Gun owners need pol's help!
This law is unconstitutional and must be repealed. We need thousands more signatures.
Gun owners need pol's help!
This law is unconstitutional and must be repealed. We need thousands more signatures.
He's going to repeal it soon anyway, also machine guns are damn near useless compared to a semi-auto
>short barrel shotguns
What is the purpose of this?
There's that word.
Also need to repeal the ability of the ATF to limit imported weapons. I just want an SVD that isn't ridiculously overpriced.
>short-barred shotguns banned
wtf why? they're terrible guns for mass shootings (I'm assuming that's why this law exists).
wider spread makes them more lethal at close quarters
>I dont understand the difference between class 3 and title 2
And OP proved he was noguns yet again
Short barrels are defined as anything sub 18.5".
You can have a 16" AR15 rifle or a 7" AR15 pistol just fine
But if you have a 16" shotgun you go to jail an they kill your family (maybe both). Most other countries in the world make use of 13-15" shotguns for short uses and 28" for hunting so its logical that the average american should be able to own any damn length of shotgun they want.
Dont even get me started on the current shotgun loopholes that allow for short barrel shotguns.
woah wow its crazy how my fucking explosive device that can fire thousands of pellets and literally shred somebody's face off is somehow less lethal with a longer barrel right?
it would really suck if my target survived and had to go through a lot of pain for the rest of his oh wait i blasted him with a fucking shotgun
You should learn a little more about that. Shortening the barrel does fuck all to a spread. Your talking about a difference between a brussel sprout and a plum in size
Back in the 20s and 30s the FBI(back then it was called something else though) could never convict the mafia so they had to come up with these dumb laws to give them a reason to arrest them.
>be american
>get shot
Real life isn't like your video games. Back to Sup Forums with you.
SBR and SBS are banned because they are more concealable and easier to maneuver in an enclosed space.
>le "shotgun spread" meme
t. /k/
Unless you're aiming at upper percentile distances where only the best shooters compete. Spread means shit.
Will not effect anything in a 1000 meter distance.
more like
>be a criminal
>get shot
but i wouldn't expect you to comprehend that
Pls gib short barrels and suppressors. $200 tax stamp with waiting period and no guarantee sucks balls.
This meme needs to be died.
>1000 meters
>machine guns are banned
>gatling guns are still allowed on a technicality
Do leftists realize how pointless their little gun laws are? What am I saying, of course they don't, if they did they wouldn't bother
This user is actually spot on. For all the talk of murders by gun being a problem in the US, it really isn't, as long as you don't have a violent arrest record.
happily signed. Ive been saying this needs to be done for a while now. you faggots better not fail us in this, it really is important
I done did it you glorious patriot
>yfw the happening starts with lefty protests being mulched by gatling gun fire
this just isint fair. if i want a firearm, i have to leave it disassembled in a gun safe with the ammunition locked in a separate gun safe and let the police search my home any time they choose.
and you faggots complain that you cant get a machine gun without paying an extra 200 dollars.
fuck burgers
Got my sig
No real purpose, just that a 10 inch barreled Saiga12 AK conversion shotgun is fucking nasty.
thats the best carl the cuck I've seen
fuck off potato nigger your shit island's backwards laws have nothing to do with our ability to own a specific type of weapon.
Just because your country sucks doesn't mean ours can't suck less
atleast we're over 95% white
help canada too pls
>black scary guns are restricted or prohibited because of their name or literally if any army in the world has used them in the past
tfw no fn fals ever
SVD the russisan sniper-rifle?
Being awesome.
After this we have to get rid of some of the '86 shit
Sign this shit anons, the NFA is trash, and the fact that the republicans have the house, senate, presidency, and a majority in the supreme court means this might be the only time we get to repeal this shit.
Done and done
What's it like belonging to Big Brother China?
How's that yellow dick feel in your ass? :^)
>What is the purpose of this?
What's the purpose of regulating the length of the barrel on guns?
ask this guy for help
Why do they make shotguns with such long barrels then if the longer barrels do nothing? Why not make all shotguns short barreled. Or does the longer barrel actually help when using shotguns at long range?
Excluding the fact that short barrels are illegal.
Yeah but why have to have cucked tech when you can get something the way it was originally made. Just imagine if this gets repealed and Colt starts making actual M16 A1's like what was used to kill gooks.
about the same as that mexican cum feels in your wife
Sorry, lad, I'm unmarried
Nice to know you like the Chink Dick ;v)
>tfw I want to buy a glock 26, an fns-9c and build an AR-15 but then I remembered I moved to Japan from the U.S. to teach English like a fucking loser
this is important
Longer barrel means higher muzzle velocity.
Please also sign the petition to repeal the Hughes Amendment.
Not only not signed but will sign any opposing petitions I can find too :^)
For dumbasses:
"I dont think anyone should have guns, maybe pistol but not assault rifle or shotgun, only the military should have that"
>country gets flooded with refugees
>your politicians dont give a fuck about you
>you cant do shit
Sign it
>>tfw I want to buy a glock 26, an fns-9c and build an AR-15 but then I remembered I moved to Japan from the U.S. to teach English like a fucking loser
Did you at least acquire a Waifu that isn't a pillow user?
Fun fact: firearm restrictions in place from the Weimar Republic were actually loosened for Germans under Hitler.
Hitler never said that, and only loosened gun laws in Germany.
preaching to the choir, buddy. Sup Forums has some very /k/ gun sensibilities. if anything, you might be prowling gun debate videos and reddit to pick fights about it. That might not be necessary, though.
My ass
It's portable
>My ass
>I've never shot a full auto before
If you practiced and trained to sustain accurate full auto fire then it might be slightly advantageous over a semi auto.
Jesus, is that a real ad?
I want suppressing fire options, or maybe a home made sentry gun..
>not firing burst
What kind of plebian are you?
If nothing else it'll piss liberals off. Also it'll drive the price down of MP5's, Mac 10's, real AK's, being able to own a 14.5 inch M4 or hell why not the Tony Montana special so you can go "SAY ELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!"
All those will make leftists shit their panties.
I want to get an M60. God damn that or an MG42. We have the schematics. You know there are companies out there eager to churn that shit out once there is a huge civilian market that will pay a couple thousand to own one instead of a few who pay tens of thousands. Scale of economy in that mother fucker.
No, this was the original that inspired it.
MG42 costs you around $1600 in parts for a semi build. Would be closer to $1200 in full auto.
Hope you know how to weld.
Or you know...once the law is repealed, companies out there will churn that shit out because there will be a huge market for it.
Either way, I don't but a friend of mine does so there's that as well.
>Hillary Clinton didn't acid wash her servers, she wiped them using a program called BleachBit
>Or you know...once the law is repealed, companies out there will churn that shit out because there will be a huge market for it.
No, its going to be expensive to mill parts on them. They arent tube guns and the surplus market is extremely thin.
I would expect prices of them to sit at $2-3000 for them. Maybe more initially.
There is no purpose, it's an offensive weapon used by third world gangs and bikers. I'm glad they ban them here, proliferate rifles and full barrel shotguns all across the country but this shit has no place.
Still a lot cheaper than now with a lot of guns running easily into mid to high 5 figures. Speaking of tube guns....Stens, Sterlings, Beretta Model 12's to name a few that would be pretty fucking easy to make. The whole going to federal pound me in the ass prison is what makes them not as prolific as they could be.
Faggot leaf. No wonder the muzzies are taking over your shitty country.
You have 15,000,000 more niggers than we have people. We direct our ire at the entire third world not whatever group our Jewish ruling class hates at the moment.
Also since 2012 it's easier to get a rifle in Canada than in the USA you can go to the gun store buy a 50cal and they can't even write your name down.
>what is suppressive fire
Kek that's even worse
Not like those laws matter anyway. Any /k/ommando worth his salt can convert weapons into full auto from the do/k/uments if the needs ever arises anyway.
>machine guns are damn near useless compared to a semi-auto
goodbye and try again
No one ever accused liberals of being intelligent.
Maybe a 50cal muzzle loader
Is that real or was that a shop? I'm hoping that was real.
I know when I worked LE we used 12" barrels, I think anything below 16" is title 2. I'm not sure what benefits that has beyond weight reduction and more maneuverability though.
Making lefitst afraid, a noble cause non the less...
Nig Rig or get a well made mount with surbo motors and motion sensors and have sentry guns.....
>Most other countries in the world
Most other countries in the world don't have a murder rate of 5.0/100 000.
You know what places do?
North Korea.
Don't blame blacks because even if you ignore them America's still really violent, and the cops whose boots you lick shoot far more then blacks anyway.
It was real.
They deny it now.
I these figures exclude the 3 people cops shoot dead every day.
Delet this goyim
I do not understand how stamp act works does one need to pay $200 one time for suppressor or yearly?
In the end it may not matter since there is now the Hearing Protection Act: