How is it possible for a christian to be anti-semitic?

How is it possible for a christian to be anti-semitic?

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It's a good question.. I still don't understand it... but it goes both ways.. How can a Jew hate a Christian?

Such a divide leaves me without a home, so I worship YHWH in the dark, and hope for days of David and Solomon to come soon.

atheism is the only redpill for whites. and luckily most europeans are already that, or moving towards it.

christianity is kike religion, paganism seems like it is for neckbeards

Jews reject Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. They will burn for all eternity.

it's very possible
i like muslims more than jews
i do drugs with them a fair amount

Atheists are Liberals

Fuck OFF

I don't know, but anti-semitism is on the rise.
Just the other day a group of BREXIT racists were with some sort of propane tank in front of Swindon synagogue, the Rabbi came out to talk and was gassed right on the spot.

Funny how all of Western Civ. was the most uncucked and wise to Jews when it was almost entirely Christian yet now that it is to a large degree much more atheist it seems to be on the verge of ethnic and social collapse.

Go peddle your bullshit on Plebbit, cocksucker.

I bet you dye your hair a bright color to scare fascists away too

To the Church in Philadelphia
…8I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name. 9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you. 10Because you have kept My command to endure with patience, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.…

Although several ancient cities bore the name of Philadelphia,[6] this is definitely the one listed among the seven churches by John in the Book of Revelation.[7] Philadelphia is the sixth church of the seven (Revelation 1:11). A letter specifically addressed to the Philadelphian church is recorded in (Revelation 3:7-13). According to this letter, the Philadelphian Christians were suffering persecution at the hands of the local Jews, whom Revelation calls "the synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 3:9). The city's history of earthquakes may lie behind the reference to making her church a temple pillar (Revelation 3:12). Permanency would have been important to the city's residents.

Aside from the peculiar fact that Smyrna was warned of temptation lasting "ten days" while Philadelphia was promised a total exemption from temptation, Philadelphia shares with Smyrna the distinction of receiving nothing but praise from Christ. This explains why modern Protestant churches sometimes use "Philadelphia" as a component in the local church's name as a way of emphasizing its faithfulness.

Lol no

He's correct... overwhelmingly liberal.

who invites the refugees in? it is mostly christian social services.

by the way, most of the leaders of nationalist parties in europe are atheists. and i would be willing to bet trump is secretly an atheist who said he was christian to win conservative votes.

Christians have been anti-semitic since around 554ad
first jewish expulsions from europe.

The jews killed Jesus, theerefore, we must kill the jews

god himself is antisemite. "fuck that kike, crucify him!"

since when in conor mcgregor a jew?

Easily you pleb Kikes are Pharisees, so are the enemies of any true Christian

muslims/arabs are semites. you're not making any sense.

>he doesn't like doing drugs in alleyways with niggers


He's a Western Kabbalist.. Totally in-tune with everything around him and will not let someone else define it... There is a hidden in plain sight American religion, and he practices it.

>kill our Lord and Savior
>say he's burning in semen in Hell
>call us dogs in their holy books
>expect us not to hate them
You're right. It doesn't make any sense, and that's ignoring their importance to Communism, degeneracy, and white genocide.

Ask a Lutheran.

They don't talk about it in public, but Lutherans are the biggest Jew hating Christians out there.

Wonderful book that Luther wrote after the 95 thesis

Show methe ver se that says i have to love jews in particular. Must be new testament.

the kikes killed christ


It is with the great love of our neighbor that we call to court the ones who cause the suffering of God's people. It is a relationship. "Anti-semitism" as it is known should not be a concrete thing. People should be held accountable for their impact on others. There is no anti-___ in that. It's called Love.

well they did betray Jesus after all

I've always found it funny how much American Christians suck up to Jews and some literally think they'll only get to heaven if they defend Israel and go on about Judeo-Christian values when talking about their own culture

You are retarded

Very interesting. I am surprised that no one has called you a "nose" yet. But maybe they just can't see where you are coming from.

What is it like to be apart of the worst race on earth? I don't hate you for no reason, I genuinely hate you for all the evils you have put my country through.

Talmud is not a 'holy book'

no evidence jesus was even a real person

he was likely just cooked up as a story to influence the court systems of that time.

I'm not "Jewish". I'm probably 90% German/Polish and 10% Yiddish..

>when it was almost entirely Christian

Yeah thats not even remotely true, albeit the Christians were more wise to jews in the beginning because they were a reactionary form of Judaism which tried to treat the cancer of their folk through major divisiveness and reforms, Christianity in itself still had and has the Achilles heel of being spawned from the Torah and from jewish law, so inevitably as it spread out and as people begin to reform the reformation it became steadily more jewish.

Martin Luther was originally not anti-semitic because he had never read of the Talmud, eventually Christians forgot about their hatred. The Jew, on the other hand, never forgets.

Ideally we should go back to our Indo European roots, but if Christianity can be used to BTFO the jews then i have no issue with it. Christianity still will always have this achilles heel though.

That said its still not perfect.

Revelation 2:9 (KJV)

"And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."


Jews literally hate Jesus for not matching the Messiah written in the Torah, and Jesus hates the Jews for literally being Satan-worshiping usurers who stole the name of his tribe in order to disguise themselves.

Look up Jesus' treatment of the Pharisees. Then consider the part where he literally destroyed a bank. What kind of Jew would destroy a bank? Be real with yourself.

They do not follow the christ. Thus they aren't my problem. I don't care for these people.

our ancient roots would be atheism then, as paganism was cooked up just like christianity

i respect it as part of the past, but there is no reason to dumb down the population.

That makes you a mischling. You're still not white though you could have children who could be considered white. That said people like you should only have a minimal amount of children while the more pure should have more, but then again thats mostly a fantasy isn't it?

I do enjoy Jewish mysticism, though.. Just can't hang with the Christian or the Jewish crowd... I don't fit in to either. So I worship YHWH in the spirit of David and Solomon.

>Matt 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 saying, “The followers of Sola Tora and the Talmudists have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. 3 Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice. 4 They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them. 5 All their works are performed to be seen. They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels. 6 They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues, 7 greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation ‘Rabbi.’ 8 As for you, do not be called ‘Rabbi.’ You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven. 10 Do not be called ‘Master’; you have but one master, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you must be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
>13 “Woe to you, Sola Tora's and Talmudists, you hypocrites. You lock the kingdom of heaven before human beings. You do not enter yourselves, nor do you allow entrance to those trying to enter.
>15 “Woe to you, Sola Tora's and Talmudists, you hypocrites. You traverse sea and land to make one convert, and when that happens you make him a child of Hell twice as much as yourselves.
>23 “Woe to you, Sola Tora's and Talmudists, you hypocrites. You pay tithes of mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and fidelity. [But] these you should have done, without neglecting the others. 24 Blind guides, who use kosher salt to season your bacon!
>25 “Woe to you, Sola Tora's and Talmudists, you hypocrites. You cleanse the outside of cup and dish, but inside they are full of plunder and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Talmudists, cleanse first the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may be clean.

>nitpicking a post over trivial details
Reddit, is that you?

But seriously, I didn't know that since I'm not Jewish.

24 When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You shall bear the responsibility.” 25 All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” 26 So Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged and handed Him over to be crucified.

>How is it possible for a christian to be anti-semitic?
jews dont accept jesus
jews consider jesus a false messiah
jews were responsible for death of jesus
in bible jesus talks about jews in the temple being thieves

>our ancient roots would be atheism then,

Religion predates athiesm, so no. Athiesm in itself is a sort of religion if you want to go down that more esoteric root of ontology.

Jews are arrogant pricks that believe themselves to be the "Chosen" and therefore have a right to infiltrate and destroy us, as Gentiles are lesser beings

Christians should be anti-semitic out of self defense


Of course. Chrsitianity is an inherently antisemetic religion, in such that the jews now are no longer the chosen people due to their bad behavior and refusal to follow christ/assimilate into the white collective. Why else did Jesus call jews the followers of the synagogue of satan, and paint the jews as those responsible for jesus's death (while limiting the responsibility of Pontius Pilate, chalking his decision up to pressure from a hostile crowd).

Paganism obviously was root in ancestor reverence

Atheists are easy to convert since most politically interested ones have a boner for science so you just need to show them the facts and statistics and they will turn redpilled, especially by just getting them to hate Muslims more than Christians, like Molymeme and all the other increasingly racist Libertarian types

meanwhile American Christians think they are servants of Jews or something and believe in turn le other cheek so you can get throatfucked by Jamal next

Any Jew who hasn't converted to Christianity by now is of the synagogue of satan.

>How is it possible for a christian to be anti-semitic?
You can't be christian and a racist. Racism is a sin.

I'm not a mischling, bub.. I'd probably be high in the German ranks because of favorable German/Polish admixture. Higher in status than you, that's for sure.

Neither am I, but God did not write the Talmud.. It's debate between Rabbis.. Anyone can figure that out by reading wikipedia

not really, you think we evolved an instantly believed in odin or whatever? nope, we were atheists long before religion was cooked up. do you think the animals believe in god? no of course not, don't make stupid statements.

not really, paganism refers to specfic gods and claims those gods are what control the natural world. ancestor worship would be something more like the chinese do.

i'm all for ancestor worship, but we don't need to incorporate the silly stuff into it. just let it be secular.

>High German ranks

You'd still be considered a mischling, bub. Even if you did have only 10% (which i'd like to see your 23 and me to prove it) you would still be considered less than white than those around you. You'd still be considered "white" but not "as white" if you get the meaning.

Jesus Christ Varg. You really LARP on pol too? Your diatribe is not only demonstrably and provably false, all anyone has to do is use fucking Wikipedia for 5 minutes, but your assessment of Christianity "letting in" the brown hordes is 100% the product of the breakdown of traditional Christian social tenets; in other words the path to atheism.

i never been to a church were they said we must defend Jews.
you've been watching to much Evangelical TV shows and reading what are government does for israel.

>giving corporations your DNA to "prove" what your family records stemming back 400 years already do...

Grandmother is half Jewish, not full.. so my father was not a Jew. Not a mischling. Why do you think Aryans were sent to die in the war? Why was Hitler NOT Aryan?

Give it some serious thought..

Yeah my family is from a village a day's hike from Trump's side. You can stop being an idiot now

again, atheists have not done anything to bring in more non-whites, while you guys have because they are your spiritual brothers

i don't like pagans or christians as i feel they would both hold us back. good thing most whites are becoming atheist and nationalist and ready to get away from the bullshit and get to the moon.

>Anyone can figure that out by reading wikipedia
Once again, nitpicking, but this time with condescension. And you say you're not Jewish or a reddit user? Doubtful.

> Love all beings and present the other cheek
> Mount crusades and slaughter non-believers while you're at it
I think that I see a patern here...

Shit tier logic. Animals can't be atheist because they never believed in the possibility of God in the first place. The idea you're trying to express sounds something similar to Thomas Carlyle's Hero-Worship.

>do you think animals believe in God

Thats.. actually up for debate interesting enough, in terms of the overall mental activity of certain animals. For instance Eliphants have a ritualistic mode of death where they grieve and "bury" their dead. In terms of understanding greater orders (if you are a fan of Spinoza) then yes its likely some animals have a concept of the divine.

That said there have been many anthropoligcal studies on the earliest religions and its largely agreed upon that our tribal ancestors were all religious. All of them worshipped early forms of "the Gods" and had rituals just as has been observed in nature. We were never, in our own ability as cognizant beings, "non-religious", which i don't personally even think exists in the modern era, i think Nihilism and Athiesm are religions in themselves.

lol......... no, you're just an idiot that should read the wikipedia and not stormfag infographs.

Turning the other cheek was about fighting the Roman's in a way that humiliates them..

Sounds pretty fun m8. I'd honestly do it for the novelty value.

Black people can be annoying niggers, but goddamn have I heard some unique stories from cracked up homeless people.

well hero worship would probably be the best thing. we can venerate the deeds of our ancestors without giving up reason.

we can be proud whites without jesus, thor or any of that. we have real life people who should be looked up to. besides, we know how the world works, pretending that odin or yahweh is controlling all this is absurd, and i know you don't believe in either so why pretend?

nationalism can be defended on secular grounds alone - self-preservation. we don't need a decree from a higher being saying we have a right to exist.

Easily. Read the bible

>Why was Hitler NOT Aryan

Hitler didn't actually have Jewish relatives in his line, he had a member of his line marry a Jew who then became not a part of his line.

"grandmother was half jewish"

That under jewish law woud make her a Ashkenazim jew and therefore a full fledged jew. In fact since it is only through maternal lines that MRNA is passed, you have to have a jewish mother to be considered a jew. Technically, at least under jewish law, Ivanka's children are not really jews.

You on the other hand are a mishcling, you have a jewish father and are, at least genetically speaking 10-15% jewish, which is within the cut off range of 25%

>atheists have not done anything to bring in more non-whites
I'll take current American politics for 500, Alex.
>You guys
I'm not a Christian. I just hate Gaythesits.
>most whites are becoming atheist
And most whites are not having children. The atheist demographic will not breed itself into a viable future.

please, there is no evidence at all that animals believe in god. whenever we first evolved we did not have conceptions of odin or jesus. those things came long after.

and again, most of that was to inspire people and to explain things we didn't know. but now that we know how the world works, why should we delude ourselves into irrational thought? i'm not saying religion didn't serve it's purpose but it is no longer necessary.

nationalism can be defended on secular principles of self-preservation and putting your people over others.

atheism is as much of a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby

All the Jews converted to Christianity
Modern Jews are a Satanic Synagogue

Christianity has a long tradition of clashing with the kikes. Just because you're Christian doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards for scheming Jews, who often times absolutely hate Christianity and Christians.

for not being a christian, you sure do get defensive when someone critiques your religion

whites not having children has more to do with birth control and women in the workforce than atheism.

>If you kill them, they win. -Caesar

Wait, what? Incorrect.

the bible literally says that jews are the synagogue of satan, but of course you atheist wouldn't know that because you're the greatest goys and just go along with shitty memes

>whites not having children has more to do with birth control and women in the workforce than atheism.
They are usually a package deal in the current West.

No morals, no standards, no worries, no God.

Three main factions I figure

1. Complete, wholesale cognitive dissonance

2. Ignorance of history of religion from an anthropological perspective - just not knowing that Christianity rose from Judaism and that the Judeo-Christian worldview had predecessors and antecedents

2. Belief that Jesus as the Messiah was a new covenant which overwrites or nullifies the one with Abraham, or something like that, and that Jews are sorta like the beta build of Christians who refused the firmware update

It's all psychotic of course, basically just the legacy of old ass (post-Roman pre-Enlightenment) European political propoganda

Revelation 3:9

If you had just posted the verse people might have read it
Revelation 3:9
Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.

>believe in god.

God is one of many deities in existence. You athiest only ever live within a false dichotomy. Humans since the time we could ever call ourselves of our species have practiced religion, both Neanderthal and Homo Sapien had religions.

if you want to go beyond even what anarcho primitivists want and for us to convert back into animals, then so be it, meanwhile we on the not shitting ourselves and eating raw meat side of things will keep to our own while you go extinct for not having a central religion like all of our ancestors.

>nationalism can be defended on secular principles of self-preservation and putting your people over others.

It really can't.

>atheism is as much of a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby

Athiesm is the collective worship of hubris, hedonism, solipsism, narcissism, and nihilism. Not every variant of athiesm worships these same tenants equally, but there is still a central modality of worship among certain brands of athiests. Sorry, the only non-religious people are people who are incapable of morality. Unless you're Ted Bundy you are religious.

that is complete bullshit. whites in america are majority christian, why do they not share blame in the low birth rate?

you can have good morals and support nationalism from the secular principle of self preservation. you don't need any gods to defend that.

It's not a religion, but it is a specific, faith based, ontological perspective.

Objectively there is no reason to believe that science as we know it is the only way to order reality (see: synchronicity, synchronized chaos and it's implications for human consciousness) . Most atheists take a leap of faith to arrive at the conclusion that it is.

Jews murdered gods kid

>please, there is no evidence at all that animals believe in god

You realize there is no evidence that early man did not believe in religion, right? I mean by your own logic you are telling people to drop on all fours and give up their own soul/ consciousness to become a true beast of nature.

Well The Jews did kill the main guy christians follows so kinda makes sense.

All of you

Learn contemporary culture.

You did everything with your right hand. Everything. So when someone's facing you, and they slap, they're hitting your left cheek. This has a few meanings, but they're generally just variations of "You are a cunt."

If you turn your face and expose your right cheek, they can't slap you with the right hand. They either have to backhand you (Which meant you wanted to get into a fight with them, which would have caused all sorts of trouble) or they have to hit you with their left hand, which was a big social no-no. You literally would be treated like you were possessed if you used your left hand for anything but wiping your ass.

Turn the other cheek is more along the lines of "Put up or shut up" (which fits Jesus' generally violent nature) as opposed to letting someone hit you.

You are of your father, the Adversary, and the desires of your father you are wanting to do. He was a man-killer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, for truth is not in him. Whenever he may be speaking a lie, he is speaking of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it.

no it doesn't.

>tfw too intelligent

No such thing as "Anti-semitism". It's all bullshit.

This, if you wanted to take athiesm's denial of order a step further in saying that atheism requires the complete denial of certain syllogisms working in tandem to believe in their religion.

Which i why i usually say its simply hubris.

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn that I have loved you.
pro tip: the jews are the only religion that go to a synagogue
the bible also says that the modern jews aren't real jews, and that Israel is rightful christian clay

No, Romans wanted Jews to submit, so when they strike you... you should not submit. Turn your cheek and ask for another.

Something having to do with conflicting with Roman codes of honor. I see a lot of similarities with the Jews and the Maccabees in this story..

Also, was the Colosseum in Israel? Was it around at the time of Jesus? Incorrect.

>Technically, at least under jewish law, Ivanka's children are not really jews

Wrong, all converts are considered Jewish under Jewish law.

> you have to have a jewish mother to be considered a jew

YHWH never said that... If anything, it's He enumerates the father as the one who passes down traditions.

>you have a jewish father

Wrong again... Grandmother's father is where she got her genes.. Her mother was not Jewish. She only carried Yiddish genes who were passed to my father.

how are there so many atheist european nationalists then? it can easily be defended on the secular principle of self-preservation.

your jewish god essentially said that there is no such thing as race or gender. so it seems he would be the globalist.

atheism isn't a worship of anything.

you can delve deep into your psychobabble all you want, but the point is, if god isn't real why delude ourselves? we know how the world came into being. christianity and paganism both dispute this, and are proven wrong.

144,000%, this.

i'm not saying be a beast of nature, i'm saying that religion is not necessary for good behavior or nationalism.

what was the point of religion? it was largely used to explain things we couldn't understand. but we now understand mostly how the world works, and there's no god involved.

when in doubt, defer to occam's razor. if we can explain the world without god, then why insert something we don't need?