How long until Pence makes homosexuality illegal?

How long until Pence makes homosexuality illegal?


I would worry more about the Hispanics breeding than the homos tbqh

What was his name again?

>walking into hissy fits, temper tantrums and hysterical for no point
you're almost as bad as a leftist

When traps stop being gay

There's nothing wrong with being gay. Only making a big deal out of it and pushing it as an agenda. A lot of aspies or people with poor social skills end up gay because women are cancer who won't settle for anything but their lustful desires. They get extremely lonely and male companionship becomes special to them. I am one of them but I know that it is not good for society. It should be kept private like any other fetish. It should not be encouraged upon the youth. The culture surrounding homosexuality is embarrassing and unhelpful.

But they arent.

Mike "Fap To Traps And I'll Zap "Pence.

If Goursch is a true constitutionalist, he will oppose overturning same sex marriage.

>this post
are you me?

He isn't going to make homosex illegal, he's just going to take the hate crime status of gay bashing away

You're right, they're worse.

Are you sure?

I won't allow your god damned thai cartoons to normalize degeneracy such as turbo numales.

You have to wait at least two terms for that one.

>implying I don't lift
>implying i'm not hyper-conservative
Nice projection you have there.

Plz for the love of God find a way to reverse gay marriage. Is there any hope of this? My boss is a dyke and this would make me happier than anything else in the world.

>There's nothing wrong with being gay.

Wanna bet?

>raising kids as a homo

I am sure you do lift.


>There's nothing wrong with being gay.

Isn't it nigger's fault in the first place?

traps aren't gay

Is he going to start with himself?

proven false. they don't know anymore.

Why would he? The "convert gay people" thing is just a meme.

I thought it came out of Africa.

lol newfag cant generate a Mike Pence name

Mike "If You Are A Homosexual I'll Cure You By Running Six Trillion Volts Of Electricity Through Your Testicles" Pence will stuff queers back in the closet by 2020

Good luck enforcing

Mike 'Flamboyance is an annoyance' Pence

What's going on here?

Zap em in crapper Pence

Niggers brought it here, fags keep it here.

Mike "Limp Wrists Burnt to a Crisp" Pence

>degenerate leftist fags keep it here


So most of them, then?

Not soon enough

Yeah, just like most Romanians are gypsy scum.

I sense some deep seated cock loving repression user

"Set phasors to straight, Mr. Pence."

Maybe, but at least I'm not a cocksucker.

Wasn't that done through executive order? Can't Trump just repeal it?

Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence

Instead of sucking cocks, you suck the assholes of rats to get a tasty dessert.

He already did it in Indiana shit is great here fags cower in fear.


Trump said Same-sex marriage 'settled'. Move on.

Not soon ..He still has to dispose of the Muslims and Mexicans .. there is not enough cell space in Guantanamo

Any statistics on kids who spend their cildhoods in orphanages and then get kicked out to live as hobos?

He said he was going to overturn gay marriage.

>tfw this almost happened to you


Pence is a piece of shit who is so gay that he needs government to keep homosexuality illegal.

current runs from negative to hiv positive


And you suck on children's penises, you sick fuck.

>Freudian non-argumentation
Nice Jew tactics, fag.

Aren't the gypsies usually the rapists?