ITT: red pilled alternatives to something mainstream, and why they are better

ITT: red pilled alternatives to something mainstream, and why they are better.

I'll start: double edge safety razors blow the fuck out of the "premium" gillette razors with the plastic snap-on cartidges because

- the blades are dirt cheap; you can get hundreds of them for $20. this will last you years. cartridge razors cost you $5 per cartridge, at least.
- the blades are sharper and actually give a closer shave than the cartridges
- you don't actually need more than one blade - cartridges with 4/5/6 blades are a classic burger marketing gimmick (more is better!) and actually causes ingrown hairs
- it's less wasteful because you're not throwing away all that plastic that the cartridges are built with, and the packaging they come in

you are playing into the hands of the jew by buying these plastic face dildos. switch to a DE and save money and feel like a man again.

any wisdom to share, Sup Forums?

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take the technology pill user

If you live somewhere warm and live in a shit apartment you should just buy an RV and live in that. Used they aren't that expensive and alot of RV parks give you really cheap monthly rates. Also everyone with an RV is conservative and they are all packing heat

yeah heres one: medication for your autism

I've seen people who do this. It's not an enviable lifestyle. RVs aren't meant to be lived in for extended periods of time.

>tried safety razor
>now i shave monthly
>better try straight razor
>only once a month and a treat
>din'don'do gon'gang'up'on'old strop n' stone n' all'dat

>plastic toys and disposable goyims

Real men shave with a straight razor.

>inb4 some neckbearded numale cuck thinks he's a man because of the scraggly pubes on his face

The absolute peak of mobile phone technology, GOAT.
Small, practical, looks super cool, and none of that smartphone shit. Only downside is that there may be no signal when you're innawoods.

Safety razor is a no-brainer.

Literally the worst option by every metric.

agreed. I have not bothered trying yet but once I run out of blades I'll try one of those next

Can you imagine how it must have felt seeing one of those for the first time? Growing up watching Star Trek, and living to see a piece of their technology exist in real life? It must have been mind-blowing.

Those are fast and convenient but don't do a close shave and are hard on your skin.

Next time my date has a scanning electron microscope I'll be sure to waste an hour shaving "properly".

These seem to be the only available razors where I live, are they any good? Safety razors aren't popular here so there aren't many choices.

You mean like the ipad was for current generation?

That's fair. I find the convenience worth it. Also, there are ways around hurting your skin.

Those are actually highly rated as the best ever many places.

Good Goy Tier: Disposable
Normie Tier: Electric
Patrician Tier: Safety Razor
Fedora Tier: Straight Razor

So thats where the trailer park white trash meme came from.

Redpilled people doing redpilled things.

Back then whites who think they're being jewed decided to go cheap on living and now they be doin the same.

They dont get past middle school education either cos those be jew tricks trying to genocide whites.

You don't need to use soap or shampoo every time you shower. It's just not necessary. Obviously you'll save money by using less.

The biggest red pill is you don't need to consume as much as you think you do, and that goes for everything pretty much.

This works. My blades last for 3-5 months.

there's a lot of brands and I don't think they vary much. you can't order some online? I use Merkurs.

I want to make a similar move... sick of my goyPhone. been thinking some shitty Nokia brick?

Great, they are still cheaper compared to gillette cartridges

You're shaving your hair not trying to get silky smooth ends..... Who gives a fuck if it mangles the shit out of it.

The Communicator was much more iconic than some fictional tablet computer. It played a major role in an extremely well-known show.

They're made from grorious nippon steel, what do you think?

Its not as close and the stubble looks thicker you disgusting pisstained leaf

oh that's another one. I don't shampoo either. the natural oils are good for your hair. might be different for girls with long hair, but for a guy there's pretty much no reason to shampoo unless you're fighting some kind of chronic head fungus.

They're well made but extremely sharp. Would pair well with a Chinese TTO like pic or a Lord 3 piece.

DE safety razors are babby's first redpill

It's better to get a shavette

But the true redpill is getting an actual razor and doing things the right way.

ingrown hairs, you fucking leaf. ever wonder why your neck looks like it has herpes?

While I'm not saying it's straight out of star trek, I think everybody my age (20-24) remembers the very first time they ever used an iphone or an Ipod touch. It was just so fucking remarkable.

Guys the thing is I fucking hate apple too. But when the Iphone came out it was just so fucking far ahead of every other phone platform it was insane. It was like going from dial up to broadband all over again.


I've never gotten one.

still good to use a dry shampoo like cornstarch. you want to get the old oil off your scalp without entirely stripping your hair of natural oil.

I usually pluck my neck hairs off with an epilator so I don't get ingrowns

Redpill me on mp3 players Sup Forums, I use a 128gb iPhone since I'm autistic about keeping the same iTunes library I've had for 7 years

same. They're pretty much the reason we have tablets today.

Are you really that salty still that your shitty comic didn't take off here, Mike?

I remember the first time I used an iTouch. I was impressed, but I'd seen Blackberries and it didn't seem like such a huge jump to add a touchscreen. Remember, iPhones weren't that great early on. They barely did more than other smartphones of the time. The app store is what changed that, and it took a while to catch on.

>LIGHT pressure only
>find the angle that works for your beard density
>use a quality soap, no canned shit (taylor of old bond street have great lather and scents)

The Superior Shave is a good resource for razors, the owner uploads shots of the products so you can choose exactly which one you want, it's great choosing the razor with the wood grain pattern that you find most aesthetic.

you dont need to shampoo if you have short hair, I remember not using it for like a few weeks or months? I cant remember,n ow that I have long hair its a most every few days.

Das nasty. Water doesn't remove most dirt and oil. Just use the soap, it's cheap.

I get dollar shave club razors so I spend $1 per month on 5 blades. $12 per year on 60 blades. I'm cool sticking with it forever

>But the true redpill is getting an actual razor and doing things the right way.
Tbh I only went with DE razors because it's like 10x cheaper. The razor itself was like $4, free shipping and the blades were like $15 for 200.

yeah you gotta make your own lather. none of that EZ-cheeze aluminum can nonsense.

>blades were like $15 for 200
Also I feel like I should add that it's been over 6months and I've used like 5 blades, lol.
Literally a lifetime supply of blades for $15.

I also used them they are the sharpest and with the best quality. I paid 40 bucks to get them delivered to Canada but you get a huge package, as long as it is from Japan and 1 blade lasts 3 uses. 2 if you have thick facial hair like Ben Affleck.

I have used feather for nearly 2 years. GOAT tier.

You still remember the guy who drew those comics told you to go fuck that flabby whore you call mother and go stab your jugular vein with an ice pick?

how sad

Youre retarded. has them and they only cost a few bux. Free shipping on orders over $50.

>cartridge razors
yeah they are a scam, and not knowing any reasonable alternatives exist because of no ads and such, most people fall for this shit (as did i)
even our mandatory military service gives out some shit cartridge razors, while an alternative would probably be a lot cheaper.

>1 blade lasts 3 uses. 2 if you have thick facial hair like Ben Affleck.
Hair really isn't durable enough to fuck up titanium plated steel, dry your shit better you retard it's just rusting out.

You're a meme now

nah, blades get dull after a handful of uses. you don't want to be shaving with a dull blade, even if it still "works". it fucks up your skin.

Since we're on the topic of hygiene, pic related.

Hydrogen peroxide is better than regular mouthwash. It's a bit cheaper, and actually whitens your teeth too. It leaves your mouth feeling cleaner, but you use it before you brush not after.

It's safe to use, it says right on the bottle it's ok to use as a mouth wash.

They don't get that dull, usually it's just calcium buildup on the blades which you can get rid of by soaking them in vinegar.


>soaking razors in vinegar to save a few cents

Do something else with your life

id recommend buying a 'test bag' or something with a number of different razor brands

i remember i bought a bag with like 25 different brands/models for like 15$

of the 25 i found that astra blades work best for me. bought 100 of them for like 8$

feathers were too sharp for me

keep your water bottle after use and refill and put in the fridge instead of buying some new water.

Try the Alexa-pure Pro water filter for even better results. Its terrific, i mean you gotta have one, believe me.

>an hour

> iTunes
matches the flag

yeah, I've used this as a spot treatment on canker sores in my mouth and it helps them heal.

Sorry I don't have face pubes.


>It's a bit cheaper, and actually whitens your teeth too
Speaking of which, most 'whitening' toothpaste is just super abrasive - it takes off some of the top of your tooth enamel thus making them appear whiter.

Every Malayfag is Mike, fuck off back to your Patreon nigger

>keep your water bottle after use and refill and put in the fridge instead of buying some new water.
>drinking endocrine-disrupting plastics
Nigguh just get a glass drink bottle and be permanently free.

My blade of choice. Oldfag here. Started shaving with an ancient Gillette that my dad gave me, then the Sensor came along. I just switched back last year. Williams soap, my Merkur razor, and Clubman Bay Rum.

>not being a proto-jew

Not worth all of the work fucking around keeping them sharp.

Wrong. Three blades are optimal.
>Sup Forums - Shaving and shaving accessories

Fountain pen as opposed to disposable pens.
Ink is cheap as fuck and you can customize it. Better for the environment too.

Someone cant use a straight razor

You know, Mike's advises are pretty damn good for sensitive nigger lovers like you.
Keep those in your head whenever you dare to reply to any malaysian posters from now on, boy.

Go fuck your mother.

How bad are these, really? I kind of don't have any other option.

My father had this phone until 2005 I think

Unless you have long woman hair you don't need to use shampoo daily or not at all.
Shampoo is a jew product.

i'm an avid Dr. Bronn guy myself. fluoride free and doesn't get all fluffy and fizzy like Crest and whatever other goypaste you find at most stores

>I kind of don't have any other option.
we just laid out two better options for you.

Those are for shaving your head, not your face

I use this personally. Doesn't do anything bad to the skin. Also if I want a super clean shave I combine it with a razor. Leaves ZERO stubble and irritation. I put some almond oat lotion on my face and it feels good.

Feather makes two things: razor blades and surgical knives, so while whatever one is saying is true that they are amazing they are also INCREDIBLY sharp, more so than regular razors so if you are just starting off you might want to work your way up to this so you don't turn your face into hamburger meat.

I'd suggest German Merkur blades to start those were great or Astra is good too.

membunuh diri

most cheap blades stop working cause the blades get bent the wrong way.

if you run the blade along your forearm in the opposite direction. (dont cut yourself)

it will straighten the blades out and you can use it again..


Bic crystal pens cost almost nothing and work great.
Fountain pens are scratchy, uncomfortable, non-portable, and messy.
I've been there anons. Never again.

I'm on your side but you have to be a fucking Downie if you shave for an hour.

I use them, my dad uses them, and my granddad uses them. None of us have ever had problems. They work fine.

>Buying pens

Why? I haven't bought a pen since high school. Are you that much of a NEET that free pens with some business's name on it don't just show up in your life?

>google translate will solve my problems
you are so fucking pathetic no wonder Mike kept telling you to go off yourself

Straights are only fedora tier if you do it because you think it will impress women.

OP please share where you buy your shave gear so we can all save.

There are people on a certain popular website who literally make their own lather. Where do they get the time?

Meant for

Don't buy the Chinese shit.

I am able to read, but is the benefit worth a lot of effort? What are the long term problems?

My granddad is dead, but all men in my family use them.

I switched to double-edged blades 10 years ago. I bought a used Gillette razor on ebay and 20 packs of Feather razor blades from Japan for $40. The best shaves I've ever had, and I still have two packs of blades.