Apparently we have allies:
Unironically activated my almonds.
Other urls found in this thread:
We've already had threads about this
>inb4 cuck
I genuinely think if we breed the stupid instincts out of blacks and free them from welfare and the democrats they can reach the same intellectual level as whites
This being said, if we give them s group to blame, say the Jews that are behind all the violence they commit to each other, they'll stop blaming whitey
Sounds like we don't have much to lose by promoting this.
this amount of threads has me concerned.
I would be 100% for allying with black nationalists, but only if I could actually find some who's endgame is to form a black ethnostate in Africa and return there.
I am now highly suspicious of subversion. You fucking kikes. You ruin everything.
The jews are responsible for it, though.
See here.
We are allying with them to crush our mutual oppressor
>converting africans from abrahamic religions to african ones
Just a reminder: It is possible to redpill other races about the Jews without sucking their cocks.
What could Jews even do if every race teamed up against them?
I would think that's the only endgame.
Not gonna lie, i'm shilling a little. But only because I lurk all day everyday and never heard of this until now.
im on the fence. There seems to be substance there. But I am very weary. If you want to help them, keep it to 1 thread a night or it looks hebrew
>a fucking swede
The only one sucking black cock here is you Sven.
They can't reach the same level, but through setting up strong fascist black men, we can get them to stop chimping out and get them to be respectable at least.
You can remain totally nigger tier your whole life and respond impotently to each news cycle.
Or you can start playing fucking chess.
This is the way. Don't suck their dick. But signal boost
>who's endgame is to form a black ethnostate in Africa and return there.
That's what Hotep is all about, it's basically the alt-NOI
>Africa and return there
Haha not so fast white boy. You brought the blackies here, and they are here to stay. Deal with it, you pooped where you eat. Dumb!
My bad, i'm phone posting and only saw one thread and it died.
1. fork on the left
2. don't speak ebonics
3. please and thank you
How do you know this? Do you talk about the Jews while sucking on Ahmed?
We should use them for grunt work but we can't let them be part of our movement.
It could be a trojan horse.
>together we stand apart
What is our grunt work and how can they do it if they're not with us?
There is potential for racial uplift in the American negro. They were on the right track until the 60s, then (((civil rights))) happened, set them back a hundred years, and now they're trapped in tribal welfare ghettos.
How naive you are, young child. The Jews are behind everything.
>kikes pushing for civic nationalism
Are we uniting against the jews? Because that's basically why there is so much race baiting right now. To keep everyone diverted from killing and eating the (((rich))
It's like Louis Farrakhan-tier shit.
I like it and find it amusing, but at the end of the day he's still a nigger.
Black and White nationalists will always agree with each other when the chips are down. The progressive liberal stalemate does neither side good, it only benefits a small class of elites.
They are not our allies. We don't need blacks, they need us.
It's clearly ethno nationalism being discussed. Did you even read the article you stupid nigger?
Nice digits btw. Czech these ^
Hotep wont chimp out over getting called nigger goy....
just an FYI
Cool story Rabbi
Hotep only need themselves...but have at will fighting for Israel they next 100 years goy
The whole point is their movement is based on racial self reliance and NOT relying on whitey to take care of them.
Read the article! Reeeeeeeeeeeee!
If you give niggers an inch they take a mile. I'm going to say no on this one. Also sage, we already had this discussion, so that would make you a disgusting shill.
Domesticating the American nigger again would free them from the jew chains and give them a real chance to join society instead of destroy it for the jew. I would like to see them free from the jew and join in on cramming the ovens full of jews for real this time.
We all need to come together and make the eternal jew extinct.
nothing to see there slick but check these
so you want blacks and whites to have mixed kids, just get rid of jews ok civic nationalist
What, so we help them only for them to stab us in the back again?
Faggot cuck faggot cuck faggot cuck faggot cuck fagot cuck
the truth is that americans ought to get blacks on the ethno-nationalist more than anyone else - eg hispanics
blacks have a history in the us, while hispanics and newer immigrants don't
uniting over this: and the JQ is all that is needed.
i would go as far as to even suggest that we go beyond helping them and actually run some shit to get proper ethnat ideaology, politcal infastructure, and media off the ground for them
it would be so much easier to get the niggers on board than our own destitute folk
wheather or not their movement ultimately suceeds or produces fruit is one thing: but the advantage of us winning them to ethno-nationalism and anti-jewery is enough to destroy (((the narrative)))
Quote where I said breed with niggers. Go on. Do a nice screenshot and everything.
Dumb fucking kike.
Who said anything about helping them? The whole point of their movement is they need to go back to helping themselves because taking gibs and virtue signals isn't getting them anywhere.
God save Niggerdom.
you talk about uplifting blacks so they live with whites
mixing will occur by this, do you not understand?
civic nationalists will create more race mixes than liberals
They tried this in Australia and it just made a mongrol race. It doesn't work. Whites need to find a white woman and stick with her.
No they need to go back to Africa and live a tribal lifestyle.
If we keep them around its only a matter of time before they revolt on us again.
>he didn't read the article.
Basically this.
I don't think he was referring to race mixing. I think he meant encouraging respectable blacks to dominate their culture as opposed to the bix noods and commies.
black american nationalists just want to mix with whites, every black man i've met wants white puss, they hate their race.
living with blacks just means you are going to have a bunch of race mixing, which civic nationalist whites have no problem with. such cucks. sad!
Quote where I said live with whites. Go on. Get a nice screenshot and everything you stupid fucking kike.
I said join society, not join humans. Niggers can build their own little areas of towns again and be segregated like they were before when they were happy and productive. Try asking instead of reading between the lines you idiot jew kid. You jump to conclusions and bait like a liberal. I bet you're one of those shitstain Argentinians that actually think they're white.
So civic nationalism then? No thanks we already tried that. Blacks will always be a burden and make our nation far less competitive then our competition. Not to mention they're dangerous. Sorry but white nationalism is the only solution to make this country prosperous and safe again.
This article is one of the most retarded things ive read today.
A decent summary of this would be
>Tired of far left blacks asking the white guy for everything
>They want a place for blacks by blacks
>They want to teach their own
>They want to police their own
>They want their own nation be governed by themselves
None of these things are wrong by themselves, but I raise issue with the fact that it means absolutely nothing to the far right. and all of these things they want can be accomplished by leaving. What is best case scenario for them going all the way? US cedes territory or segregates the country, how about uppity niggers just leave and be done with it.
What so we can have intelligent blacks to compete with? That's even worse. We don't need them.
As mentioned earlier ITT, that's the endgame. First they need the sense of self reliance necessary to facilitate such an endeavour. As it stands they are predominantly reliant on us, they know this, and they hate us for it.
At the end of the day, as mentioned in the article, it's about fostering self reliance and small government. THAT is the real goal for mankind, where we go with it is hard to predict.
Jesus Christ. He's literally arguing for segregation and the poster you're responding to is saying we should look work together on ethno-nationalism.
Like I said before in this thread, this a new version of the shit Louis Farrakhan was saying. They wanted nothing more than to not live among whites, but they had the same Sup Forums ideas when it came to the JQ.
Is this bait or are you just fucking retarded.
if they join society, they are eventually going to move back in with us. all civic nationalism means is race mixing until we're all brown. i wish you could see that.
"Yes goy, fall for the divide and conqueror tactics"
Dude, we could just give them some shitty states in the south, no?
Also this is such a based quote:
The far-left blacks want to cry for white acceptance from so-called white supremacy. They want white awards at white award shows and white pity. Hotep wants nothing to do with these moral victories as you cannot build a nation upon a foundation of emotions.
This conversation is fucking over you degenerates.
I started the first thread. Glad it's well received and someone else continued the conversation.
I'm officially in charge of the white race from here on out. I'm the only one who can play chess, apparently.
You fucks await my next command.
/next hitler out
If we help them build a stronger civilization they could become a threat to us one day. Better we move them back to Africa and let them live a tribal lifestyle like the natives. We could have something like reservations in Africa specifically for blacks like we have for American Indians here in the states.
We brought them here and they have been here since the inception of the country. All things considered, they are as American as apple pie.
Sorry, but they just arent Africans.
The article specifically talks about not race mixing.
You better come up with a better idea than segregation than. Because shipping them back to Africa or muh genocide arent real things.
You say it like the Jews aren't doing it, but we're just using it as an excuse, when the Jews are actually doing that.
Kill yourself Redditcuck.
These nigger nationalist threads have been shitting up Sup Forums for too long.
yeah man, we should mix with them and create a new american race, right my civic nationalist friend?
There is no strength to be gained from blacks, they're an enormous burden. We're better off giving the jobs we'd give to them, to our fellow white brothers and sisters.
Lmao. Maybe once the ignorance and bestial nature has been bred out of them they will form an African Ethno-State ala Gaddafis vision and they will be greatest ally. We all saw what the jews thought of Gaddafis vision for Africa after all.
oh wow, so one black guy says he is proud of his race.
farakhan's grandsons have white girlfriends, i take black "nationalists" about as seriously as i take "secular" muslims.
all them blacks want is white women, and they know they have to play cool to get them. every black man who goes republican just wants the white puss and you guys hand it over like candy if he votes a straight R ticket.
>Dude, we could just give them some shitty states in the south, no?
Fuck no, you want to give them some red state?
No, we should create a black ethnostate, potentially somewhere in the deep south, and strongly encourage them to move there. Then we can subsidize the whites to move back into the rest of the US and subsidize white breeding programs.
We are going to ship them back to Africa. That or outcompete them economically until they self deport. That seems unlikely though since niggers have such little agency.
Wow. Makes great points. Hey, the Jews win by making strategic alliances. Why not whites? This could revolutionize race relations in a way that would fuck the left permanently. At the end of the day we're all better off if the blacks get their shit together.
Nobody said we don't go back and make the American nigger, and mulattos, extinct after we have a chance to rebuild a nation the Jew had them and women destroy. After all, they would be complacent with their renewed independence.
Then the Jew and the nigger would be gone, I doubt wetbacks and sandniggers would stick around to see which one is next. Think long term opportunities. I wish you would see that. We won't just wake up and be able to go WWII to save the white race and culture.
>Shipping them back to Africa
Counter-productive. They wouldn't assimilate well in the culture and it would only breed more global conflicts.
American blacks are more like whites than they'd care to admit.
I think when all is said and done, the blacks should be given a portion of the nation to have as their own. Maybe give them the west coast. Their bodies do better in the sun, and that region would be largely empty anyway, after we purge the globalists.
Shalom friend, you have shown me the light, clearly we should just encourage them to be better right? I mean it hasn't worked out so far, and its actually gotten worse, much worse, but hey we cant create a civic nationalist society without them right?
Aren't Hotep are against racemixing?
I saw Hotep retweet "WTF I LOVE BLACKS NOW"
Praise Kek! Surely they embrace Kek, right guys? After all, THEY WUZ KANGZ N SHEEIIT.
Sure? Maybe we can give them.... Alabama. Or Mississippi.
>teaming up with another race of people to take down a common enemy somehow equates to racemixing
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
They would be against that as much as us. They're the black version of us. They don't want mixing, they just want their own freedom.
That's not unreasonable.
They can have Detroit or something
More like greatest threat, fuck off somewhere else with your civic nationalism. We don't need blacks. Period.
>potentially somewhere in the deep south
>the only place where noncucked american whites still exist
Civic nationalist fags are fucking retarded
Big time
OK, fair enough. If you think they are lying I dont possess the ability to refute it just pointing out they said directly against it.
Sure we are buddy sure we are.
Are you fucking dense. The whole thing is talking about self policing. We arent going to do anything. This is them saying they should stop trying to fit into the white mans world and take care of their own people. It requires nothing of us.
No, we separate entirely and let them run their own ethnostate. I feel like we can part with a couple of states. Most of the south is already overrun anyway.
I've read that many of them go for white women, so no.
By extinct you mean ethnic cleansing of blacks and mulattos? what about quadroons
Yeaaaa! Michigan and Cleveland. What do you say?
>once the ignorance and bestial nature has been bred out of them
Colonists tried in Africa. It cant be bred out.
exactly this. most black nationalists are full of shit and will abandon their race the moment some fat white mudshark pays them any mind.
what a useless race blacks are, and here you civic nationalist cucks want to mix with them...sad!
>We don't need pissed off naturally built soldiers as our allies
what did he mean by this?