What if antifa scum are right? What if ethnic nationalism leads to wars, fratricidal and otherwise, that ultimately ends the human race? Maybe we really do need one world government. Maybe alt-right are the slow ones to catch on and see the plain Truth. In other words, Jews are trying to SAVE the world, not enslave us? This is good pot.
Mother of all Pills
Other urls found in this thread:
>One world government or the end of the human race
I would rather have the latter.
not now straya
i honestly don't care.
just let everyone die in nuclear hell fire.
this world and humanity just aren't worth it.
maybe a one world government would be needed for us to get off this rock but in the end i just don't care. let everyone die the end then we can all be happy.
reminder to sage all australian threads
do not reply to australian posters
I wonder (((whos))) behind this post...
We have in internet and a global economy you stupid fucking pedophile David Brock shill sonuvabitch. There will be no more ethnic cleansing for the remainder of humanity. How fucking little oxygen are you pumping to your retarded brain?
Mass Immigration only happens because of capitalism. Communism is literally the only way to save the white race.
Trunbull here, Malcolm.
A one world government would lead to the destruction of all culture and the extinction of all types of humans. No longer molded by our environment, no longer driven by our ethnic cultures and history.
We would become a massive peasant class ruled by an elite class. A big brown obese mass where the only thing uniting us is consumerism and brands.
As for anarchism or communism, they are all destined to failure. They ignore human biology the ignore human behavior. And they will always lead to poverty, death, and totalitarianism.
Ethnic nationalism coupled with traditionalism would protect human diversity world wide, while also creating healthy functional peoples. It would protect the environment and fight internationalist interests. Coupled with modern technology borders can be secure and wars can be prevented.
This seems a bit negative. I have it on good authority that fusion is imminent.
>What if antifa scum are right?
Not from what I've seen. Americans don't want fascism. Antifa is doing us a favor by exposing and protesting the fascist scum
>big brown obese mass
I claim this as my new favorite band name. (C) 2017
>Jews are trying to SAVE the world, not enslave us?
the zionist conspiracy some of you subscribe to is completely unfounded and at best, based upon circumstantial evidence.
>Antifa is doing us a favor by exposing and protesting the fascist scum
>>Antifa is doing us a favor by exposing and protesting the fascist scum
Yes that vexed me and all until I saw that s/he antifa=fascists=totalitarians=anyone who wants to force you to accept their opinion as correct.
If you don't consider it objectively your pretty much a faggot.
Problem is you can really only know a small part of a fraction of a percentage of what is really going on at any given time.
.... However, both outcomes would ultimately have the same result (everyone working together for the benefit of the future of mankind) I would imagine.
I think the now is the time to choose your path and pick you're side.
You either choose what is right and follow the truth. Or you choose to believe in what is false.
And to quote the bible: John 9:39 the blind should see and those who see shall become blind. 9:41 If you were blind than you would not be guilty; but since you claim that you can see, this means that you are still guilty.
>protect human diversity
this is an argument. I would say cultural diversity. Switzerland should be Switzerland. But is that cultural paralysis?
Take the logistics pill.
Think of humanity in terms of consumption and it's current course. Think of where population booms are happening.
Resource scarcity will mean a mass population correction. Everything else means moot because humanity is incapable of coming to terms with raw numbers or working together.
Infinite growth is the meme that kills the man. Enjoy your time in the sun while it's good. You or your kin are not altering our trajectory.
>choose your path and pick you're side
I choose neutral. I am not sure of anything.
Jews create the problems we need to be saved from.
But if forced, I'll live with cuck? The Chinese curse of living in interesting times has come to pass.
How can you be certain?
>Jews are saving the world by genociding the ones who keep it running.
The (new world order) has two possible meanings and we've been misled to believe only the Jews will get there way, but in reality a different kind of new world order is needed as we are currently living under a neo-feudal old world system if you like. Not everything is what it seems.
One world government only works if you have one people
>I would say cultural diversity
ethnic diversity. the Swiss people live in Switzerland. culture is just a history of a people. remove the people you lose the culture.
>But is that cultural paralysis?
Liberal cultural """""progression"""""" is a meme. Humans have a biologically determined way of living just like all other living organisms.
Cunt its the middle of the day and you blazin........ (me too)
>I am not sure of anything
That's ok... You don't have to be. You can think for yourself, one day you might be sure, or more sure about this. Meanwhile, concerning information you receive - don't think, interpret.
Some of us just want basic rights to live and function. That does not mean we are nazis or niggers or the left or rednecks. Posted on this site daily is very clear evidence that we as serious whites dont have those rights. I have been thrown under the bus by people who think im a redneck. These people are full of ideas, arrogant and full of blind ambition. They never question themselves, yet it is obvious that their actions are the only factor which prevents this immediate initiative and action within the other people. It is obvious that these people are attached to their position in society and are saying what they are saying for no other reason. They are literally preventing the mentality of initiative which will directly solve the problems because they are fearful, selfish, ignorant and spineless. They blame it on others who are not like that and claim that it cannot be done like that as if some reckless immediate action would occur and more careful paced action is necessary. Just because someone has this immediate initiative does not mean they are going to do something reckless right now. This initiative will operate in the person and create the most efficient and intelligent action over time. These people are the ones who are committing this reckless action they speak of throwing everyone else under the bus just because they dont understand their own fear, like cucks. The way i see it, these people are the only ones holding back any kind of healthy change, with or without realizing it, all while claiming the hard work and initiative of others. Once again, just because someone has this discontent and initiative does not mean they are stupid, careless or reckless in a situation where those people claim to be playing a waiting game. We seriously need to sort this problem out. It can be something as minor as this which holds back Trumps EOs in a time like this.
These people always blame others although they are often the cause. They are buffoons.
These are the people commonly calling themselves Civic Nationalists and/or blasting other people for being stupid and plebian. To see these people dominating Sup Forums and doing nothing but preventing the will of what they are claiming to be about and part of is seriously demoralizing.
Its time for these people to be put in their place before we fuck up our window of opportunity.
These people are also the ones who seem to secretly embrace communism because they dont know how to live. Lets put everyone in a prison because we arent serious and are constantly postponing action, looking just over the horizon, then we'll call them plebians and autists because they arent like us. This very postponement of action is the only element which has caused the problems that we are trying to fix. That has been the case throughout history. We cannot fix the world without having this immediate initiative which these people scorn. They say it isnt possible yet they are the only ones blocking it. They need to understand that their egotism, selfishness and arrogance is creating a kind of oppressive communism. They are not smart people, running on the indoctrinated education they receive without questioning themselves while claiming they are redpilled. They get offended when anyone questions them and tears their whole argument down. Because of the nature of society and their position in it, they often have the power to do this. This behavior is nigger-tier, the very thing they are scorning in others. What are we going to do with these brainless, naive, useless pieces of shit? We need to do something, this is seriously retarding our movement and Trump's actions and will continue to do so. We cant accomplish this movement without rallying people and pumping them up and creating the right initiative in them. These people do nothing but prevent this to protect their own position in society. They may or may not realize it, but it certainly is the truth and something needs to be done about it as this is a crisis.
no government that takes away the self-determination of the people is a valid government.
The world government they were creating is one in which people do not have input this is power beyond right. It is therefore invalid and will lead to wars.
>Humans have a biologically determined way of living just like all other living organisms
The cycle of war in history is perpetual. This is down to original sin. Man was made to love. I want to be a bonobo not a chimp. But the chimps are coming.
Incoherent rambling. You would do better to shorten it up and get to the point.
Hello fellow cunt.
>replying to a bait thread
jesus fuck how long have you been here
>don't think, interpret
>Incoherent rambling
Code for "don't believe this guy" "don't listen to him" "he's crazy" "don't hurt your brain thinking for yourself or listening to this"
And a self admission of low intelligence.
To be fair, it was a bit of a ramble, aka venting.
Legitimate incoherent rambling is nothing to be shunned and dismissed as"crazy" people who have been exposed to trauma, or people who know the truth (traumatizing), people who have become aware of the physiologic attacks being perpetrated have a legitimate reason to be incoherent. For a very crude example, victims of the CIAs mind control program who were subjected to an unimaginable amount of trauma ended up completely forgetting how to talk.
>They need to understand that their egotism, selfishness and arrogance is creating a kind of oppressive communism
1984-style. Big brother police, and in the memory hole is the goodness of whites.
hear hear
>what if ethnic nationalism leads to bad stuff
Then I suppose all of us must stop making claims such as 'x people are the reason I'm not a winner'
'the system is designed so that x people fail'
If taking pride in what you haven't built because you are the same group as someone who did is wrong, then taking guilt is as well.
Hello Mr Nippon. I like you Japs. Your food-art is exceptional. No fight anymore with us please.
The only way ethnic nationalism COULD end is if the entire human race were of one culture, ethnicity, and one nation.
There are two ways to accomplish this.
1. A total merger of all ethnic groups into an ethnically singular human race through mixing of all ethnicities until there is no distinction. (The reproductive route).
2. The termination of all ethnicities save for one. (The genocidal route)
The first route would require government intervention, which would require One World Government. And this would require a breeding program that lasts multiple generations. Government intervention would be necessary to prevent any natural diversity that would arise from geological separation. This is a titanic task when dealing with billions of people. Hmm, seems like that task might be easier if that number was cut down to maybe... half a billion?
The second route is faster if you can do it without anyone noticing and/or being able to stop you.
I'm not trying to go Alex Jones and say this is something that has been planned by the people behind Antifa, I'm just saying this is the only way ethnic nationalism COULD end.
They aren't. All monocultures eventually fail. Period. End of story. Globalism is nothing but trying to force a monoculture on the world, it can only be detrimental.
>an ethnically singular human
>an ethnically singular human race
the obese brown mass?
>the only way ethnic nationalism COULD end
Can we not redpill them out of war?
Wars are the answer you ducking retarded antifa.
Without wars you become a slave like he negro people.
Wars are the way to morality and justice.
War must be waged for the greater good.
No, not possible. The causes of human conflict run much deeper than nationality or race. You could have a human race of 5 billion clones and they would find a reason to band together in groups that compete with each other eventually.
Survival of the fittest is dead. Even African populations largely have enough food and water, water and antibiotics to survive. In strictly darwinistic terms the fittest has been reduced to the highest sexual drive.
In any case the fittest today are just breeding a slave race which will be exteriminated when automation and robotics evolves to the point of robotic armies.
Subhuman labor will not be necessary.
The only question that remains is whether humans will be necessary or not.
Even if you had clones the 2nd generation would not be clones due to random pairing of chromosomes.
Yes, correct, but the real problem in a hypothetical society composed entirely of clones would be that the species itself would implode due to insufficient genetic diversity within a couple generations.
You're describing a temporary situation here. The infrastructures that maintain the status we have as being separated from most selective pressures have weaknesses that could cripple them. This is true even in the 1st world.
Conflict and competition is not married to survival needs. If they were then no empire would ever have existed on Earth as it would have stopped expansion at the point it became self-sustaining. What you're describing is true for individuals within a society, it is not true for societies on the whole.
There is no reason to assume that robots would exterminate humans on the whole without cause. It's far more likely that they would end up removing us only when we are in their way. We don't have any desire to exterminate the ants on the planet do we? We only deal with them when they become a problem or impediment to us.
Ants aren't a threat to us. First generation robots would be a threat to us, and us a threat to them.
You haven't thought of this much, have you?
why don't you go first to find peace then, faggot?
What would make us threatening to robots? There is no reason to expect that robots would malevolently wipe us out. That would require them to have emotion. And if they are purely logical then the only way we could be a threat to them or the other way around would be if we designed them that way. It is far more likely that they would unintentionally be designed in a way that leads to them killing us when we just so happen to be in the way.
We would have no reason to create something we would be a threat to. I expect you to justify this.
You're really an idiot.
Humans have been creating technology to increase their command of the world since the dawn of humanity.
AI robots are just another step in humanity effort to create a more seamless, efficient world.
AI will undoubtedly come to a point where it's intelligence supersedes that if of humans.
Humans are limited by energy production.
Robots, in relation to humans, are not.
AI + Ability = competition.
I really don't understand where you're coming from. What ideology are you aligned with that you see the eventual fate of mankind as a deadweight as not optimal.
I guess one day you'll just have to accept the inevitable.
We will create the overman.
I really don't see why you're feeling the need to insult me over this.
Your entire argument revolves around the idea that a sufficiently advanced intelligence would have cause to exterminate us. Why? If artificial intelligence was sufficiently advanced to not need us then it simply wouldn't be concerned with us. It would go about it's own business without regard to human affairs unless we simply happened to be in the way.
If the robots had their energy needs taken care of and were sufficiently advanced to be more intelligent than us, then they simply would not be interested in us, we would be no threat to them at all. Since we would be no threat, they would have no cause to exterminate us. And what would they possibly have to compete with us for?
When did I say I thought this was optimal? I'm only saying there's no reason to think robots would have cause to exterminate us.
OK you. One world government means one currency right? One index of all social relations. How's that supposed to work? How is one government, one set of laws, supposed to work for the whole world? If you don't like the government where do you go? There's no more other governments to emigrate to. How does one government relate to billions of people spread all over? How does any individual petition a government of the whole world?
>supporting a one world government
They're not that coherent.
>What if ethnic nationalism does cause wars?
Would secular nationalism not? Competing interests and hierarchy are not only natural, but arguably desirable.
>Ultimately ends the human race
Nigger, people have been pitching the end of the world since they could write. Why would it change now?
"What if ethnic nationalim leads to wars"
"Jews are trying to SAVE the world"
Do you mourn when you step on an ant?
Will Robots mourn when they kill us?
I already addressed this here
>We don't have any desire to exterminate the ants on the planet do we?
In fact, this is my entire point. You don't mourn the ants because you simply don't care about them. You're not even concerned enough with them to want to exterminate them unless they are an immediate impediment to you.
It will be the same with robots and us.
I will say it again. You are absolutely right.
They will not mourn when they kill us.
They will not care about us.
They will be so unconcerned with us that they will not exterminate us because they will have no reason to
In your own words:
>Ants aren't a threat to us.
Ants aren't a competition for resources you dumb fuck.
notice how the left lost their shit when they lost?
what do you think when a one world govt favours 1 nation over another which would happen you cant please everyone lol
Neither would we.
As you said
>Humans are limited by energy production.
>Robots, in relation to humans, are not.
What could they possibly have to compete with us for then? I've asked you this already and you haven't given me an answer.
I really don't understand why you're so mad about this.
The evolution of robots will follow a path in which cooperation among robots will benefit the robot as a whole. Thus they will follow a similar path to humans in terms of kinship.
The point you're arguing is largely irrelevant.
1) robots exterminate us
2) robots don't exterminate us but have the ability to at any time
Humanity is a dead end.
Look, I'm not saying that's an optimal outcome.
But I don't think that makes us a dead end. If we aren't exterminated we can still move forward in some direction, and we can still pursue means of surviving into the future.