Jeff Sessions is our new Attorney General. So much for the states that have legalized marijuana.
Welp, smoke em' while you got em' Sup Forums
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I quit last week. Finally time to get my life back on track.
America will never be great again until cannabis is legalized.
You never know. Trump could drop a dank EO and everyone gets high
My home state, KY, legalized growing cannabis for industrial hemp. They are looking into hemp to replace tobacco as our cash crop since the industry is slowly drying up.
degenerates get the fuck out we all know recreational /=/ medical use
heil Trump
Jeff "Smoke the Dope, Get the Rope" Sessions
Jeff "No Justice Here for the Degenerate Queer" Sessions
Jeff "For Fag Repentance, I Choose Maximum Sentence" Sessions
Jeff "You Cannot Marry Another Fairy" Sessions
No they legalized hemp. They're related but hemp has crap for thc.
They're so close you can cross breed them.
That's where autoflowering weed plants came from.
Jeff "If You Get High, Prepare to Die" Sessions
Jeff "Like to Toke? I'll Make You Croak" Sessions
Fuck. Looks like I'm gonna be a criminal again.
oh shit you'll have to grow the fuck up now
he wont do shit. even if he tried, the states would just ignore him and trump would advise it left alone
Drumpf can now become the least popular president EVER
nice tumblr meme pansy faggot
you must be real hardcore up there in leafland
He has bigger things to work on
I bet he'll either do nothing, or leave it to the states
hahahahaha, faggot
>s-sorry Jamal I swear I was just k-kidding
He has already stated that he believes if the states want it legalized, then congress should just legalize it on the federal level.
Marijuana will be fully legal under Trump, totally securing the stoner demographic.
Nice wishful thinking. Sessions is one of the most anti-pot politicians this country has ever seen. Get ready for more marijuana dispensary raids.
stoners are garbage, kys faggots
marijuana has a lot of benefits for non stoners as well
its good for guided meditation and dealing with trauma
Jeff "Stoners Get Jamal Boners" Sessions
drug addicts should be rounded up and shot. If you're stupid enough to pay for a poison and want more of it you're beyond pathetic
What makes you think Republican majority in Congress would pass that? If anything, they'll make drug laws even more stringent.
I think he'll be concentrating on keeping the niggers and Soros pets in line
I hope you never drink alcohol then, because its more poisonous than cannabis
Let me guess. It's the jews?
Cannabis! It's like calling unemployed faggots NEETs
jump off a bridge
Hey I'm rooting for you man, don't default on degeneracy
If they ban weed, will they also kick all the Californians out of Colorado?
>ITT potheads claiming that their addiction is actually redpilled
Thank God that Sessions is banning the herbal jew.
>implying kikes don't want weed legal to keep whites docile and niggerlike
Riiiight, while pharma maplecucks like you drink and drive and snort pills on your way to blowing a pony or sheep or whatever they allow up there these days.
That's what it is called, idiot
please never pass on your retarded genes to future generations
Mr. "take my weed, prepare to bleed, Alaskan.
eat shit weedcucks
get destroyed BY THE WHITE MAN
>Im on the internet instead of working
>Im lounging about instead of working
>Im banging your mom while you are working
Banning a substance because you think its degenerate really shows your inferior intelligence. You want people to work you give them a reason to care about society. The days of propaganda and strong arming the little guy is over.
good job user, keep it up.
Frig off kikes
Mr. "take my pot and you'll get shot" Alaskan
You must be smoking weed because nobody in this thread is doing anything you just said
please crawl in a hole and die
Proofs? He has publicly stated support for federal legalization
lol, delusional faggotry. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
oh right, weed! Your only hobby
singapore: it works!
when will the crackheads learn?
Why do people get so unreasonably mad over weed? I understand not liking it, stoners are fucking disgusting. But this thread is actual salt
if he goes after medical Trump will lose 2020. Too many people are in favor of medical.
Mr. "take my grass, taste my brass" Alaskan.
That's nice
i came to post this
feds have no power here
we've been decriminalized since the 70's, and we have this too
because they're right wing retards
The goldifsh forgetten how regressive Eric Holder was?
I don't even smoke weed fool
You must have lots of friends
yeah, nobody actually cares about medical weed dumbass, it's just as much of a manufactured consensus as immigration and gay rights. if your grandad needs weed to deal with his arthritis your grandad is a fucking stoner
I wish people nationwide could smoke the marijuana legally so all the DUDE WEED LMAO 420 BLAZE IT stoners could shut the fuck up about it
t. Jidf backpeddling shill
Irony! He thinks the 420 blazit faggotry isn't part of that retarded culture to stay
Mr. "take my bud, you'll see blood" Alaskan
>Sharia is a threat to our country! They kill women!
>Immigrants are a threat to our country, they murder innocent Americans!
>Kill all those who have ever taken one puff of weed and enjoyed it!
about 80% of the country is in favor of medical, and just over 50% are in favor of totally legalizing it.
Exactly. Nothing degenerate about weed its only the counter culture which stems from oppression. Same deal with homosexuals.
Meh, not like weed was hard to get when its illegal
> HB 69 - Exempts Firearms from Federal Regulation
they could smoke their drugs and we could treat them like we do alcoholics, degenerate pieces of shit.
>no friends, no gf, no life, has a leaf for a flag
I'd feel bad for you if you weren't such a dumb cunt
So when did nu/pol/ become inured with federalists?
Even fucking Duterte is in support of medical marijuana.
whats gonna change? will he make it illegal federally? It already is.
Found the closeted homosexual. Why don't you put the Molson Export down and worry about your Trudeau problem, you fucking nigger?
They've been in the echo chamber too long
Need to go outside and empty the piss jars
weed is fine but stoners are definitely fucking degenerates
just like alcohol isn't bad in and of itself but alcoholics are scum
Alaska is part of the future Northwest American Republic where cannabis is legal.
Supremacy clause of the constitution. You don't get to override federal law.
Could say the same thing about tools or religion nuts. Cant we all just get along already?
>Weed isn't degenerate
neurotoxin that induces apathy and mental illness. Now that's what I call degenerate
lol, they still fucking will. It'll be LSD and induced psychosis next
>drug addicts are this triggered
>omg, I can't learn math because I'm a nigger
>I need medical marijuana to cope!
proof that this stuttering addict is a leftist
The election cause Sup Forums to be invaded by the same people that voted for the GOP establishment every other election. They pretend like they're not just as much part of the problem as the sjw left.
because Conservatives only believe in states rights if the state law would be TAKING AWAY a freedom, not granting one. Conservatives are the party of STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE
>United States
>smoking a plant on one side of an imaginary line is ok, but on the other side sends you to jail
that's fucking retarded and I don't care if that's being a federalist. states rights is a meme. when the Supreme Court can just do whatever it wants and the states have to follow. abortion, gay marriage, weed, legal drinking age, whatever. states rights is just a facade.
Sure they are, just like they're in favor of "migrants" and dudes cutting off their dicks and putting wigs on to be their real selves. These statistics don't mean anything because everything retarded is spun to sound like it might be plausible, if you assume the absolute best
Dedicate more DOJ resources to enforcing marijuana laws which means more raids of dispensaries in states where its already legal.
No it's not you hippy.
Alberta will not be part of that alliance lel
then the degenerate can drug-addle themselves into oblivion and the non-degenerate genes will prevail. Darwinism at its finest.
>some peasant is in favour of something
wow really blowing my almonds
only problem with that map is that you'd need to purge Idaho of all current inhabitants. Too much of Idaho is full of mormons and overzealous cops trying to fund their departments by writing tickets for petty crimes.
>states rights is a meme.
Calling things you disagree with "a meme" is not an argument.
Race traitors need to be gassed.
the war on drugs already is social darwinism
>but brah, everybody should be exposed to radioactive waste so we gain immunity! That solves the problem we didn't have
Daily reminder that if you're against weed legalization you are most likely
>straight edge faggot whose ass burns at the thought of other people having fun with chemicals
>loner autist in high school that saw all the cool kids smoke weed and never got invited to any parties
>alcoholic who can't smoke weed because of his retarded tradesjob that forces him to drug test every week
>stormcuck in his mom's basement who thinks pot is a jewish liberal scheme to turn everyone gay
>former weed smoker who quit and decided pot was what made him unproductive but never realized he was a loser in the first place
There is literally no other reason why you would be against weed in the year 2017. Don't use the conservative bible-thumper excuse either - even conservative states like Montana and Alaska are pushing marijuana legalization. You're just a social outcast blaming a plant for his problems.
Doesn't matter to me. I've been openly growing my own weed for about 10 years now since I live in the middle of nowhere. I've never sold it or given it to anybody else so I've never been bothered by cops or feds. Making it illegal again is probably a good thing, it's not good to smoke that shit when you're a young man. Young men should be energetic and outgoing. Weed is for mid-life crises and retirement.
>this is what drug addicts actually believe
lel weedheads just can't give up the weed. grow up faggot, weed isn't supposed to be your life
my argument is this:
many state governments were opposed to gay marriage. you know, all the county clerks refusing to grant marriage licenses to Adam and Steve because muh religion and what have you. well guess where that opposition got them? NOWHERE. the Supreme Court banged their gavel and made gay marriage legal in all 50. what the fuck do state's right even mean when the federal Supreme Court can just overrule everything?
maybe state's rights existed in the early years of the USA. but not anymore. especially not after the Civil War. the Feds run shit now. state governments are just puppets of the Feds.
>appeal to authority
Also not an argument.