Go and google the word 'fascism' right now.
What about it? It's correct. Although I would argue that fascism doesn't need to be right-wing.
bumping for fucking justice
There's a reason it's called joogle
Or at least not synonymous with authoritarian
Here is the official Merriam Webster definition:
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
That's the point, they're trying to push it as a right-wing only thing. You can't call leftists who do those things fascists apparently
Baby's first red pill
Google is run by Jews man.
>racism loses its meaning and ability to shame people as a result of overuse
>racism is on the rise
>decide it's a good idea to do the same thing to fascism
That's the point. until a few days ago, it wasn't worded as such. In essence, we have caught (((them))) in the act of changing a negative term, as to only fit their opposing train of thought.
Funny how (((they))) dont mention the socialism part of the national socialist party.
Where is your evidence
Holy fuck that's real.
I can't wait till Trump takes down (((G**gle)))
Exactly. Plus fascism has to do with the use of violence and censorship in order to silence your political opponents.
To the simpleton this definition may as well say "basically trump"
Well I mean /lol/ LARPs this shit all the time anyways. Pic related
(((they))) call all Drumpftards Nazis. (((They))) also support violence against "Nazis." Really activates my single welfare provided almond. (I can't afford any more as my money was given to rapefugees.)
>intolerant views
people were up in arms about it three days ago, and had some "history" slides about the previous wording. just google it yourself, and look at its history. Not like such a graphic, wouldn't be easy to fake, right?
yeah but the "right wing" thing has been on there for years man. they didn't recently change that definition you just haven't been paying attention.
I recently bought a used book about fascism that was printed in the 60s. I can't wait to see what actual fascism is and not this retarded "everything i don't like is fascist" bullshit.
nigga you must be colorblind, that pill ain't red
ITT: people who have no idea what fascism is
I sent feedback telling them that facism can be left and right leaning and to stop being biased in everything they do. Did my data just get mined?
semiotic purity
literally kill yourself klaus, it's been that way for as long as i've looked up facism
It's been like this for months. They're trying to slowly brainwash us of course.
surprise kek
>Implying authoritarianism is tolerant
When will you quit larping and read a book?
I think people are overlooking the accepted and normal Merriam Webster definition:
Definition of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Fascism as a buzzword is meaningless. If the
left did something warranting the use of
"fascism," well.. their actions speak for themselves.
but fascism has always been right-wing, nothing new here
well to be honest that is the definition of the political movement of fascism
people just use it to mean any kind of authoritarianism but its specifically nationalistic and ethnic centered
well, they didn't so much "change" the definition, as they are reflecting on the usage of it by shitlibs... you know, so they can now have a hugbox and feel self-righteous because they don't have enough of that.
>every white terrorist ever
This guy invented it, that's what I know.
That's how Oxford defines it
Oh look its another cancerous episode of OP is a fag
That's been the definition for decades retard
FBI entrapment, friendo
what about the oven thing? surely that doesn't need to be in the definition of the word.
Das rite dey dindu nuffin
Google uses the Oxford dictionary for their definitions.
The real issue is why Oxford changed it. Follow the money....
Are you saying we should kick out the Jews?
how is fascism not authoritarian?
My Oxford dictionary is 30 years old and is almost word for word still the same definition
>almost word for word
which words are different?
>Republicans believe in less government interventions.
>This is somehow fascist and authoritarian.
You spelled babby wrong, faggot.
Who gives a shit? The world became a place for either being triggered, or being /comfy/ once it went to shit.
We are all slaves to 0,001% richest, no matter what we try to push it won't change.
So might as well enjoy yourself.