crazy but it works! Try if you don't believe me
gravity is raysis
it's the worst argument of them all
age of consent is a social construct aswell
what are you going to do about it?
it doesn't invalidate it
science and race are
and they're very useful
the "colonialization" thing is complete BS. what utter garbage.
imagine paying to learn this shit?
>words have meaning
wtf since when
I'd ask for a refund. It's not useful for my future employment and it's factually false and if you don't think i'd write a paper just to justify my refund then you're mistaken.
"Science" says 6 quintrillion "Jews" died in the holocaust
the title of the slide is enough to tell you this is child-tier
My first day of class, I'd step through the door, take one look at that "professor", proceed to turn around and leave only to never come back.
>words have meaning
>Anti-intellectuals masquerading as intellectuals
What's new lads?
That has to be one of the most inane slides I've ever seen.
>tells retarded PoC student black magik isn't real
>demands apology
>cuck apologizes
why the fuck would he apologize?
>Send lightning to strike someone
You can definitely do it. There are some american blacks that have accomplished this feat. Using applied science.
if he didn't they would necklace him.
>social construct
>fact, from data and hypothesis
Pick one.
Aren't these the same faggots that don't want creation taught in schools because muh evolution?
Science is life, what a stupid cunt.
"words have meaning" REALLY? I thought we just used them to pass the time...
the funny thing is that saying science is colonialist is something only the most ignorant racist idiot would say since it's implying no other culture had scientific advancement until the white man showed them how
Fair point, I remember blacks protesting at a SA university where whites had to hide
They're the same people who will be climate change activists
>Immediately checks teachers nose.
good goyim
How is this even possible?
>science is a 'social construct'
science is a social in the aspect that communication within the scientific fields is completely social, the presentation of the scientific data is social and the spread of ideas and the way ideas are constructed are completely social, but science being a "social construct" implying that it can be subjective is completely false
>Word have meaning
Wow so fucking profound. Thats enough knowledge bombs for one day
Thread related:
>Muh Marxism
>Empiricism is bad
no, historians say that.
history generally does not follow scientific principles
are you trying to argue that if a pandemic broke out killing off every living social creature from this planet that gravity would cease to be and the planets would no longer orbit our sun?
well social conservatives have been doing this/trying to do this for decades when it came to evolution, origin of the universe, sexuality, and so on.
my opinion is and always has been, that study of the natural world should not be hindered or dictated by idealogues with an agenda.
God damn I'm glad I got out when I did...
Rape and the patriarchy are social constructs as well
dude you need to get out of undergrad, what he is saying isnt wrong. you are taking it literally, which shows your inexperience phd at umich
I don't have a lot of sympathy for classifying fixed categories as mere "social constructs," but reading the book _Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts_ by Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar persuaded me that there is at least *some* truth to this.
Googling the title, this came up in the first few hits:
Fuck, people BORROW to hear this shit.
Stay out of the humanities buildings, kids!
Just play the art of bullshiting game and write what they want to read in such a way that they sense rhe sarcasm.
>words have meaning
I just... I...
these people make careers out of this?
Science is a social construct. It's basically the consensus we've reached on how to find and establish the truth (creating hypothesis, then refuting them or find a proof, etc.)
Everything else on that image is liberal bullshit. Just look at that bitch. You can tell that she's deranged.
marxist scum should be purged
Aren't "Words" also Social Constructs?
Science straightens nappy hair
That would be like saying triggers and hate speech are social constructs. Those are FACTS.
Thing is, yes we have created the concept of "science" but I believe the real argument is that it's a great way of explaining the natural world at large, and these alternative "marxist" epistemology(post modernism) as a replacement for empiricism isn't nearly as effective at explaining the natural world.
And retarded polacks will use this one picture with no context as an excuse for never getting an education, working shit jobs for the rest of their lives
When a Marxist says "social construct" they mean "spook," they mean illegitimate and not good for anything.
slides by jared loughner
Other than a job brainwashing subsequent generations, what is anything on that slide good for?
>"words have meaning"
nice photoshop, mate. you need to redo because you left out NO. As in, "words have NO meaning". it's doctrinaire among the leftist cockroaches.
is this chromosome removal course
>saying sorry
if my shithole nation isn't still collapsed yet, it's because secular people telling their opinions to regressive mudshit fucktards in here and never apologizing. mudshit, leftist or something else doesn't matter, that kid should never said sorry.
Oh Look Existentialism is ruining something else Again!
This is the same argument as mathematics doesn't "exist" because it's a human construction to explain the world around us with a set of symbols and rules.
I'm struggling to see the relation to colonialism though.
I was going to make a separate thread, but this seems like it would suffice.
In what ways you are aware of is public school, K-12, liberally biased, and how does it manipulate students?
I think an example which most stands out to me is how public school will push "the enslavement of africans is the first example in history of slavery being based solely upon race" when not only was the slavery not based on race at all in this case but there were countless, countless examples of races of people who were enslaved by the people of another race.
I really wanna know what classes/schools are most likely to land me in a room with these peoples.
The white man came up with mathematics and used it colonize the brothas and the sistas.
wtf what about all the stem professors? Can't this be questioning their entire careers work?
Had a professor that denied a girl the chance to write about why we shouldn't have trans bathrooms because my professor didn't agree with her
>Words have no meaning
>Look at how these words have no meaning
>By the way words have meaning
This bitch is really dumb, for real.
What is that slide?
Is it the conclusion to an explanation of the position of one theory? Is it a student presentation? Is it even at a university? A guest lecturer? Is it even a class of any kind, or is it just a private event?
So blacks would be okay with science if they invented it?
So this cunt is saying the redskins were too stupid to science?
>"marxist" epistemology(post modernism) as a replacement for empiricism
no one has ever tried to repeal empiricism as a source of knowledge. It's people who try to claim that science (not even empiricism in general) is either the only source of true knowledge or the only source of any meaningful or useful knowledge. This line of thought is derided as scientism. Then there's the other aspect of this body of thought which tries to overextend science into unscientific conclusions about fields of study that are not usually within the purview of natural science.
My professor spit on my face
I had his ass fired but nobody at my college except for administration and exactly two other professors believed me
>Colonization/colonizers sought the erasure of indigenous peoples.
This is literally the migrant crisis
Implying the world isnt flat?
>what other people say is wrong because it's a social construct
>what I say is right because words have meanings
It'd be better than peanut butter.
My opinion: That wymyn's very existence is a disgrace to science. It's amazing how much stupidy she makes to cram into one meager slide like that. She should be banned from setting foot into academic institutions ever again.
>"Race" and "Science" are both social constructs developed through colonization
- First off, could those fucks coming from social/genderstudies related fields stop using the word "social" as a replacement for the word "fictive"? Not everything that is fictive must neccesseraly be a social construct. Just as not everything made by humans is automatically a 'social construct'. "Science" does not physically exist, but that doesn't make it a social construct. Same goes for "race" - you can debate wether it's something fictive or physical, but it most definetly is not a fucking "social construct". Those Social Science morons like to label everything as "social" to further justify the existence of their meaningless degree ("see, social sciences can be applied to so many things!")
- secondly, what kind of mental gymnastics do i have to do for science to be something that was "developed through colonization". Does that failure of a professor want to tell us we can't have "rational research on chosen fields with the intend of expanding knowlede" _without_ colonization?
> Theory can (and often has) impact practice
so deep. bet it took her just a week to come to that conclusion
>"Discovery" is routed in colonization and is [somethign that would made my blood boil if i could read it]"
what the actual fuck is wrong with that wymyn. Suggesting that some fundamental concept as "Discovery" needed colonization to come into existence.
>Words have meaning
If someone told her, that you can even further differentiate between the 'actual words' (syntax) and 'meanings' (semantic result of an interpretation of words), her mind would be fucking blown apart.
Does she get paid by taxes?
I had to take a gender studies class in college. I'll never forget the lectures on feminist critique of science - I was majoring math at the time but took a couple courses in biology and researched it in my spare time. The professor took scientific terms completely out of context throughout, and tried to bend them into being oppressive. She treated the term sexual dimorphism as if it were a swear word or something.
Civilization and human rights are also social constructs developed through war and slavery.
Shiiiet but didn't the Ancient Egyptians discover pi and some other common constants?
The power of religious fundamentalists has largely been broken. The problem is, it's been supplanted by the New Social Justice fundamentalists who are just as batshit insane about trying to force the world to fit their fucked up ideology.
I little bit of comfort that she most likely got blacked and her family disowned her
>Words. shit we literally made up, have meaning.
>But science, the observation and study of shit we did not make up to better understand shit we have little control over, has no meaning.
This is why liberalism is cancer.
Yes. The Greeks stole it from the True Kangz.
still remember that music vid
Thats a lot of non sequiters on that screen
If the colonials intended to erase indigenous peoples we wouldn't have a nigger problem today.
Sometimes i'm happy Carl Sagan died before he could see another attempt to destroy the Ionian tradition and see it lost to man for another thousand years.
>be a science major
>actually have to learn logical concepts and do work
These people don't deserve the same kind of recognition for their degrees.
They had an approximation of pi. It was something like 3.16.
>Rape and the patriarchy are social constructs as well
Yes, Quite so. These concepts are man made and have no existence aside from our willing of its existence. By "smashing" the patriarchy, radfems acknowledge that the patriarchy is not the unnatural, unalterable order of the world, but an order that is well within societies' ability to change.
It's easy enough to point out that everything is a social construct, it's a meaningless distinction. The crime of rape is a social construct. In nature rape is a legitimate mating strategy.
>what the actual fuck is wrong with that wymyn. Suggesting that some fundamental concept as "Discovery" needed colonization to come into existence.
Because by documenting that a white person thought of/noticed something first, you deprive them the opportunity to pretend a shitskin did it.
Of course they would. Many of them would even be okay with colonization if they were the ones who did it.
is everyone here a newfag? jfc
There's a college bubble coming as people stop paying these idiots for worthless degrees. Expect more liberal tears as the people pedaling this drivel have to go find real jobs.
pointing out that casting spells that make people get struck by lightning is not possible intolerant and antagonizing
>no one has ever tried to repeal empiricism as a source of knowledge.
I just posted a paper on feminist chemistry which criticizes empiricism in favor of Marxist standpoint theory in my post above(check my id). To my knowledge, empiricism is indeed being repealed as a source of knowledge, mostly outside of STEM fields where objectivity simply isn't as easy to reach because of how data-based STEM is.
You say that you're a phd--let's say I believe you. Are you willing to state, that for example, a chromosome is a social construct?
What about sexual dimorphism?
What about gender?
Are the concepts, which science describes within the natural world social constructs?
Science, the concept is a social construct, but what it explains in the natural world can often occur without any social interaction, and before any socializing can happen. For example, Simon Baron Cohen, a child psychologist(related to sacha baron cohen) states that sex differences in children can be found even on the first day of birth, before any socializing can occur.
Regardless woman really shouldn't be defended by any self-respecting STEM. Her material, from this one side alone, already indicates a highly politicized nature.
When I think about this, we all know if they colonized they would have been a lot more cruel than whites were.
The beauty of every idiot getting a college degree is that the more degrees they hand out, the more useless they are
Regardless this* woman, sorry.
Only because something is a social construct, it can work.
Sex is not a social construct, while gender roles partially are, but that just means that they are socially approved norms.
>mfw liberals are BTFOd by their own bullshit
John 3:21
Since the basis of science is to repeat the same outcome multiple times, given that the conditions are the same every time it's easy to see that it's all a lie. It is 99.999999999% improbable that one would be able to recreate the exact same conditions as the first time an experiment was conducted. Science is God for the non-believers of God. It's just something we hold on to in order to fool ourselves into thinking that we have a pretty good idea of what's going on, but we don't. We're already dead and every moment of our lives is simply a memory being relived until our last moment on our deathbeds we realize our entire lives happened in an instant. Like a flash of light.
Do those of you spouting off metaphysical or philosophical wonderment actually believe your musings are as legitimate as testable hard science?
You can also do it with a tesla coil or a static shock, which is technically lightning.
What constitutes legitimacy?