Why are so many millennials so cucked and blue pilled? Did watching 9/11 live not wake them up?
Why are so many millennials so cucked and blue pilled? Did watching 9/11 live not wake them up?
live? they were like 2 years old. It means nothing to them.
sure did for me
happened in 4th grade for me, by the time i played runescape and browsed Sup Forums i knew the fucking jews did it and already supported hitler
my political views haven't changed since i was 11-12 years old, take that however you want
t. north jersey reppin
haven't you heard the dank memes bush did 9/11
I was born in 92 so I'm pretty much smack dab in the middle of the "millennial" grouping. I was 9 when it happened so most people my age don't remember much about it if anything at all.
I remember where I was and what I was doing vaguely, but don't remember having an opinion or anything other than feeling scared about getting attacked. Also my family went on a vacation to Florida not long after because airline tickets were dirt cheap.
>Florida not long after because airline tickets were dirt cheap.
So were Floridians.
'94 baby
9/11 will always be what redpilled me
YouTube videos in like 2005 woke my young ass up real quick
I'm in my mid-20s.
When 911 happened I was still a kid watching cartoons.
Most of these faggots were not born yet or under 10yo at most.
They probably heard daddy talking shit about the dune coons and now they wanna be different then their 'stupid parents'
>1 post by this ID
Ive been called a conspiratard so much im not even bothering handing out red pills anymore.
>t. over-principled faggot going nowhere in life
Nigger shouldn't you have been at school instead of watching toons if you are in your mid 20s now?
>9/11 happens
>Get attacked
>Bunch of people die
>Media focuses more on the fact that people died, rather than the fact that we got attacked
>Mourn deeply and feel sorry for these people, the media says
>Feel sorry for people
>FEEL SORRY, not angry
>And thus Millennial's political compass is set.
I'm Australian.
I woke up to fallen skyscrapers interrupting my morning Dragonball z episode.
I was fucking LIVID. Not at dune coons, just because the episode was interrupted.
I think it was an episode in the android or cell saga?
Anyway, thankfully my parents had the balls to tell me who did it and that kids my age had died on that plane to make it real.
fuck off with your facebook cringe, you retarded newfag
Its caused by zero tolerance in schools and the internet dopamine response user. Kids getting shown zero tolerance adopt it as a natural response. The internet dopamine response is kind of explainable as "instant satisfaction". They can't handle reality and will act immediately to try and correct it, even if it means punching someone with a different mindset.
THIS. Great post brew
Gen Y is 1980-1999 = Y = Millennials = Sup Forums
Generations usually cover gaps of 20 years and have an early branch and a late branch (there are outliers). Gen Y started with the phenomenon of commonplace technology in universities and jobs (ex: Compuserve in the 1980’s up till mid 1990’s) however it didn’t become a household norm until the 2000’s (every fag having a phone/computer). To put in perspective, someone born in 1980 is still a borderline millennial. Being born in 1980 means you are only 13 years of age by 1993, in time for the election of Bill Clinton. Regular 13 year olds cannot vote, don’t have a wide range of political knowledge and most certainly don’t have global knowledge outside basic schooling simply due to the amount of years they’ve been alive. Even with modern internet speeding up this process, most kids cannot grasp onto adult material the way adults can simply due to experience alone In terms of “childhood”, it is divided into baby, toddler (walking), early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence childhood (puberty-post puberty). Now most of you fuckers barely remember anything before age 8 so anything before toddler is eliminated. When people refer to their childhood, they usually mean school age aka early-middle childhood (kids aged 8-13) because in high school they become edgy faggots that call everything older than a year their “childhood”. That’s where “childhood is composed”. Just because you watched a couple 90's cartoons and played with some colorful springs as a 10 year old doesn't mean you aren’t a millennial. Unless you’re in your late 20’s - mid 30’s, which let’s be honest, most of you fags are college students or NEETs, you cannot start using millennial like it’s a term exceptionally made for a special group of people outside of Sup Forums and irl. Every single one of you faggot dick sniffers are Millennials
I guess they are too attached to freedom.
North NJ!
9/11 was the happening of all happenings. I was in 5th grade and it was so sad.
I didn't really grasp the impact until middle/high school. RIP never forget..
kill yourself
what it do?
im 32 so was 17 at the time. I remember watching the whole thing on TV and being "this is the greatest movie americans have done yet" (on a semi-conscious level.) then through the internet the rabbit hole was ventured. honestly though, the internet has been more important to truth, justice and redpills than anything else because MSM lost its monopoly on information. it happened just in time for those that lived through the 20th century to get their information known. if it had happened 50 years later we'd likely be completely fucked as a civilization.
>Did watching 9/11 live not wake them up?
Teachers outraged by the war in Afghanistan for ten years preach to their students how Bush started the war just for oil and it was always only about oil, also how evil America is. Kids grow up thinking America were the villains, and the other guys were all good people who just wanted a leg up in life. Media also helped.
The war created a huge backlash, Trump is currently creating a backlash as they try to spin the narrative and create strange reasons for his actions in school to tell the kids, which is weird since he was created due to a backlash as well.
Maybe everything is just a series of backlashes
I have a memory of being in a crib, and being astonished at being alive, and if I recall correctly I was thinking about keys. Yes, keys you put in a lock, I must have just been thinking about that concept at the time. I remember being a toddler pushing around a ball, and smiling at my mom. I remember how messy with toys my house was. I remember that I used to roll off my bed and my parents had to put up a barrier so that I wouldn't fall down. I remember falling down the stairs a few times, my face all bloody.
Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams!
Most are not old enough to remember.
At the time many of them were 8-12 years old and not able to fathom what was happening.
Bandar Bush maybe
Millennials grew up with the kike media teaching them "we need to understand why they hate us." Notice every time the religion of peace blows up, shoots, or decapitates people, the media is quick to say we need to understand these people. They never say this about Americans who simply disagree with them.
Between the 24/7 kike media and democrap public school brainwashing, children born after the 80's were taught to hate themselves if they are white and to worship every other race. They're a generation of participation trophies and now trigger warnings. They are now young adults who on their way to queer dance theory class, if they see "Trump 2016" written on a sidewalk in chalk, they need to run to college psychiatrist to cry. If a gay tech editor from Breitbart shows up at their school to talk, they need to run to the nearest safe space room on campus with coloring books, cookies, and puppies. These people are walking, talking trash that needs to be taken out.
But the next generation is ready to help us do that: dailymail.co.uk
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Yes and we went into Iraq (our older brothers killed for OOOOOPS WASN'T THEM) and still let Saudis in, what a great job trumps generation have done
I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out that a few years after this even, the terrorists declared a "global jihad" on the west.
Think of the events of the last decade now.
Pray for Europe.
Wonder whyHonestly the neo nazis want to destroy the USA too they're just pussies.
That's like the main theme and goal of Turner diaries and their other shit
Tfw remember vividly seeing my parents freak out and seeing the CNN coverage all morning
Tfw I was 2
>children who were toddlers during 9/11 can now post on Sup Forums
Jihadists did 9/11 too.
It was a "war on terror". At least in the media anyway.
Pretty sure that's how it's still being sold today.
And it's the neo nazis of Europe that are most likely to fix this. As the fire's been rising for a while now. It's going to be hitting a boiling point.
The Nazis have never been an evil group. Just a group that's tired of too much bullshit, so they do what has to be done. Which, sadly, most can't appreciate.
>the most controversial watershed event in recent history
was it an inside job? was it terrorists? were the terrorists fighting against american interests in the ME? was it terrorists who used to be ex CIA that hate america? was it the jews?
pick all
It was terrorists. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
But, I believe the attack was allowed to happen the way it did, in order to justify meddling in the middle east.
Even though incompetence is a thing with the powers that be.
it was mossad & CIA. israel had a strong interest in creating war in iraq etc, weakening the area for expansion into greater Israel.
Because they're family trees branch out too much to be redpilled.
I actually think there was no conspiracy at all. They just got fucked.
Bush taking us into a 15 year long war is what redpilled me
and funny thing is, most people believe US lost the war of Iraq. In reality, they got what they want precisely.
I was born a few weeks after 9/11 X3
oh yeah, this is when "terrorist" and "terrorism" became a mainstream to put more surveillance on us and have more control over our records
similar to "radical islam whateverthefuck"
this magazine is older than most of you.
the WTC was truck-bombed in 93 for those who don't know.
I remember the subhumans saying that I was lying about the towers falling and then they said that it was a good thing just to piss me off.
Then when shrub came out it was all NUKE THEIR ASS TAKE THEIR GAS NEVER FORGET.
Of course, subhumans hate New York so much they elected Genovese groupie dipshit president.
they are indoctrinated with sjw and diversity shit since birth - cartoons, schooling
I keep reminding people about 9/11 and why Muslims are so dangerous to have around.
Its amazing how quick they have forgotten. But then these idiots cant remember what happened last week let alone 16 years ago.
The consumption of mass media has increased exponentially. When was the last time your saw a person who's face wasn't glued to a screen.
And you know who controls the media.
I'm sorry son, you should have seen what life was like before then. We have failed you.
woke me up to the perils of Republican national security
I hate Muslims and want them all to die, but I'm an atheist. I also don't care enough about this shit to do any more than occasionally whine on /pol.
Do you idiots really think you can change the world?
I mean all i remember from that was
>mummy where are my tendies
and then i got sent into time out.
Still think that this caused the NuH HATE REGULATION OF PIECES bullshit that is being pushed nowadays
I've been awake to the Jewish threat ever since I turned 13 and entered high school wikispooks.com
Get a tripcode obongo leaf so we can filter you out.
not gunna happen schizo leaf
Show them this video op. skip to 1:10
It's working.
what about now?
where can i get a good red pill on the jews being behind 9/11
>underage b&
What's crazy is even most people around my age(25-30) still don't ever consider 9/11 anything other than a terrorist attack carried out by Al-Queda. Oh and god help you if you say otherwise, instantly shot down as a tin foil hat wearing lunatic. Sad!
im ur age and i think that. who was it really? why do some ppl say it was the jews?
same here mate. I don't remember what I asked my Mum, but I remember nothing other than seeing the news and needing an explanation.
as pretentious as I think this shit always sounds, i think it will be a defining moment between the types of millenials when it's reviewed down the track.
I didn't read thoroughly but if that's a UK study about their generation Z I'm afraid I got really bad news for you
Brainwashing and dumbing down in schools got them hard.
So it was Mossad.